Matrix of Mind Reality.pdf

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Matrix of Mind Reality
Enoch Tan – Creator of Mind Reality
Discover The Greatest Secrets Of The
Mind And Reality That Will Get You
Anything You Desire, Almost Like Magic!
If you want to FINALLY experience the COMPLETE Manifestation of All the
Miracles, Success, Wealth, Health, Love and Happiness that you have
always dreamed of… then register as member of Mind Reality now!
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©2005 Mind Reality 2009
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Mind Reality contains Universal Secrets that govern every area of life and reality.
The deeper the knowledge, the more powerful the knowledge. The more powerful your knowledge, the
easier it is to achieve success, because deep, powerful knowledge is the key to inspired thinking and
finding intelligent solutions to problems.
This book answers a great many questions that you've always been curious about such as:
What is the nature of all reality and how the universe really works?
Why gaining understanding and truth will get you everything you ever wanted?
Why purchasing spiritual knowledge will tremendously accelerate your progress in life?
And plenty more incredible knowledge inside... .
The VERY reason why I created this free ebook with SOME of my articles is to give a preview of the
immense QUALITY and QUANTITY information on Mind Reality.
What you get from this ebook is ONLY the TIP of the iceberg.
The amount of super high quality information found in Mind Reality is More Than Enough to FILL Many
Books, not of the ordinary standard, but the Legendary Kind! If there was just ONE Membership Site in
the world you should join, this would be it!
Go here now to discover how to become a Mind Reality Member:
Best Regards,
Enoch Tan – Creator of Mind Reality
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The Nature of All Reality and the Universal Construct
The World Within and the World Without
Predict the Future by Creating it
Mental Matrix of Reality - World is Simulation
Being Enlightened Gets You Everything In Life
Experiencing Total Bliss and Serenity of Being
Freeing Yourself to Receive Abundance of Money
Making Money through Sharing of Spiritual Gifts
Mental Knowledge - All knowledge is One Knowledge
Life Manifest by Varying Degrees of Intelligence
The Nature of All Reality and the Universal Construct
Quantum physics states that everything in the universe is pure energy, differing only in rate of vibration.
We must understand that all things exist as energy even beyond the ordinary physical dimension to the
realm where current scientific instruments cannot measure its rate of vibration. All things exist as energy
from the lowest rate of vibration, the densest physical condensate of matter all the way to the highest rate
of vibration in the universe, The Source, God. The Entire Universe is a Single Super Spectrum of
Universal Energy .
Some people have the perspective that the physical universe of matter and energy was created and
therefore may be destroyed. Information is uncreated and therefore indestructible and eternal. The bible
says that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word
is Jesus Christ and the Word is also Information. Hence the concept of the x, y and z parameters of reality.
Matter, Energy and Information (DNA, universal code, intelligent design).
But Einstein says that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It is merely converted from one form
to another. The Universal Equation E=MC2 does not mean Matter is converted Energy. It means Matter is
Matter is Energy. Energy is Matter.
So actually, the physical universe was “created” merely by the process of energy changing from one form
to another . The creation and cessation of all things physical is simply manifestation and unmanifestation.
Quantum physics states that something can actually come into existence only when it is observed. That
means that something only exist because a mind first thought it into existence . Everything exists primarily
as a quantum potentiality or Quanta. When something is observed, Quanta which is Energy come
together to form subatomic particles, and in turn atoms, then molecules until finally something manifests
in the physical world as a localized space-time event that can be observed by the five physical senses.
This Energy is also conscious and infinite, therefore it is actually Infinite Living Mind! Everything in the
Universe has its being from this infinite intelligent Energy.
Imagine that every time this Intelligence moves or thinks an icicle is formed in the water , exactly
corresponding to the thought. We might have countless numbers of icicles of different forms, colors and
sizes but these icicles would still be water . If we could heat the whole mass, it would melt, and all the
forms would again become fluent. Nothing would have changed but form. This is all there is to matter.
Matter is Spirit in Form.
Subatomic particles are simply energy packets . You are a cluster of energy, so is everything else. A
cluster of energy is always in motion, moving and changing to form new configuration at every moment.
The table that is in your dining room is not as solid as it appears to be. On a highly magnified level, you
would realize that it is in constant flux, “losing” and “gaining” billions of energy packets, but intelligently
maintaining the overall “look” of a table. There is a consciousness that keeps the energy in that particular
form .
All Matter is Energy In-Formation.
When something is no longer observed by consciousness, it will cease to exist by unmanifesting back into
a state of quantum potentiality or Quanta, Energy. That’s the reason why the bible says that it is Christ
(The Superconscious), who holds all things in the universe together . Scientist says that all the electrons
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