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The mirror system and its role in social cognition
Giacomo Rizzolatti 1 and Maddalena Fabbri-Destro 1 , 2
Experiments in monkeys have shown that coding the goal of the
motor acts is a fundamental property of the cortical motor
system. In area F5, goal-coding motor neurons are also
activated by observing motor acts done by others (the
‘classical’ mirror mechanism); in area F2 and area F1, some
motor neurons are activated by the mere observation of goal-
directed movements of a cursor displayed on a computer
screen (a ‘mirror-like’ mechanism). Experiments in humans and
monkeys have shown that the mirror mechanism enables the
observer to understand the intention behind an observed motor
act, in addition to the goal of it. Growing evidence shows that a
deficit in the mirror mechanism underlies some aspects of
The mirror mechanism is present in various cortical areas
and according to its location mediates different functions.
The mirror mechanism is located in the parieto-frontal
network and underlies the understanding of the goal of
the observed motor acts and the intention behind them.
The mirror mechanism is also located in human Broca’s
area and transforms heard phonemes into the motor
format necessary to produce them. Finally, the mirror
mechanism is present in the insula and anterior cingulate
cortex. It mediates the understanding of emotions of
others. In the present article we will deal only with the
parieto-frontal mirror network (for recent reviews on
other systems endowed with the mirror mechanism see
[ 4,5 ]). Our review will be not exhaustive. Only those
studies that are relevant with the main theme of this
article will be reviewed.
1 Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Sezione Fisiologia, Universit` di Parma,
via Volturno, 39, 43100 Parma, Italy
2 Dipartimento SBTA, Sezione di Fisiologia Umana, Universit` di Ferrara,
via Fossato di Mortara,17-19, 44100 Ferrara, Italy
The mirror mechanism in monkeys
Goal coding in the monkey motor areas
The mirror mechanism is embedded in the motor system
( Figure 1 ). Crucial, therefore, for understanding its func-
tion is to understand which are the motor properties of the
areas where the mirror neurons are located. As far the
parieto-frontal circuit is concerned early experiments
showed that, in F5, many neurons fire regardless of
whether the motor act is done using the right hand,
the left hand or the mouth [ 6 ]. This was interpreted as
evidence that area F5 codes the goal of the motor act
rather than the single movements forming it [ 7 ].
Corresponding author: Rizzolatti, Giacomo ( )
and Fabbri-Destro, Maddalena ( )
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2008, 18:179–184
This review comes from a themed issue on
Cognitive neuroscience
Edited by Read Montague and John Assad
Available online 20th August 2008
0959-4388/$ – see front matter
# 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The problem of goal coding in area F5 has been recently
re-examined in a more stringent way. Macaque monkeys
were trained to use two tools: normal pliers and ‘reverse’
pliers (an implement that requires finger opening, instead
of closing, to grasp an object). Single neurons were
recorded from F5 and the primary motor cortex (F1).
The result showed that all the recorded neurons from F5
and about 40% of neurons recorded from F1 discharged in
relation to the goal of the motor act independent of
whether it was achieved by closing the hand (normal
pliers) or opening it (reverse pliers) [ 8 ].
Social cognition is the study of how people interact with
other individuals in social situations. A fundamental
aspect of social interaction is the capacity to understand
what others are doing, their intention and their feelings.
A series of experiments carried out in the last decade
showed that this capacity is mediated, in part, by a
specific mechanism called the mirror mechanism [ 1,2 ].
This mechanism transforms sensory information
describing actions of others into a motor format
similar to that the observers internally generate
when they imagine themselves doing that action or
when they actually perform it. The similarity between
the motor format generated by observing others and
that internally generated during motor and emotional
behavior allows the observer to understand others’
behavior, without any complex cognitive elaboration
[ 3 ].
