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What is the Illuminati?
What is the Illuminati?
What is the Illuminati?
What is Zon?
The Illuminati
has its origins in the biblical Abraham who
smashed the idols four millennia ago in establishing
the existence of only one reality.
Ever hear of the Illuminati? For the past two centuries, they have been condemned by nationalistic governments and
mystical religions. How about the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral
Commission? They are semi-secret organizations that for the past several decades have been linked to one-world
conspiracy theories. Consider the controlling influences behind those worldwide organizations -- businessmen, such as
today's quiet businessman David Rockefeller. He, for example, is seldom seen or mentioned in the mainstream media.
But, he is hysterically attacked as the epitome of evil by the ultra-conservative media, the nationalistic-populist media,
and the religious-right media. Yet, David Rockefeller is among the world's most moral, clear-thinking, responsible
The Illuminati Protocols
This chapter refers to the early Illuminati protocols -- the master plan for worldwide control first formulated over two
centuries ago by leading European bankers and businessmen. Essentially anyone reading the protocols alone and out of
context would view them as one of the most evil plots ever devised. Yet, on reading those very same protocols in the
context of wide-scope accountability, one will realize the men responsible for those protocols were among the most
moral, clear-thinking, responsible people who ever lived on this planet. Moreover, through Zon, today's Illuminati can
make everyone on Earth rich and happy.
Making the Illuminati Serve You
Zon will far surpass the goal of the Illuminati. By understanding Zon, the Illuminati and their organizations will be at
your service -- providing you with limitless wealth.
Business-Controlled Master Plans
Business-controlled master plans underlie all actions controlling the creation of long-term prosperity and happiness.
Two such master plans or protocols operate on planet Earth: (1) the closed-system Illuminati protocols developed in
Europe over two centuries ago, and (2) the evolving, open-ended Zon protocols that began developing in early 1992 and
reflected in the American elections of 1994. Today, Zon is replacing the Illuminati's master plan. With Zon, the world
will soar in cyberspace beyond the Illuminati's plan for worldwide prosperity. For, Zon delivers eternal happiness with
limitless wealth to all conscious beings.
The Illuminati, from its founding protocols forged in the mid-18th century by Adam Weishaupt and Albert Pike, have
nearly completed their noble goal of undermining and eliminating the twin instruments of irrationality and destruction
on this planet: (1) forced-backed nationalist governments, and (2) fraud-backed mystical religions. Now, after two
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What is the Illuminati?
centuries, that goal will not only be achieved but far surpassed, perhaps by 2000AD. How? By replacing the established,
seemingly violent Illuminati protocols with the newly evolving, peaceful Zon protocols as deduced from the original,
176-page Cassandra's Secret manuscript developed in 1993. The specific Zon protocols will be ready for public use
before 2000AD. But, first, one must understand the goal and protocols of the original Illuminati as described below:
The Illuminati's Business Plan
Depoliticizing Planet Earth
Since the late 1700s, essentially all public reporting and exposés of the secretive Illuminati have been rabidly negative.
Most such reports and exposés emanate from paranoid conspiracy theories presented in populist, nationalistic, or
right-wing religious publications. All such reports and exposés present the Illuminati and their protocols as diabolically
evil. Modern-day exposés especially rail at the Illuminati's tools used to undermine public respect for political-agenda
laws, irrational traditions, and predatory institutions. The Illuminati work to undermine public support of the
parasitical-elite class...a destructive class that survives through politically and religiously ruled governments.
The modern-day tools of the Illuminati include international organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, the
Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, and the outdated Freemasons. In addition to
high-profile parasitical elites, those organizations comprise the most-influential, low-profile businesspeople throughout
the world. Still, they are all simply tools masterfully maneuvered into advancing the Illuminati's goal.
Many members of those organizations are sincere value producers; others are power-seeking parasites. Yet, all
effectively serve the Illuminati's pretended goal of worldwide political and economic cooperation. Beneath that goal,
however, lies the Illuminati's real goal: break the institutions that support this destructive anticivilization.
