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Bear Pattern: Little Sam
Snuggle up with this tiny ted designed by Carol Barnes
Wrapped up warm for the winter months, Sam is the sweetest of miniatures. Standing just 8cm (3 1/4”) he’s created from short pile
fabric and his broad shaped face makes him extremely appealing. With a little time and patience he’s simple enough for a beginner to
make. So if you’re stuck indoors on a chilly November night, why not while away the hours and start sewing this beautiful bear?
• 21cm x 10cm (8 1/4” x 4”) piece osquare for paw and footpads
• Thread to match
• One pair of 2mm black beads for eyes
• Strong thread
• Five sets of 6mm cotter material for scarf
• Needlenose pliers for rolling cotter pins
• Fine needles
Long needle for inserting the eyes
• Small sharp scissors
• Polyfill for stuffing
• Awl for joints
A 2mm seam allowance is included on all pieces and arrows indicate nap
direction. All hand-sewing is done using a very small backstitch.
Trace off pattern and mount onto card to make templates, not forgetting to copy
instructions and joint positions. Draw round each template on the wrong side of
your fabric checking that the arrows correspond with the direction of the pile.
Cut out each piece carefully with small scissors.
1. Place the head right sides together, stitch from nose to neck points B-A.
Mark the centre of the nose end of the head gusset with a pin and match this to
centre seam at B. Sew from nose B to neck C, easing gently to fit. Repeat for
the other side. Carefully turn head right side out. Using strong or double thread,
run a line of gathering stitch round the neck edge, but don’t pull it tight just yet.
Stuff the head firmly starting with the nose, but don’t over-fill it as you won’t
be able to sink the eyes. Put a washer onto the split pin and insert into the neck,
pulling up the gathering tightly. Sew a few more stitches across for security and
finish off.
2. Embroider the nose in satin stitch with one or two strands of silk. Then sew
the mouth into an inverted “Y” shape. To fit the eyes use either double or strong
thread and a long needle. Stitch through from the neck edge to where you want
the eye to be. Thread on a black bead and stitch through to the back of the head
pulling tight to sink the eye.
3. Place the ears right sides together, stitch around the curved edge leaving the
straight edge open. Turn to right side and ladder stitch the raw edge together.
Pins ears in position and sew on securely when you are happy with them.
4. Position the body pieces right sides together and backstitch the body all the
way round leaving an opening for turning. Make the joint holes for the arms
and legs and turn right side out.
Stitch the inner arms and paw pads together and sew all around the inner and
outer arms leaving a gap for turning. Make joint holes and turn right side out.
Stuff the paw area firmly then insert joints into the hole and finish stuffing into
firm. Close gap with ladder stitch. Repeat for other arm.
5. Place the legs right sides together and sew round leg leaving gap for turning.
Sew around the foot pad area across the bottom. Fit foot pad and sew in easing
gently to fit. Make joint hole and turn to right side. Stuff firmly and evenly
having inserted cotter pin joint before reaching the top of the leg. Ladder stitch
closed. Repeat for the other leg.
7. Attach the head to the body by passing the cotter pin through a 2 (1 reverse)
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