The goal representation in the cortical motor system is not
a peculiarity of F5, but has been also described in other
sectors of the premotor cortex and in F1 [ 9–12 ]. However,
because, alternative explanations could not be ruled out,
the claim of goal coding in the cortical motor system was
advanced with caution. The new data just reviewed show
beyond any doubt that the cortical motor system has the
goal of a motor act (grasping, holding, reaching) inbuilt in
its organization. This organization has fundamental con-
ceptual consequences because it indicates that the firing
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2008, 18:179 184
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180 Cognitive neuroscience
Figure 1
Example of a mirror neuron and anatomy of agranular frontal and posterior parietal cortex of the macaque monkey. (Upper part) F5 mirror neuron. The
neuron discharges when the monkey grasps an object (a) and when it observes the experimenter grasping it (b). (Lower part) the central part of the
figure shows the cytoarchitectonic parcellation of the agranular frontal cortex (areas indicated with F and arabic numbers) and of the parietal lobe
(areas indicated with P and progressive letters). The enlargement of the frontal region (rectangle on the left) shows the parcellation of area F5. The
rectangle on the right shows the areas buried within the intraparietal sulcus. AIP, anterior intraparietal area; IP, intraparietal sulcus; LIP, lateral
intraparietal area; MIP, medial intraparietal area; POs, parieto-occipital sulcus; As, superior arcuate sulcus; Ai inferior arcuate sulcus; C, central sulcus;
Ca, calcarine fissure; CG, cingulate cortex; FEF, frontal eye field; L, lateral sulcus; Lu, lunate sulcus; P, principal sulcus; STS, superior temporal sulcus.
(Modified from [ 5 ]).
elicited in F5 mirror neurons by the observation of a motor
act describes the goal of the observed motor act. This
enables the observer to understand it, without the need to
postulate a dichotomy between putative posterior goal-
understanding areas (e.g. STS) and motor areas.
of two phases: An active movement phase in which the
monkey moved the cursor, and an observation phase in
which the monkey observed the replayed movements
generated in the active phase. The observation phase has
three conditions. In the first, both the cursor and the
targets were visible; in the second, the monkey saw only
the replayed targets; in the third, the monkey saw only
the moving cursor, but not the targets. The results
showed that, in both PMd and F1 passive observation
of the task elicited a neural discharge similar to that found
during task execution. The observation of the cursor
without targets and of the targets without cursor gave
either no responses or responses weaker than those found
during the observation of both cursor and targets [ 14 ].
Mirror-like mirror neurons
Typically, the mirror mechanism in the monkey has been
studied in ethological situations. A few years ago evidence
was provided that, in the dorsal premotor cortex (PMd or
F2) there are neurons that discharge both when a monkey
executes a conditioned task (moving a cursor on a com-
puter screen) and when the animal observes the same task
done by the experimenter. Unlike ‘classical’ mirror
neurons these neurons did not require, to be triggered,
the observation of an effector (e.g. a hand) that acts on the
object. The mere observation of goal achievement was
sufficient [ 13 ].
The most likely explanation of these findings is that these
mirror-like neurons are sensitive to the goal of the motor
act. In fact, the moment in which the cursor reaches the
target corresponds to the goal achievement, normally
obtained using natural effectors. The study does not
report whether these neurons discharge during the obser-
vation of motor act done with natural effectors, yet the
A recent study extended this observation. Monkeys were
trained to move repetitively a cursor to targets that
appeared at random locations. The experiment consisted
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2008, 18:179 184
The mirror system and its role in social cognition Rizzolatti and Fabbri-Destro 181
mechanism underlying their activation appears to be
similar to that of mirror neurons.
clips showing hand grasping movements activated
neurons in F5 (Caggiano et al., abstract in Society for
Neuroscience, 123.12, 2007).