To understand the Illuminati, one must understand their poker-playing modus operandi. The Illuminati perfected the
shrewdest poker-playing stratagems imaginable -- analogous to those stratagems revealed in Frank R. Wallace's
Advanced Concepts of Poker , first published in 1968. After 21 printings, plus additional printings by Crown Publishing
and Warner Books, Wallace withdrew that book from print in 1986 in favor of the evolving Neo-Tech literature.
Consider the following stratagem by the Illuminati: To most effectively achieve their goal, they knew their real targets
for termination must remain concealed for as long as possible. Because of their world-wide influences, the Illuminati
also realized that, over time, information about their work and goal would leak to the public, despite their influence over
the world news media. Thus, the Illuminati planted ruses in their protocols that would invite hysterical criticism of them
and their satellite organizations. By promoting hysteria against themselves, criticisms would lose credibility, preventing
any effective effort to block or retard their progress.
For example, the Illuminati realized their secret protocols would eventually be publicly revealed. Thus, they drafted their
Protocols to conceal their real agenda. They made their Protocols to appear as a Jewish or Zionist plot for placing all
human beings under one-world tyrannical rule. They even mistitled their document The Protocols of the Learned Elders
of Zion . Throughout that document, they shrewdly planted a Jewish slur word for Gentiles to describe their targets -- the
goyim .
That strategy has worked brilliantly for two centuries: All exposés or attacks on the Illuminati turn into strident
accusations about being evil socialistic, communistic, Jewish, Zionist, satanic, or Luciferin plots for world domination.
Thus, all exposés and attacks have ultimately been dismissed as paranoid anti-Semitic, Jew baiting, racist, or
religious-right paranoia -- exactly what the Illuminati intended. ...Incidentally, from their origin to modern day, many
among the Illuminati are Jewish. But, they are moral Jewish businessmen, not socialists or Zionists seeking world
domination. Indeed, the Illuminati are ingenious "poker players" who orchestrate criticisms of them to advance their
The Illuminati especially utilize their poker strategies in wielding influence from their toolbox of international
organizations. Those organizations comprise the world's leading businesspeople, politicians, journalists, publishers,
bankers, industrialists, military leaders, and other influential people used to advance a one-world agenda. But, that
agenda conceals the real goal fully known only to the Illuminati. That goal is to undermine and eliminate the institutions
supporting parasitical elites.
What gave the Illuminati businessmen their overwhelming power and success for the past two centuries? The answer
lies in their ability to create genuine values and jobs for society, combined with an unshakable moral responsibility to
bring growing prosperity to all conscious beings on this planet. Their moral foundation, however, was based on
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What is the Illuminati?
knowledge limited to this closed, irrational anticivilization. Thus, for them, the only possible way to preserve and then
flourish human consciousness on Earth was to eliminate, by whatever means necessary, the institutions that support this
anticivilization and its parasitical-elite propagators.
The recent discovery of Zon with its eternal, open-ended Civilization of the Universe void of politics and violence
removes the moral base upon which the Illuminati have solidly stood since their institution-breaking role in the 1793
French Revolution. ...Today, Zon has replaced the Illuminati's moral base with an omnipotent, eternally evolving moral
foundation that peacefully, continuously elevates the wealth and happiness of all conscious beings throughout all
existence and time. That omnipotent moral base stands on fully integrated honesty, productive effort, wide-scope
accounting, objective law, and the Golden-Helmet dynamics as detailed in the original Cassandra's-Secret manuscript.
The institution-breaking accomplishments of the Illuminati along with their one-world organizations such as the
Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission provide an advanced position from which the Civilization of the Universe
can flower on this planet while peacefully vanishing the anticivilization and its manipulators.
