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A Man’s Guide
part 5
of the
Female Mind
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The Three Great Conflicts of The Female Mind
ow we are getting into the foundation of the Pandora’s Box System.
The Pandora’s Box System is based on THREE MAJOR Emotional and
Social conflicts that women have in their mind.
Just like we want the hottest girl, but the hotter she is, the more nervous
we are to approach her… just like THAT’S a conflict for men, women have
conflicts too. But because of how our brains are wired differently, they are
MUCH more intense for women.
Ultimately, you have to understand these conflicts if you ever want to be
exceptional with women. They are real, and women have to deal with
them every day. Women take them for granted – and they almost ASSUME
that men should know them too. That’s why there’s so much confusion
between the sexes.
That being said, just being aware of these conflicts is going to put us ahead
of 99% of other guys she meets.
But using a SYSTEM designed to capitalize and EXPLOIT these conflicts
will give us nearly superhuman abilities.
By learning and studying this system, you are going to have supreme-
confidence with women. You’ll understand them better because they won’t
be so much of a mystery, and you’ll have much stronger conversation
naturally because as you investigate the different types, you’ll have a
genuine curiosity, that will make conversation happen with no effort.
Women often speak an almost indecipherable female code that’s almost
impossible for men to translate. Things like how to know she is giving off
signals that she’s interested, how to know she’s flirting or being serious,
why she likes certain guys as “just friends”, what secret behaviors get her
horny, when she’s ready to be kissed or have sex with you, if she wants a
relationship or not, why she’s friendly one minute and ice cold the next,
and the list goes on and on.
What’s interesting is that – this woman-speak – or women speaking a
different language than men comes DIRECTLY FROM THESE CONFLICTS.
So pay attention.
In this section we are going to:
1. Identify the three major conflicts between her biological drive and
society pressure
2. Learn the mental strategies she uses to deal with those conflicts
3. Transparently and invisibly align ourselves with those strategies
so that we become the ONLY source of her physical pleasure and
emotional comfort. This will make you automatically project the
qualities and attributes that make her attracted and get her turned on.
There are three MAJOR conflicts however, that are so intense, they force
women to choose a dominant strategy, and that becomes part of her
personality - which dictates significant behavioral differences – and
determines which triggers makes her feel attracted, which behaviors
make her feel comfortable, and what gets her turned on.
These three conflicts are: Time, Sex, and Relationship.
– Women are biologically programmed to mate with the
most dominant, high status man they can find so therefore she wants to
spend time really screening the men she dates and finding the best one
- but there is pressure from society to be with a guy who has high status –
and it is looked down upon if a girl is single for a long time.
This is why you will see women who are older, becoming cougars, and
becoming much more aggressive in dating, going out, and meeting guys.
Even to the point of hitting on the guys instead as opposed to younger
girls who are more likely to just sit there and let men approach them. It
all has to do with her feeling that her time is running out…
With men – they actually get BETTER with age, more successful, better
traveled, they have more sexual experience. And they can have children,
now especially with Viagra, well into their 70’s or 80’s.
She wants to enjoy the physical pleasure and emotional
intimacy of sex - but sex in the past has led to emotional trauma and
critical judgment from society and her peers.
This is why women will seem VERY into you, make out with you, let you
touch her, but there’s often an additional level of resistance right before
you start having actual sex. We know it feels great for her, and often
we don’t understand her hesitation, but she’s got an internal conflict
preventing her from going all the way.
Conflict of Time
Conflict of Sex –
And men – we don’t try to have sex with a girl, and then suddenly change
our mind because we’re scared of being judged. If anything our friends
think we’re even cooler for having more sex.
Her biological wiring drives her to support and
nurture family, and develop her feminine self / but
our male dominated
society encourages achievement, status climbing and developing her
career, just in case she doesn’t find a man to provide for her.
This is why you’ll see very successful women quitting their jobs or taking
an extended leave when they have kids. For example, recently Nicole
Kidman took a break from Hollywood to focus on raising her children.
You won’t see a man really taking a break from work to focus on his family
– if anything he’ll work even HARDER when he has more mouths to feed.
Now, because of the intensities of these 3 conflicts, she is forced to
develop coping strategies to manage them.
There are two very distinct coping strategies a woman can choose for
each conflict. The strategy she chooses becomes habitual, and it manifests
drastic differences in behavior between women.
Now, all women have the same conflicts, so that doesn’t really make them
unique. The difference is HOW WOMEN CHOOSE TO DEAL with these
strategies that are different. What we’ve found is that for each conflict a
woman has two different choices of how she can deal with it. The strategy
a woman chooses to manage these conflicts is WHAT DEFINES her
character type.
Conflict of Relationship –
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