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Author: Norman Finkelstein
By David Icke
At last the truth about the grotesque exploitation of the true victims of the
Nazi concentration camps has been exposed by a Jewish son of parents who
genuinely suffered in the camps.
Norman Finkelstein, in his explosive book, The Holocaust Industry (available
through this site), reveals how the Holocaust has been exploited to extort cash,
that most "survivors" are bogus, and that too much money is spent commemorating
the Nazi genocide.
He has said what many non-Jewish researchers have been trying to say for so
long. But they have been immediately dubbed "anti-Semitic" and face campaigns to
have their public meetings cancelled or their books banned - a scenario I have
endured many times thanks to the coldly calculated and cynical agents of the
Holocaust industry like B'nai B'rith, the Canadian Jewish Congress, and the
Anti-Defamation League; and the unquestioning, holier-than-thou, sycophants, who
do their bidding, like the Canadian and British Green parties, the Anti-Nazi
League, Searchlight, and all the rest.
I have not been denying, never have, that there was widespread and unimaginable
suffering by Jewish people (and gypsies and communists) in Nazi Germany. My
point has been that the Jewish hierarchy, which claims to be the voice of every
Jewish person on the planet, has sickeningly exploited that suffering to serve
the agenda of their Illuminati controllers, especially the Rothschilds and the
Canadian gangster family, the Bronfmans (see related article, Was Hitler a
Rothschild?). To expose the exploitation of the mass of Jewish people by the few
is, according to the agents of that hierarchy and the non-Jewish juveniles who
serve them, to be "anti-Semitic".
Well Norman Finkelstein cannot be accused of that because he is Jewish and his
parents genuinely suffered under the Nazis. But no doubt he will be dubbed a
"self-hater", a label applied to any Jew who seeks to expose the scam.
Here are some quotes from Norman Finkelstein in The Holocaust Industry. Perhaps
the children of the Green parties and their like might reassess the
justification of seeking to deny the right to free speech when someone they
cannot dub "anti-Semitic" is saying precisely the same:
"If everyone who claims to be a survivor is one", my mother used to exclaim,
"who did Hitler kill?"
On the Simon Wiesenthal Centre: "The centre is renowned for its "Dachau-meets-
Disneyland" museum exhibits and the "successful use of sensationalist scare
tactics for fund-raising."
"I sometimes think that American Jewry "discovering" the Nazi Holocaust was
worse than its having been forgotten."
"I do care about the memory of my family's persecution. The current policies of
the Holocaust industry to extort money from Europe in the name of "needy
Holocaust victims" has shrunk the moral stature of their martyrdom to that of a
Monte Carlo Casino."
"The Holocaust only emerged in American life after Israel's victory in the 1967
six day war against its Arab neighbours. (Since then)too many public and
private resources have been invested in memorialising the Nazi genocide. Most of
the output is worthless, a tribute not to Jewish suffering, but to Jewish
"The Holocaust has proved to be an indispensible ideological weapon. Through
it's deployment, one of the world's most formidable military powers, with an
horrendous human rights record, has cast itself as a "victim" state, and the
most successful ethnic group in the US has likewise acquired victim status.
Considerable dividends accrue from this specious victimhood - in particular,
immunity to criticism, however justified."
(See Canadian Jewish Congress (Bronfman family), B'nai B'rith (Rothschilds) ,
Anti-Defamation League (Rothschilds), World Jewish Congress (Bronfmans), British
Board of Jewish Deputies, ad infinitum, underpinned by mindless, unquestioning
sycophants like the Canadian and British Green parties, the Anti-Nazi League,
Searchlight, also ad infinitum - David Icke)
"As the rendering of the Holocaust assumed ever more absurd forms, my mother
used to quote (with intentional irony) Henry Ford:"All history is bunk." The
tales of "Holocaust survivors" - all concentration camp inmates, all heroes of
the resistance - were a special source of wry amusement in my home."
(The Holocaust)"has been to justify criminal policies of the Israeli State and
US support for those policies."
"The time is long past to open our hearts to the rest of humanity's sufferings.
This was the main lesson my mother imparted. I never once heard her say:"Do not
compare." My mother always compared. In the face of the sufferings of African-
Americans, Vietnamese and Palestinians, my mother's credo always was: "We are
all Holocaust victims."