With the discovery of Zon , the key to limitless prosperity for conscious beings is (1) to originate all conscious actions
from the Civilization of the Universe and (2) ignore everything in the anticivilization as nothing . In that way, every
harmful aspect of the anticivilization is dismissed and vanished. Also, in that way, the two-century-old Illuminati
dynamics of using deceit and force to undermine those elements supporting the anticivilization are replaced by the
honest, peaceful Zon dynamics. Those new dynamics will quietly vanish the entire anticivilization along with its
harmful institutions and humanoids.
The Most Moral Men on Earth
Without the concepts of advanced poker strategy combined with Neo-Tech, anyone who reads the Illuminati protocols[
57 ] will come to the same conclusion: Those protocols are the epitome of evil. But on understanding advanced poker
concepts along with Neo-Tech and Cassandra's Secret, one comes to the exact opposite conclusion: The Illuminati
protocols reflect the most responsible and moral forces on Earth -- forces designed to bring wealth and happiness to our
world by breaking the institutions that support this parasitically drained, death-oriented anticivilization.
As identified in the Neo-Tech Discovery , the original Illuminati also realized that honest business dynamics are what
sustain and advance all conscious life. Thus, those business dynamics are the only source of genuine, life-enhancing
power among conscious beings. Indeed, only competitive value-and-job producers hold real power -- the ultimate power
to control not only all current events but all future events on planet Earth.
Until the original 18th-century Illuminati, no value-and-job producer understood the draining hoaxes and illusions of the
parasitical elites. From Plato's time, a ruling leech class has built and propagated an anticivilization with the single
purpose of sustaining their own harmful livelihoods by draining the productive class.
The Illuminati discovered that they, not kings, popes, tyrants, or other parasitical elites hold the power to control and
direct society. On that realization, those original Illuminati, most of whom were powerful businessmen and bankers,
moved with complete confidence to eliminate the parasitical elites by relentlessly pitting those leeches and their
institutions against each other. That dynamic caused the world populations to increasingly lose confidence in politics,
nationalistic governments, mystical religions, and their parasitical leaders.
Schindler's List , the factual story of German businessman Oskar Schindler in the 1940s, illustrates how even at the
evilest depths of this anticivilization, the value-and-job producer is the only person with genuine power and love...even
midst the evilest humanoids who live by guns and mass murder. Only businessman Schindler, for example, could walk
through the bloody mud of the Holocaust without soiling his soul, his compassion, his respect for human life. Only
job-producing Schindler had the power, moral character, and strength to reach into the depths of this anticivilization to
save conscious beings from the destruction and death wrought by its humanoid propagators.
Extrapolate businessman Schindler into the advanced technologies among the Civilization of the universe. One will then
recognize that honest businesspeople with their limitless valuation of conscious beings are the real saviors of everyone
in existence. Only such value-and-job producers have the power, responsibility, and love to never let perish the supreme
value throughout the universe --conscious life -- including conscious human beings on planet Earth. ...The competitive,
value-and-job producing businessperson eternally preserves and advances all conscious life.
The Illuminati originally comprised the few most powerful, efficacious businessmen in Europe. The original Illuminati
rejected all parasites holding false or life-draining power. Indeed, none of the Illuminati were kings, tyrants, politicians,
lawyers, religionists, entertainers, writers, or orators. Instead, they were quiet businessmen and bankers -- they were the
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What is the Illuminati?
world's most potent creators of life-sustaining values and jobs.
The Illuminati's relentless work has always been directed toward saving the future generations of conscious beings from
destruction by the institutionalized irrationality woven throughout this anticivilization. The Illuminati's goal has always
been to free conscious beings from the tribal mentalities that make possible parasitical governments, insane socialism,
the welfare state, and mystical religions.
The Illuminati sought a world in which its citizens valued their fellow citizens not by social status, wealth, nationality,
race, or religion, but by what each did to competitively benefit others and society.
For 250 years, playing the most ingenious poker game in history, the Illuminati have brought the entire world close to
their goal of ending 3000 years of unnecessary suffering and death inflicted on all populations of Earth -- inflicted by
parasitical humanoids through their criminal anticivilization institutions. ...Finally, today, the newly arrived Zon
dynamics will not only peacefully achieve but far surpass the noble goal of the Illuminati.