Another important development in the study of mirror
system has been the demonstration that mirror neurons
do not require the presentation of a real scene to be
activated. First an fMRI study [ 15 ] and recently a single
neuron recording study showed that, in monkeys con-
ditioned to fixate a spot light, the observations of video-
Mirror-mechanism in humans
Goal coding in human mirror system
As in the monkey, human parieto-frontal mirror network
( Figure 2 ) possesses a mirror mechanism for coding the
goal of motor acts. An earlier evidence for this was
Figure 2
Later view of human cortex with an enlarged view the frontal lobe. Cytoarchitectonic subdivision according to Brodmann. The areas in yellow show
areas responding to the observation and execution of hand motor acts. (Upper part) enlarged view of the frontal lobe. The possible homology between
monkey and human premotor cortex are indicated. C: central sulcus; IF: inferior frontal sulcus; FEF: frontal eye field; PMd: dorsal premotor cortex;
PMv: ventral premotor cortex; PrePMd: pre-dorsal premotor cortex; SP: upper part of the superior precentral sulcus. For areas indicated with F see
Figure 1 . (Modified from [ 5 ].)
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2008, 18:179 184
182 Cognitive neuroscience
provided by a TMS experiment in which motor-cortex
excitability was tested during the observation of hand
movements directed to a specific goal (predictable move-
ments) and in trials in which the hand moved in a
different unpredictable way. The data showed that the
observation of unpredictable movements did not elicit
the expected change in the excitability of the motor
cortex corresponding to the observed movements. During
the observation of the unpredictable movements, the
excitability pattern was that found during the observation
of the predicted ones. This indicates that the observed
motor acts were coded from their very beginning in terms
of the final goal of the action and not in terms of the
movements forming them [ 16 ].
without grasping objects. The reaching movements were
actually executed, observed, or imagined. An overlap
between executed, observed and imagined reaching acti-
vation was found in dorsal premotor cortex and in the
superior parietal lobule (SPL) extending into IPS. There-
fore, the human brain possesses a reaching mirror system,
and its location is distinct from that for grasping [ 20 ].
Mirror system and intention understanding
When we observe a motor act like grasping a cup of coffee
we understand not only what the agent is doing but,
typically, also why he/she is doing it. The agent’s intention
can be inferred from the way the object is grasped or from
the context in which the action is executed. Some years
ago, an fMRI experiment showed that when individuals
had to infer the intention of the agent from the context,
there was a selective activation of the right frontal node of
the mirror-system [ 21 ]. The importance of the mirror
system in understanding intention has been recently
confirmed by an fMRI experiment based on the repeti-
tion–suppression paradigm. Participants were asked to
observe repeated movies showing either the same move-
ment or the same outcome independent of the executed
movement. The result showed activity suppression in the
right inferior parietal and in the right IFG when the
outcome was the same [ 22 ].
Further evidence that human parieto-frontal mirror sys-
tem codes the goal of motor act has been provided by
fMRI studies. Gazzola et al. [ 17 ] instructed volunteers to
observe movies where either a human or a robot arm
grasped objects. In spite of differences in shape and
kinematics between the human and robot arms, the
parieto-frontal mirror-system was activated in both con-
ditions [ 17 ]. Hamilton et al [ 18 ] addressed the goal
coding issue using the repetition–suppression technique,
a technique based on the trial-by-trial reduction of a
physiological response to repeated stimuli. Participants
observed a series of movies showing goal-directed motor
acts with the sequence controlled so that some goals were
novel and others repeated relative to the previous move-
ments. Repeated presentation of the same goal, caused
the suppression of the response in the left intraparietal
sulcus (IPS) while this region was not sensitive to the
trajectory of the actor’s hand.
It has been suggested that, in complex situations, infer-
ential processing may complement the mirror mechanism
in intention understanding [ 3 ]. Experimental evidence
for this was provided by Brass et al. [ 23 ] in an fMRI
experiment in which volunteers were required to infer
intention in an unusual situation. Areas that became
active in mentalizing [ 24 ] were found to be active in this
A motor act performed by a robotic arm is recognized by
the hand mirror system. Can the goal of a hand movement
be also recognized in the absence of any experience of
hand movements? To answer this question two aplasic
individuals, born without arms and hands, were studied.
