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Facial Exercise
I'm going to show you five exercises for the muscles of the face and neck. These few
exercises if they are done correctly and every day will greatly improve the look and
expressiveness of your face. Since I'm not selling a facial exercise program (or anything),
I don't have to make promotional claims like - a few minutes a day and you'll see
amazing positive changes in your face in just a few weeks. Drivel like this is confusing
because in reality facial muscles and the skin covering them do not respond to easy short-
term solutions.
Unlike the skeletal muscles of the body, the facial muscles are directly attached to the
skin that covers them. (They are also attached to other facial muscles and to bone.) When
these facial muscles start to lose their tone and elasticity because of age and gravity, the
skin that is attached to them starts to sag. This of course gives the look you don't want to
see reflected back to you in the bathroom mirror.
But these exercises are not for men and women whose idea of self-improvement is to pop
a multivitamin pill or to inject Botox into the muscles of the forehead. The facial exercise
program that I advocate will require some dedication, some persistence - some work.
You'll get results from the program though. You'll like what you see in the mirror after
even several months.
Before I show you the exercises, I'd like you to study the anatomy of the face, neck, and
head. This greatly simplified course in facial anatomy will show you exactly the areas the
exercises will focus on.
The Facial Map
don't think this graphic looks too intimidating. If I had left in the names of all 46 facial
muscles, though, it would have been overwhelming. In the pages that follow I'll be
discussing these listed muscles as well as a few less important muscles. I'll also be
showing you how to gain control of these muscles, and muscle groups, and how to tone
them up.
Elaboration of Facial Map
You should work all the muscle groups of the face so that the toning up and building up
of facial muscles will be symmetrical. These are the muscle groups you'll be working on:
■The muscles that surround the eyes - the circular orbicularis oculi muscles. When these
muscles are worked, the small eyelid (palpebral) muscles are also worked, preventing
hooded eyelids.
■The muscle that surrounds the mouth - the circular orbicularis oris muscle. When this
muscle is worked correctly, other smaller muscles of expression, like the zygomaticus,
the buccinator, and the risorius are also worked.
■The muscle of the chin - the mentalis muscle. When this muscle is exercised, the
muscles at the front of the neck will also be brought into play.
■The muscles at the front of the neck - the platysma and sternomastoid muscles. These
muscles when they are toned up give a vigorous, vibrant, youthful appearance to a
■The muscles of the head - the frontalis and occipitalis muscles at the front and back of
the head. When the occipitalis muscle is brought under control and toned up, it will give a
pleasing lift to the eyebrows. Gaining control of this muscle, especially for women,
involves some hard work. Once the exercise for this muscle is mastered, though, it's easy
to do and even refreshing.
■The jaw muscles - the masseter and others. You don't have to be concerned about these
because they get enough exercise when you chew food.
The five exercises that follow will give you a natural, noninvasive program for rebuilding
and maintaining tone in all the facial muscle groups.
Exercise One - Muscles Under Eyes
The exercise for the muscles that surround the eyes looks deceptively easy. The basic exercise is
easy. It's done by just partially winking one eye at a time, and holding the wink for a second, and
then repeating the movement. I suggest 50 repetitions. (I do two sets of 50 repetitions.) There is no
need to scrunch up the skin in the crow's feet area when doing this exercise, but there is the need
to contract firmly both the orbicularis oculi muscles around each eye and the nasalis muscles that
are on each side of the nasal bone.
There is an advanced version of this exercise that is more effective but you have to gain control of
the occipitalis muscle at the back of the head to do it. I discuss gaining control of this important
muscle when I describe exercise 5 for the scalp muscles. I'll tell you how to do the advanced
exercise then.
I put this exercise first among the five exercises because the first indication that we are getting
older is those lines that form in the skin around the eyes. (The skin around the eyes is the thinnest
and most delicate of the whole body.) This exercise will definitely not eliminate the fine lines but it
will make them less noticeable.
Before doing any facial exercise you should apply some lubricant to the area around the muscles
being exercised. I splash some water on my face before doing the exercises. You may want to
apply a film of mineral oil or some other moisturizer to your skin before you start. Don't do any of
these exercises with a dry face.
Exercise One, Part B
This exercise for the muscles around the eyes might be even better because you will feel these
muscles contract strongly when you do it right.
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1. Press your fingers onto your temple area and slightly pull them back. This puts tension on the
muscles that surround the eyes, and it also prevents lines around the eyes from forming as you do
the exercise.
2. Now, with your fingers giving resistance to the muscles around you eyes, close your eyes tightly.
You will feel these muscles working strongly as you hold the contraction perhaps a second or even
more . Do as many repetitions as you feel comfortable with. I usually do three sets of twenty reps.
This exercise will get rid of any bagginess around the lower eyelids and will probably get rid of any
hooded upper eyelids too. But improvement will take time. Don't believe those optimistic
statements about rejuvenation in a few weeks. Muscles and skin take time to respond.
Exercise Two - Muscle Around Mouth
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