A Happy Pocket Full Of Money.pdf

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A Happy Pocket Full of Money
Your Quantum Leap into the Understanding, Having and Enjoying of
Immense Wealth and Happiness
Your personal guide to Wealth Consciousness. Experience infinite wealth,
abundance and happiness Here, Now, in the new Golden Age of humanity.
Everything you need to be extremely wealthy and happy is inside of you, and
nothing outside of you can stop you.
By David Cameron
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An Images of One Production
A Happy Pocket Full of Money: Your Quantum Leap into the
Understanding, Having and Enjoying of Immense Wealth and
Your personal guide to Wealth Consciousness. Experience infinite wealth,
abundance and happiness Here, Now, in the new Golden Age of humanity.
Everything you need to be extremely wealthy and happy is inside of you, and
nothing outside of you can stop you.
David Cameron
Copyright 2002, David Cameron. All rights reserved.
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Success stories from people, just like you, who have
read A Happy Pocket Full of Money:
I love what you are doing!! Fantastic!! You have been a great help to me. I
have purchased "Happy Pocket Full of Money" through Bob Doyle's site. One of
the greatest reads EVER!! ...Since that time, December 8th, 2002, a lot has
changed. The universe has been delivering all kinds of incredible new insights
and direction. So much information that I am having difficulty processing it all.
I was lead to Lynn Grabbhorns book " Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting" TALK
ABOUT RESONATING WITH MY SOUL!! This book unlocked a HUGE door for
me. It change my spiritual belief system completely. Authors I have read since
this book: Eckhart Tolle, Abraham-Hicks, U.S. Anderson, Wayne Dyer, Deepak
Chopra, Stuart Wilde, yourself, Joe Vitale, Ernest Holmes, and a host of others. I
attended a recent Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer seminar and I was blown
away!! BLOWN AWAY! Then I came across Bob Doyle's site. I don't remember
how. I signed up for Wealth Beyond Reason and another flood of dynamite truth
came my way. Your book solidified everything [A Happy Pocket Full of Money].
...You are amazing!! You have been a God send to me!! Thank you for the
wonderful work you do !!!!! - Bruce R. Royer, http:// www. creationcaptured
First off, I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for writing, "A
Happy Pocket Full of Money"... It has changed my life forever! I've always
enjoyed reading books on the subject of personal development, and have
become enthralled in some of the great ones of all time, such as: "The Science of
Getting Rich", "Think and Grow Rich", "Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting", and
"The Power of Your Subconscious Mind", But your book really inspired me! I
can’t describe the feeling that came over me, numerous times, throughout the
reading of your book... I guess that was the feeling of living in the Here and Now!
- Kent Glass, kglass1@ telusplanet.net
I love your work. You have made an enormous difference to my live and no
doubt hundreds of others and I thank you from the depth of my being. - Alana
Sheldon, innerpeace _alana @yahoo.com
My life has been shifting as of late. (in a good way!!) The Universe has been
bringing me all kinds of information that is answering the questions I have been
asking for years. Who am I? Why am I here? What do I do? How do I find my
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true self? How do I override what my ego is saying to me so I can live and act
from my true self? I came across your work through Bob Doyle's site. "Happy
Pocket Full of Money" has answered all my questions, and more importantly it
resonates with my soul. - Bruce Royer, brroyer @socal.rr.com
Dave, just another big THANK YOU for the software and book. It is amazing.
EVERYTHING I have been studying the past few years you have managed to
capture so logically and wisely, anybody that ever crosses your site and for some
illogical reason decide not to purchase your products could not do themselves
any bigger disfavour, by missing the most concise source of info anywhere on
the Net (Planet?) they are going to have to buy many, many different books and
spend thousands of dollars just to, ONE DAY, get to maybe 60% of the info they
could have had by buying just one (Happy Pocket Full of Money) or some of the
other books. "You shall seek the Truth and the Truth shall set you free" is one of
my very favourite quotes and many people totally misunderstand it. I have been
studying this field for some time now, and have read many, many books. There
are NO other book I have come across that puts the TRUTH in more detail at the
fingertips of the reader. JUST READ IT and follow the process, IT DOES WORK!
- Jannie Loots, www.ichc.co.za
I was recomemended to my new job by my ex-husband. I have been
divorced since 1989 but kept trying to understand why I still felt love and
compassion after all that took place to distroy the marriage. I did my best to hold
on to the good memories and disolve the bad. There were many reasons I could
of hated him but somehow I never could. Its taken me many years to see how I
created this. I read The Course Of Miracles and that helped me understand. Your
information really helps me see it more clearly. I am happy I kept an open
relationship in my heart with my ex-husband. It allowed this new job to happen.
Also my new boss is a multimillionaire and my job is housekeeping for his
parents. They are very kind and sweet and it doesnt even feel like a job. I just
mention all this because I know its my change of thoughts that created this.
Thank You. – Heidi, heidiam @centurytel.net
After reading A Happy Pocket Full of Money, reading I was so impressed that
I bought the life and wealth packages as well as the ProvaLife Achiever software.
I'm not writing this testimonial because I am trying to advertise a website, nor am
I writing this because I stand to benefit monetarily from it. If you look at my
occupation, I actually have more to lose than gain by going public with my
endorsement of these products, as my field of work tends to be conservative. So
why am I writing an endorsement? Because the information in Mr. Cameron's
books are life changing! After going through the material, my realtionships with
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people in general have improved, I am less frustrated at work, and I have learned
to enjoy life again. I am so positive about the future now. But don't take my word
for it, download his free ebook samples and check it out for yourselves, you WILL
NOT regret it! Thanks David! I wish you the best! (I wish I could write better, but I
just can't describe how much this material has changed my outlook on life) -
Leandro X. Centenera, M.D. Ob-Gyn
I just have to tell you that it has ALREADY exceeded expectation! The
section on vibrations has ONCE AGAIN made more "accessible" to me, the
information that I already "knew" at one level, but now have a totally new and
powerful level of integration of it. There is real power in your assemblage of
words. Your greatest gift is the ability to communicate these concepts in such a
powerfully understandable way. My life has had a significant shift within the past
60 minutes by going through a few sections of this software. Anyone who
commits to going through the entire program is going to totally change their
world, and quickly. Again, it could be that it is so powerful for me because I'm
already “ahead of the game" in some aspects, being very familiar with your
earlier work, and ACTIVELY working to design a new reality for myself. Still, it’s
fabulous for the total "beginner". David, I'm telling you that you have pure gold
here, once again. - Bob Doyle, bob@ boundlessliving.com
As a member and publisher I have so greatly benefited from your thought
processes that my entire life is changing. I am currently working on a major
project. At first I was absolutely unsure of the reason for me as a woman to
undertake such great task. Later I read a quote by Margaret Thatcher "It may be
the cock that crows, but it is the hen that lays the eggs", which convinced me
marginally. Then your spiritually scientific encouragement changed my life to the
degree that I consider myself important enough to actually do it. May you inspire
millions with your purpose. - Ina Bliss, http:// www.inabliss.com
I just read the Pocket Full of Money ... amazed and astounded with the
energy of expression. ...just the clarity and joy of the truth of old in the language
of today. We are grateful . – James
I find your work to be nothing short of genius and am truly inspired and will
one day want to share this material with other people. I have studied Religious
Science and can tell you it is not as easy to understand or as powerful as your
work. Thank You. - Nancy Brennan
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