Pages 311-317 of Part III publicly identify for the first time the real meaning beneath the Illuminati protocols[ 58 ], their
master plan, their one-world organizations...and the resulting future for all of us on planet Earth through Zon.
The Neo-Tech Trojan Horse
Over the years, the Neo-Tech/Illuminati dynamic
has evolved into today's Zonpower . This 200-year-old
dynamic is increasingly undermining false, harmful
authorities throughout governments and religions
worldwide. The Neo-Tech/Illuminati dynamic has been
the hidden force beneath the collapse of communism in
Eastern Europe and America's coming sea change first
reflected in its Neo-Tech inspired 1994 elections.
The seventh and final cyberspace stage of
Neo-Tech/Zonpower -- the public phase -- will activate in
late 1996 with the Internet distribution of the Zonpower
Protocols... the Trojan-Horse penetration of Neo-Tech into
the heart of the Establishment in America and worldwide.
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Illuminati - 1a
1. The Origin of False Religions Began with Lucifer.
2. The Rebellion in Heaven Against God.
3. The Rebellion on Earth Against God.
4. Lucifer Was and Is Today Worshipped As the Sun-god.
5. The Doctrine of the Immortal Soul, Basic Foundation of Witchcraft.
6. Astrology, the Origin of All Pagan Sciences.
In the last book of the Bible, Jesus Christ gives His Last warning before He returns the second time. This Last Day
warning is found in chapters 13, 14, 16, 17 & 18 of the Book of Revelation. Jesus warns His people about how the whole
world will be deceived into worshipping Satan, symbolized as the Se- ven Headed Dragon attacking a woman, a symbol of
the True Faith.
In Revelation 13:4, 8, 9 Jesus' prediction about the worship of Satan throughout this world may be read: "And they
WORSHIPPED THE DRAGON which gave power unto the beast: and they wor- shipped the beast, saying, Who is like
unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him? ... And all that dwell upon the earth SHALL WORSHIP HIM, WHOSE
WORLD. If any man have an ear, let him hear."
The Apostle John wrote: "Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are
there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time." 1.John 2:18.
The Apostle Paul warned: "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, ex- cept there come a
falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who oppo- seth and exalteth himself above all that
is called God, or that is worshipped: so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."
2.Thessalonians 2:3,4. There are various ways our Lord has made known to His followers how to detect Satan who is the
invisible head of a partly reli- gious and partly political movement. Revelation 13:18 warns it would be branded with the
number 666. In Revelation 17:5 our Lord describes this satanic movement that is antichrist in a symbol of a lewd beautiful
woman. And upon her forehead was a name written, "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF HARLOTS
The very last warning our Lord is now giving the deceived world is found in Revelation 18:4. "And I heard another voice
There are three distinct messages symbolized as three angels in Revelation 14. Revelation 14:6, 7 is calling the world
away from the worship of the Dragon, to worship God who created the heaven, earth, and the sea, and the fountains of
waters. In Revelation 14:8 it tells how Babylon the Great is fallen and how she has made all nations to drink of the wine of
the wrath of her fornication. However, in Revela- tion 14:9,10 we read the most solemn warning ever given to the world, of
which most are completely ignorant. Satan is hardly ever mentioned in many Christian circles, much less how he is
predicted in Scripture to lead most to lose their salvation.
"And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive
his MARK in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out
without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tor- mented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the
holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb." Revelation 14:9,10.
God reveals that all nations have already been deceived by "Babylon the Great, The Mother of Har- lots and
Abominations of the Earth." And our Lord is calling His people out of Babylon. But, the que- stion to most is, what is
Babylon? This is the whole purpose of this book. It is to lay wide open for all to see what the sins of Babylon the Great are,
and who she is, and who this mysterious scarlet colored beast is that she is riding on, as described in Revelation 17:1-8.
While we study the history and the nature of "Babylon the Great (and of the Beast that is carrying her)," we will learn
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