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The Ageless Adept
The Ageless Adept
Perfect health, long life and the fountain of youth
Copyright © 2006
All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole
or in part, or transmitted in any form, without written permission
from the author and publisher, except by a reviewer who may
quote brief passages in a review. Contact:
Photo: Los Chorros Falls, Costa Rica by Philip Coblentz (
Published and distributed by:
The Passion Profit Company
P.O. Box 618
Church Street Station
New York, NY 10008-0618, USA
Educational institutions, government agencies,
libraries and corporations are invited to inquire
about quantity discounts. Contact:
Retail Cost: $14.95
ISBN-13: 978-0-9745313-8-0; ISBN-10: 0-9745313-8-3
Printed in the United States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Seeker, A.
The ageless adept : perfect health, long life and the fountain of youth /
A Seeker, Walt Goodridge.
p. cm.
ISBN-13: 978-0-9745313-8-0 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 0-9745313-8-3 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Longevity. 2. Rejuvenation. 3. Self-care, Health. I. Goodridge, Walt
F. J. II. Title.
RA776.75.S438 2006
The Ageless Adept
“Perfect health, long life and eternal youth
are not the random genetic blessings of a chaotic or
capricious universe, but natural birthrights that can be
accessed through the mindful acceptance of simple truths,
activated by the committed practice of proven activities,
and sustained by advancement along a single known path.
This is that path.”
The Ageless Adept
The Ageless Adept
This may come as a surprise to you, but it’s entirely
possible that everything you believe to be true about food,
medicine, health, illness and aging is nothing more than a set of
subjective ideas put forth by people who really don't have a handle
on truth, don't know what they're doing, or worse, don't have your
best interests at heart—people who are playing by a faulty
rulebook or, worse, with no rule book at all.
Uninformed ideas, blind assumptions and outright lies
underlie many of the food and (increasingly prevalent) drug
commercials that air on television and radio. I’m sure you’re
familiar with many of these assumptions: that milk does a body
good; that meat is real food for real people; that cancer can't be
cured; that the common cold is inevitable; that allergies can only
be relieved not ended; that hormone levels, hair growth and one’s
vitality inevitably decrease at certain ages; and that the drugs these
companies are pushing actually heal and aren't, in fact, more
dangerous than the ills they claim to cure given the mountain of
(sometimes even fatal) side effects warned of in the disclaimers.
The sales pitches for these products start with these
assumptions as “givens” and are never challenged. As a result,
people buy into them (operative word “buy’) and continue a
vicious cycle that only ends up perpetuating the very lifestyle that
caused their ills in the first place.
The society seems to have lost a vital roadmap and is
headed off in a direction of devolution that serves nothing more
than to support the industries that profit from peddling the
products. The products allow people to believe they can maintain
the destructive lifestyles, while purchasing so-called "cures" that in
The Ageless Adept
actuality do nothing more than temporarily relieve, mask and
replace the symptoms of the diseases the lifestyles cause.
I’ve always lived my life with a healthy dose of skepticism
towards that which most everyone else takes as true. In my own
quest for truths related to health, I've met people who've actually
cured lupus, sent their cancers into remission, gotten rid of their
allergies, eliminated colds, and now live pain-free lives all based
on truths that few are addressing publicly, or worse, truths which
are lampooned, ridiculed or suppressed.
Therefore, when I read the manuscript for The Ageless
Adept , I was elated to see this brand of healthy skepticism and an
empowering self-care perspective reflected within its pages.
For those pursuing a new paradigm of health, wellness,
disease, aging and youth, The Ageless Adept offers:
- a set of stable truths through which to see the world anew
- a new understanding of nature that encourages new questions
- a method of critical analysis to arrive at new answers
- a new set of possibilities and choices based on those answers
- a common sense philosophy on which to base your new lifestyle,
all based on a foundation of essential truths which never change.
Based on the author’s own life experience, as well as
proven, research-based, factual underpinnings, it’s presented in an
easy-to-read story format that both young and “returning young”
alike can easily digest and enjoy.
The Ageless Adept exists as the new rulebook for health, if
you will; a master plan that was once lost but to which many are
now reconnecting. It contains truths you can prove for yourself.
And like all great truths, they don’t require PhDs to comprehend.
These are truths whose validity and effectiveness are accessible to
just about everyone. So it is with great pleasure that we present
The Ageless Adept to you and your children in hopes that you will
use it to find the truths that will set you free. Share it with someone
you want to take with you on this quest for perfect health, long life
and the Fountain of Youth!
The Publisher
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