While being scanned they were asked to watch videos
showing hand actions and their brain activations were
compared with those of control volunteers. All partici-
pants also made actions with different effectors (feet,
mouth and, for normal volunteers, hands). The results
showed that the mirror-system of aplasic individuals is
activated by the observation of hand motor acts. This
demonstrates that the brain of aplasics can mirror motor
acts that they never had executed. The goal is recognized
by recruiting areas involved in the execution of motor acts
having the same goal but using different effectors [ 19 ].
While we know virtually nothing about the neurophysio-
logical mechanisms underlying inferential processing,
data in monkeys suggest a neurophysiological mechanism
that may account for mirror-based intention understand-
ing [ 25 ]. These data show that, in monkey IPL, motor acts
are organized in chains that code specific intentional
actions (i.e. grasp-for-eating, grasp-for-placing). Most
interestingly, these chains may be also activated by the
mere observation of the first motor act of a chain, thus
providing the observer of an internal copy of the whole
future action of the agent before its execution, that is the
agent’s intention.
An EMG study provided evidence for the existence of a
similar mechanism in humans. When ‘typically develop-
ing’ children observe an action formed by several motor
acts, the muscles that are involved in the last motor act
become already active during the observation of the first
one. This activation is absent in children with autism.
These data indicate that the mirror system provides the
observers with a copy of the entire action that the agent
A motor goal implies the capacity to reach and grasp an
item. However, virtually all studies on mirror system in
humans were concerned with grasping. Only recently the
problem of a mirror mechanism for reaching movements
was addressed. In an fMRI study volunteers were asked to
transport their hand to a particular location in space
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2008, 18:179 184
The mirror system and its role in social cognition Rizzolatti and Fabbri-Destro 183
intends to do at the start of it, thus enabling the observer
to understand agent’s intention. Children with autism
appear to lack this motor understanding [ 26 ].
References and recommended reading
Papers of particular interest, published within the period of the review,
have been highlighted as:
The mirror system for coding movements
The property of the parieto-frontal mirror system we
stressed in this review is that of coding goals. However,
from the very beginning of mirror system studies, TMS
experiments showed that human motor system, unlike
that of monkeys, also responds to the observation of
movements apparently devoid of a goal (e.g. [ 27–29 ]).
of special interest
of outstanding interest
1. Gallese V, Fadiga L, Fogassi L, Rizzolatti G: Action recognition in
the premotor cortex. Brain 1996, 119:593-609.
2. Rizzolatti G, Fadiga L, Fogassi L, Gallese V: Premotor cortex and
the recognition of motor actions. Cogn Brain Res 1996,
3. Rizzolatti G, Fogassi L, Gallese V: Neurophysiological
mechanisms underlying the understanding and imitation of
action. Nat Rev Neurosci 2001, 2:661-670.
4. Rizzolatti G, Craighero L: The mirror-neuron system. Annu Rev
Neurosci 2004, 27:169-192.
5. Fabbri-Destro M, Rizzolatti G: Mirror neurons and mirror
systems in monkeys and humans. Physiology 2008,
6. Rizzolatti G, Camarda R, Fogassi L, Gentilucci M, Luppino G,
Matelli M: Functional organization of inferior area 6 in the
Macaque monkey. II. Area F5 and the control of distal
movements. Exp Brain Res 1988, 71:491-507.
7. Rizzolatti G, Luppino G, Matelli M: The organization of the
cortical motor system: new concepts. Electroencephalogr Clin
Neurophysiol 1998, 106:283-296.
