A note on the reading order & whats missing.txt

(16 KB) Pobierz
November 2009, 



We have missing pages:
(i placed snap shots of the missing pages, but we need real scans to replace them)

B.P.R.D. - Plague of Frogs (4).cbz  -->  page 9 & 10 
Hellboy - Weird Tales #02.cbr -->  page 30 

We also have missing books:
(i placed the COVERs only for these)

Hellboy The Companion 2008

Hellboy Sketchbook 2004 - 10th Anniversary - A Book of Drawings
Hellboy Sketchbook 2006 - Some Drawings
Hellboy Sketchbook 2007 - More Drawings
Hellboy Sketchbook 2008 - From The Vault 
Hellboy Sketchbook 2009 - From The Vault 2

Hellboy - 1997 - The Lost Army
Hellboy - 2009 - The Fire Wolves
Hellboy - 2009 - The Ice Wolves
Lobster Johnson - 2009 - The Satan Factory



A note on the Hellboy reading order.

Hi guys,

Hellboy is not an easy comic to put into a reading order, there is a 
(1)chronological order, an 
(2)original publishing order, and more recently the 
(3)trade paper back order and also the 
(4)library edition order, 
as well as BPRD Trades and Weird Tales Trades and guest appearances in other titles. That means their are over (4) reading order variations out there that are all correct in their own way.

My point is however that their is no perfect reading order, and so therefore i placed the comics into what i feel is a GOOD READING ORDER. It is the one i recommend to friends of mine just getting into Hellboy, and it is my current reading order of choice. it avoids spoilers and keeps the story flowing.

It is a MIXTURE of publishing order and chronological order.

The following are some details on this particular reading order.

It starts off with the Publishing order from "01 - Seed of Destruction" through "04 - Almost Collossus". This lets you see how the character and world first started in the earlyer stories.
Then i have a folder called "05 - THE MIDDLE YEARS" here the stories are in chronological order. So even though for example, "1938 BPRD - And what shall i find there" was published in 2009, because it has no spoilers in it for any future stories, i find it fits better in a collection of short stories to be read chronologically. Only 2 "long" stories are in this folder ... BPRD 1946 and Hellboy The Crooked Man. 

The rest of the stuff that comes after "The Middle Years" i placed mostly in publishing order, but i moved some stuff around just a little bit so that each mini series flows better into the next. For example after BPRD Garden of Souls i placed Hellboy Darkness Calls because there is a break in the BPRD narrative between Garden and Killing Ground. Also between Killing Ground and The Warning because there is another break in the BPRD narrative i slipped in the Lobster Johnson and Abe Sapien stories. 




Some links:

www.hellboy.com                             -Main website ... under reconstruction
http://www.darkhorse.com/Zones/Hellboy      -Official puiblisher site ... news and other info

http://forums.comicbookresources.com/forumdisplay.php?f=41    -Main community message board 
http://www.darkhorse.com/Help/Boards/viewforum.php?f=5        -Secondary community message board


(Bellow is NOT the order of my torrent just the publishing order from the Dark Horse Hellboy message boards, feel free to read everything in this order if you like)

Publishing order is based on the first appearance of the first issue or part of that comic, thus The Corpse goes before The Chained Coffin as it ran as a multi-part series before it was collected with The Iron Shoes.

This list doesn't include any cross-overs, guest appearances or any Hellboy Jr comics (basically anything that's not canon). Novels are at the bottom of the post.

AUGUST 19 ― Hellboy Promo #1 - Hellboy 1

MARCH 1 ― Seed of Destruction - Hellboy 1
MAY 20 ― Hellboy Promo #2 - Hellboy 1
AUGUST 1 ― The Wolves of Saint August - Hellboy 3

MARCH ― The Corpse - Hellboy 3
AUGUST 2 ― The Chained Coffin - Hellboy 3

JANUARY 1 ― The Iron Shoes - Hellboy 3
JUNE 1 ― Wake the Devil - Hellboy 2

JUNE 25 ― Almost Colossus - Hellboy 3
DECEMBER 3 ― A Christmas Underground - Hellboy 3

MARCH 4 ― Drums of the Dead - BPRD 1
MARCH 4 ― Heads - Hellboy 4
AUGUST 5 ― The Baba Yaga - Hellboy 3
AUGUST 26 ― The Right Hand of Doom - Hellboy 4

AUGUST 1 ― The Vârcolac - Hellboy 4
AUGUST 4 ― Goodbye Mr. Tod - Hellboy 4
AUGUST 11 ― Pancakes - Hellboy 4
AUGUST 11 ― Box Full of Evil - Hellboy 4
AUGUST 11 ― The Killer in My Skull - BPRD 1
SEPTEMBER 8 ― Abe Sapien versus Science - BPRD 1

FEBRUARY 16 ― The Nature of the Beast - Hellboy 4
APRIL 26 ― King Vold - Hellboy 4

MAY 9 ― Conqueror Worm - Hellboy 5

JANUARY 30 ― Hollow Earth - BPRD 1
JULY 24 ― The Third Wish - Hellboy 6
AUGUST 31 ― The Kabandha -Uncollected- (May not even be canon)

MAY 14 ― The Soul of Venice - BPRD 2
JULY 23 ― Dark Waters - BPRD 2
AUGUST 27 ― Dr. Carp's Experiment - Hellboy 7
SEPTEMBER 17 ― Night Train - BPRD 2
NOVEMBER 19 ― There's Something Under My Bed - BPRD 2

MARCH 3 ― Plague of Frogs - BPRD 3
MARCH ― The Penanggalan - Hellboy 7
MARCH ― Born Again - BPRD 4
JULY 7 ― The Troll-Witch - Hellboy 7
AUGUST 25 ― Another Day at the Office - BPRD 2
NOVEMBER 3 ― The Dead - BPRD 4

JUNE 1 ― The Ghoul or Reflections on Death and The Poetry of Worms - Hellboy 7
JUNE 22 ― The Island - Hellboy 6
AUGUST 31 ― The Black Flame - BPRD 5

FEBRUARY 1 ― Makoma or A Tale Told by a Mummy in the New York City Explorers' Club on August 16, 1993 - Hellboy 7
APRIL 12 ― The Universal Machine - BPRD 6
DECEMBER 13 ― The Hydra and the Lion - Hellboy 7

FEBRUARY 23 ― They That Go Down to the Sea in Ships -Uncollected-
MARCH 14 ― Garden of Souls - BPRD 7
MAY 2 ― Darkness Calls - Hellboy 8
AUGUST 8 ― Killing Ground - BPRD 8
SEPTEMBER 5 ― The Iron Prometheus - Lobster Johnson 1
OCTOBER 3 ― The Vampire of Prague - Hellboy 7

JANUARY 9 ― 1946 - BPRD 9
FEBRUARY 6 ― The Drowning - Abe Spaien 1
MARCH 5 ― Revival -Uncollected-
MAY 3 ― The Mole -Uncollected-
MAY 3 ― Bishop Olek’s Devil - BPRD 9
MAY 3 ― Out of Reach - BPRD 10
JUNE 11 ― War on Frogs #1 -Uncollected-
JUNE 25 ― The Ectoplasmic Man -Uncollected-
JULY 2 ― The Crooked Man -Uncollected-
JULY 9 ― Scorched Earth (Part I): The Warning - BPRD 10
OCTOBER 29 ― In the Chapel of Moloch -Uncollected-
NOVEMBER 5 ― Muderous Intent -Unreleased collection Witchfinder 1-
DECEMBER 3 ― The Wild Hunt -Unreleased collection Hellboy 9-
DECEMBER 10 ― War on Frogs #2 -Uncollected-

JANUARY 7 ― How Koshchei Became Deathless -Uncollected-
JANUARY 14 ― Scorched Earth (Part II): The Black Goddess - BPRD 11
MARCH 4 ― Baba Yaga's Feast -Uncollected-
JUNE 6 ― And What Shall I Find There? -Uncollected-
JUNE 10 ― War on Frogs #3 -Uncollected-
JULY 1 ― In the Service of Angels -Unreleased collection Witchfinder 1-
JULY 8 ― 1947 (4 of 5 published)
OCTOBER 14 ― The Burial of Katharine Baker -Unreleased collection Witchfinder 1-
OCTOBER 28 ― The Haunted Boy -Uncollected-
DECEMBER 9 ― War on Frogs #4 -Unpublished-
DECEMBER 23 ― The Bride of Hell -Unpublished-

JANUARY 13 ― Scorched Earth (Part III): King of Fear -Unpublished-

No Known Release Date
The Storm ― Hellboy mini-series
The Fall ― Hellboy mini-series
The Burning Hand ― Lobster Johnson mini-series
Untitled ― 2nd Witchfinder mini-series
Untitled ― 3rd Witchfinder mini-series
Untitled ― Mignola/Corben story

1997 JUNE 1 ― Hellboy: The Lost Army
1999 DECEMBER 15 ― Hellboy: Odd Jobs
2001 DECEMBER 5 ― Hellboy: The Bones of Giants
2004 OCTOBER 6 ― Hellboy: Odder Jobs
2005 SEPTEMBER ― Hellboy: On Earth as it is in Hell
2006 MARCH ― Hellboy: Unnatural Selection
2006 JULY ― Hellboy: The God Machine
2007 MARCH ― Hellboy: The Dragon Pool
2008 FEBRUARY 13 ― Hellboy: Emerald Hell
2008 JULY 9 ― Hellboy: Oddest Jobs
2008 OCTOBER 22 ― Hellboy: The All-Seeing Eye
2009 APRIL 1 ― Hellboy: The Fire Wolves
2009 JULY 22 ― Lobster Johnson: The Satan Factory
2009 SEPTEMBER 30 ― Hellboy: The Ice Wolves
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