"The Israeli prime minister's office recently put the "number of living
Holocaust survivors" at nearly half a million. The main motive behind this
inflationary figure is not hard to find. It is difficult to press massive new
claims for reparations if only a handful of Holocaust survivors are still
Talking of the way the $60 billion paid in compensation by Germany to Holocaust
victims has been stolen by the Holocaust Industry hierarchy and make-believe
victims, he says: " When Germans or the Swiss refuse to pay compensation, the
heavens cannot contain the righteous indignation of organised American Jewry.
But when Jewish elites rob Jewish survivors, no ethical issues arise: it's just
about money."
"Others involved in the reparations process have also done well. The reported
annual salary of Saul Kagan, long-time executive-secretary of the claims
conference, is $105,000. Kagan rings up in 12 days what my mother received for
suffering six years of Nazi persecution."
"In recent years, the Holocaust industry has become an outright extortion
racket. Purporting the represent all of world Jewry, living and dead, it is
laying claim to Holocaust-era Jewish assets throughout Europe."
Meanwhile, the Holocaust industry forced Switzerland into a settlement because
time was allegedly of the essence: "Needy Holocaust survivors are dying every
day." Once the Swiss signed away the money, however, the urgency miraculously
passed. More than a year after the settlement was reached, there was still no
distribution plan. By the time the money is finally divvied out, all the "needy
Holocaust survivors" will probably be dead.""After lawyers' fees have been
paid, (total attorney demands for the case run to $15 million) the Swiss monies
will the flow into the coffers of "worthy" Jewish organisations."
On Elie Wiesel, Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor: "Elie Wiesel's
performance as official interpreter of the Holocaust is not happenstance.
Plainly he did not come to this position on account of his humanitarian
commitments or literary talents. Rather, Wiesel plays this leading role because
he unerringly articulates the dogmas of, and accordingly sustains the interests
underpinning, the Holocaust."
On Deborah Lipstadt, the Holocaust scholar who won a libel case brought by
historian, David Irving: "To document widespread Holocaust denial, Lipstacht
cites a handful of crank publications. Her piece de resistance comes from Arthur
Butz, a non-entity who teaches electrical engineering."
On David Irving: "Irving, notorious as an admirer of Hitler and sympathetic to
German National Socialism, has nevertheless made an indispensable contribution
to our knowledge of World War 11."
"The Holocaust industry has always been bankrupt. What remains is to openly
declare it so. The time is long past to put it out of business. The noblest
gesture for those who perished is to preserve their memoirs, learn from their
suffering, and let them, finally, rest in peace."
Click Book Cover to Purchase
Book Description
In an iconoclastic and controversial new study, Norman G. Finkelstein moves from
an interrogation of the place the Holocaust has come to occupy in American
culture to a disturbing examination of recent Holocaust compensation agreements.
It was not until the Arab-Israeli War of 1967, when Israel's evident strength
brought it into line with US foreign policy, that memory of the Holocaust began
to acquire the exceptional prominence it enjoys today. Leaders of America's
Jewish community were delighted that Israel was now deemed a major strategic
asset and, Finkelstein contends, exploited the Holocaust to enhance this
newfound status. Their subsequent interpretations of the tragedy are often at
variance with actual historical events and are employed to deflect any criticism
of Israel and its supporters. Recalling Holocaust fraudsters such as Jerzy
Kosinski and Binjamin Wilkomirski, as well as the demagogic constructions of
writers like Daniel Goldhagen, Finkelstein contends that the main danger posed
to the memory of Nazism's victims comes not from the distortions of Holocaust
deniers but from prominent, self-proclaimed guardians of Holocaust memory.
Drawing on a wealth of untapped sources, he exposes the double shakedown of
European countries as well as legitimate Jewish claimants, and concludes that
the Holocaust industry has become an outright extortion racket. Thoroughly
researched and closely argued, The Holocaust Industry is all the more disturbing
and powerful because the issues it deals with are so rarely discussed.
About the Author
Norman Finkelstein teaches at the City University of New York and contributes to
the London Review of Books. He is the author of Image and Reality of the Israel
Palestine Conflict and (with Ruth Bettina Birn) A Nation on Trial, named a
notable book for 1998 by the New York Times Book Review.
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