
(414 KB) Pobierz
By Pam Goodwin
Indian shops sell all sorts of interesting bits
and pieces including silk and small decorative
objects. I have found a wonderful shop in
Coventry, it is like an Aladdin’s Cave.
I have used large cards for my designs but
you could just as easily use smaller ones and
scale everything down to match.
Materials Required:
Small pieces of pure silk in vibrant colours.
Calico, Vilene or something similar.
Machine embroidery threads in bright and
metallic colours.
Sewing machine and a set square.
Lead pencil, White pencil or
autofade marker.
Beads, tassels and imitation shisha
(stitched mirrors).
Card mounts: DEC1U in a selection of colours.
To Make The Cards:
Cut out two 9cm squares of silk in the colour of
your choice and one piece of calico the same size.
Mark an accurate 6-7cm square centrally onto the
front of one of the silk squares, use a set square or
a ready made template to make sure it is perfectly
square. This will be the outer edge of the diamond
once it is finished.
Have a look at the type of stitches your sewing
machine will do and work out a design to fit within
the 6-7cm square. Remember most machines can
have the width and length of stitching adjusted
which will add to the variety of the finished
Above: The design on this diamond is three rows of zig-zag
stitching with a beaded shisha at the centre. I have made
the tassel from coloured threads.
Left: The outer border is three rows of straight stitching
close together. The main design is gold scallop stitch round
a zig-zag square with a metal charm in the centre.
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designs. I have mainly used a close zig-zag or
a blanket stitch, see the text by each picture for
more details.
Use a sharp white pencil on darker fabrics
and a lead pencil on lighter ones. Remember that
as you are working on the right side the stitches
will have to cover the pencil marks, so mark
carefully or use an autofade pen.
The width of silk showing around the design
can be varied according to taste. For a narrow
border leave about 3mm between the edge of
the pattern and the marked square for a wider
border leave up to 7mm.
Set the tension correctly on the machine so
that the lower thread does not show on the top
surface of the fabric.
Take the marked square of silk and the square
of calico and place them together into the
machine with the silk right side up and on top.
Stitch the outermost part of the design first and
work towards the centre stitching through both
When stitching corners in zig-zag make sure
the needle begins and ends it’s swing at the outer
Above: I have stitched the central motif in this design, it
is bordered by two rows of narrow zig-zag stitches. The
outer border is two wider rows of zig-zag with a row of
straight stitches in between them.
edge of the corner so
you get a solid line
along the corner as
shown by the darker
lines in the diagram.
If you are using a
hard decorative object
which needs stitching
or gluing onto the
fabric such as the star
or shisha it should be
added later rather
than now.
Mark a 6-7cm
square centrally on
the back of the second
piece of silk and make
a large diagonal slit in
it as shown. Place the
Left: The outer border is blanket stitch then a row of
straight stitch, this is followed by three rows of zig-zag
bordering a shisha.
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two silk squares together with right sides facing and
stitch round on the marked line.
Tu rn the design right side out by pulling the front
piece through the slit in the back piece, push a rounded
tapestry needle or a fairly blunt pencil into the corners
to help push them out. Glue or stitch any hard decora-
tive objects onto the front panel now.
Stitch a loop onto the top of the diamond from the
back taking care not to stitch through the front layer as
well, I use different kinds of beads, braids or threads
for this purpose which adds variety.
Stitch a large tassel to the lower point of the dia-
mond from the back as before. If you can’t get hold of
large tassels why not make your own from thread. This
way you can get a real-
ly good match by using
the same threads as you
stitch the design with. I
often like to use metal
in the diamond and a
matching colour metal-
lic thread in the tassel.
Simply make a bun-
dle of threads and tie in
the centre with a piece
of cord. Leave the ends
of the cord long enough
to fasten onto the dia-
mond. Fold both sides
of the bundle down
and tie with a piece of
the same thread
to hold them
and form the
top of the tassel.
Glue the
finished dia-
mond onto the
card at the cen-
tre only so it
will be easy to
remove as they
make lovely
Above: Four rows of zig-zag in different widths
around a central motif which has been cut from
an old drink can and stitched on.
Below: The outer border is blanket stitched. Then
three rows of zig-zag make up the inner border
with a pretty shisha in the centre.
Rows of blanket
stitch make the
border with stars
at the corners.
An old drink can
has been used to
make the centre
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