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How To Get Threesomes
And Bring Out The ‘Freak’
For All 8 Types Of Women
part 7 f 8
of the Pandora’s Ph.D.
Strategy Series
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Vin DiCarlo
DiCarlo Coaching
Strategy Guide Written By Brian Burke
to focus on the why factor. Why does she respond to this, and not that?
When you can think on this level, you will be able to be your own coach, and
guide your own progress.
In this article, I’ll explain how to bring out the “freak” in each type of woman.
I organized each section under three most common goals, or desires, men
have with their sexual partners. Obviously, having threesomes (or foursomes,
etc) is a common desire. So is creating a power dynamic through dominance
and submission, and role playing. Also, most guys want to feel worshipped,
sexually, by women. So we’ll address that too.
In my experience, women are actually kinkier, and more adventurous than
men. Women’s fantasies are much more extreme and varied than men’s.
The problem is that men prevent women from expressing their sexuality. I’ll
address the common mistakes you should avoid, which prevent women from
feeling comfortable being freaky with you.
A woman’s Time Line affects her motivation. A Tester has sex because it’s fun
– a new experience. An investor will be intimate because it brings her closer to
her man. All women like sex for both reasons – it’s fun, and it creates a bond.
A s you become a better lover with the eight types, you must remember
As the Time Line is the most lexible line, there is a lot of gray area and she
can sway to either side depending on her recent dating experiences.
Her Relationship Line affects her sexual identity – what kind of lover she sees
herself to be. A Realist sees sex as a part of a healthy relationship; she takes a
functional perspective and enjoys seducing her man as she takes responsibility
for the intimacy in a relationship. An Idealist sees sex as an adventure, where
she is the one seduced.
A woman’s Sex Line applies to how she responds to escalation. Intimacy
requires a constant evolution in the relationship – moving to higher and deeper
levels of vulnerability and expression. When we talk about vulnerability, we
are talking about emotional compliance – she is trusting you more and more.
She has to, because she is giving her body up to your will. Justiiers and
Deniers deal with this vulnerability differently, but how depends on the other
two lines, in combination with the Sex Line.
Although the Playette seems like a good girl, she loves the thrill of sex. Its just
that her Denier aspect makes her very cautious and defensive. As you become
more intimate, you’ll need to use novelty and increasingly edgy sexual
activities to keep her devoted to you. This is because as a Denier, sex is seen
as substantial compliance.
The Playette takes a more passive role, as she wants to be swept away. She
must feel safe in letting go, but she revels in feeling desired. So you must use
your desire for her, to turn her on. It’s your desire for her that turns her on,
and this is the way to take your experience to the next level – by telling her
how crazy she makes you, how hard you are for her, how you must have her
right now.
As a Denier, the Playette needs to feel safe irst and foremost. You’ll want
to escalate quickly, and then frame the escalation as her doing – she turned
you on so much that you couldn’t resist her. Remember to balance this
escalation with falling back on intensity and touching her in a protective,
comforting way.
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