The Real Age Makeover.pdf

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RealAge ®
take years off
your looks and
add them to
your life
Michael F. Roizen, M.D.
A completely revised and
updated edition of RealAge
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This book is dedicated to my family, for their enthusiasm for RealAge and their patience
with the project. They not only help me stay young but are the reason I want to be
young. I also dedicate the book to Marty Rom and Charlie Silver, my partners in
introducing so many people to RealAge; and to all who enjoy RealAge, including the
fifty or so Makeovers who inspired this work and are living younger. May you always
have the RealAge you desire.
All case studies portrayed in this book are based on real people. Details not sig-
nificant to the use in this book have been changed to protect the identities of
the individuals involved. In some cases, two or more similar stories have been
combined into one story. Only references to my father, my daughter, and myself
should be considered clearly identifiable. Any other likenesses are purely coinci-
In certain instances, I have listed products, such as medications, by their brand
names, because that is how they are commonly known. On occasion, I have also
included the names of companies and products if I thought such information
would be relevant for the reader. To my knowledge, I have no connections to
any of the companies or brand-name products listed in this book, with the ex-
ception of RealAge, Inc., the company I helped establish for the express purpose
of developing the RealAge computer program. RealAge and Age Reduction are
trademarks and service marks of RealAge, Inc., which currently directs the Real-
Age website ( ).
This book is intended to be informational and should not be considered a sub-
stitute for advice from a medical professional, whom the reader should consult
before beginning any diet or exercise regimen, and before taking any dietary
supplements or other medications. The author and publisher expressly disclaim
responsibility for any adverse effects arising from the use or application of the
information contained in this book.
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