A recent fMRI study elegantly demonstrated that this
‘movement mirror mechanism’ is extremely sensitive to
movement kinematics. Dayan et al. [ 30 ] examined brain
responses to the observation of drawing and curved
hand movements obeying or not the 2/3- power law,
i.e the law describing the coupling between movement
curvature and velocity. Mirror hand areas were more
strongly activated during the observation of movement
obeying this law than in response the any other type of
In spite of the explosion of studies on mirror mechanism,
there are two issues of great interest for social cognition
that are not yet solved. The first is whether the mirror
mechanism is innate or acquired through experience.
There is ample evidence that mirror system is extremely
plastic and specific motor experience modifies its respon-
siveness [ 31 ,32,33 ]. We also know that the formation of
motor memories is strongly facilitated when the partici-
pants both observe and perform the same movement
[ 34,35 ] and that the mirror responses triggered by a
corresponding movement can be modified by repetitively
coupling the performed movement with the observation
of a non-congruent movement [ 36 ]. The extent, however,
of mirror activity at birth and in the first months is still an
open question [ 37 ].
Caruana F, Jezzini A, Gallese V, Rizzolatti G: When pliers become
fingers in the monkey motor system. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
2008, 105:2209-2213.
A single-unit study showing that hand grasping premotor neurons (area
F5) and several hand motor neurons (area F1) discharge both when the
monkey grasps objects using normal pliers and ‘reverse pliers’ an
implement that requires finger opening instead of closing to grasp an
object. This study presents crucial evidence that the goals of motor acts
and not just the movements forming them are coded in the monkey
cortical motor system.
9. Crutcher MD, Alexander GE: Movement-related neuronal
activity selectively coding either direction or muscle pattern in
three motor areas of the monkey. J Neurophysiol 1990,
10. Alexander GE, Crutcher MD: Neural representations of the
target (goal) of visually guided arm movements in three motor
areas of the monkey. J Neurophysiol 1990, 64:164-178.
11. Kakei S, Hoffman DS, Strick PL: Muscle and movement
representations in the primary motor cortex. Science 1999,
12. Kakei S, Hoffman DS, Strick PL: Direction of action is
represented in the ventral premotor cortex. Nat Neurosci 2001,
13. Cisek P, Kalaska JF: Neural correlates of reaching decisions in
dorsal premotor cortex: specification of multiple direction
choices and final selection of action. Neuron 2005, 45:801-814.
Another fundamental issue concerns the presence of
mirror system in species other than primates. Recently,
mirror mechanism has been elegantly demonstrated in
birds [ 38 ]. What about mammals? Is mirror mechanism a
peculiarity of social cognition of primates, or do other
mammals possess it? Although this is not an easy exper-
imental task, the discovery of a mirror mechanism in
mammals such as rodents would allow a better under-
standing of mirror mechanism at the cellular level and
could help to elucidate the neural basis of pathological
syndromes, such as autism, possibly consequent to
damage of the mirror mechanism [ 39–41 ].
action and action observation inmotor cortex. J Neurosci 2007,
This study shows that single-neuron responses in monkey primary motor
(F1) and dorsal premotor (F2) cortices are present during observation and
execution of a familiar task in the absence of the vision of the performing
effector. It is the first demonstration of the presence of mirror-like activity
in the primary motor cortex.
15. Nelissen K, Luppino G, Vanduffel W, Rizzolatti G, Orban GA:
Observing others: multiple action representation in the frontal
lobe. Science 2005, 310:332-336.
16. Gangitano M, Mottaghy FM, Pascual-Leone A: Modulation of
premotor mirror neuron activity during observation of
unpredictable grasping movements. Eur J Neurosci 2004,
This work was supported by, a grant from Ministero dell’Istruzione,
dell’Universita e della Ricerca to GR, EU project Neurocom, and
Interuniversity Attraction Poles (IAP). M.F-D. was supported by
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2008, 18:179 184
Umilt ` MA, Escola L, Intskirveli I, Grammont F, Rochat M,
Tkach D, Reimer J, Hatsopoulos NG: Congruent activity during
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin