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Twelve Millennia: Archaeology of the Upper Mississippi River Valley (Bur Oak Book)
twelve millennia
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a bur oak book
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Twelve Millennia
Archaeology of the Upper
Mississippi River Valley
James L. Theler and Robert F. Boszhardt
University of Iowa Press
Iowa City
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University of Iowa Press, Iowa City 52242
Copyright © 2003 by the University of Iowa Press
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
Design by April Leidig-Higgins
No part of this book may be reproduced or used in
any form or by any means without permission in
writing from the publisher. All reasonable steps have
been taken to contact copyright holders of material
used in this book. The publisher would be pleased
to make suitable arrangements with any whom it
has not been possible to reach.
The publication of this book was generously
supported by the University of Iowa Foundation.
Printed on acid-free paper
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Theler, James L., 1946 –
Tw elve millennia: archaeology of the upper
Mississippi River Valley / by James L. Theler and
Robert F. Boszhardt.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. ).
ISBN 0-87745-847-2 (pbk.)
1. Indians of North America — Mississippi River
Valley — Antiquities. 2. Mound-builders —
Mississippi River Valley. 3. Excavations
(Archaeology)— Mississippi River Valley.
4. Mississippi River Valley — Antiquities.
I. Title: 12 millennia. II. Boszhardt, Robert F.
III. Title.
E 78. M 75 T 44 2003
977'.01— dc21
03 04 05 06 07 P 54321
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