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I fucked a Mexican, I fucked an Indian, I fucked a native Canadian-Indian, I fucked black, I fucked Chinese, I
fucked German, Russian, I fucked every race. That was one of my goals that I had to accomplish before I would
settle down. I even fucked an Eskimo that had no teeth. What a blowjob!
I used to go to the bar, pick up a girl, bring her home, fuck her, and then I would go back to the bar and pick up
another one. I did that constantly. At that time, I was only satisfied if I had two women every night. After
fucking the first one, I would go to the bar and tell the next girl what I had done. I’d say something like, “You
know, tonight I met a really nice girl, her name was Nancy. And the reason I’m still here is because she didn’t
satisfy me.”
I lived on sex. And after I got tired of fucking any particular woman, I’d say, “My friend Bruno is coming over,
and I want you to give him some head today.” Why do you think women are with pimps? Think about it! A
pimp makes her fuck tons of guys and she is willing to do almost anything for him. Now, I don’t consider pimps
to be model citizens, but they do understand something about women. And not only is she fucking for him, she is
bringing him the money! Guys wouldn’t do that for a woman. As horny as we are, most of us wouldn’t do that,
and if we did, we sure as hell wouldn’t give her the money! But they do it for security.
Decide what you want and go get it. Somebody recently asked me what I want for my children. I want my kids to
have enough confidence to do what they want with their lives, and to be happy. Isn’t that what you want? I’m on
the road of life, and I know where I’m going. If she wants to come with me, then she is welcome. I’m not going
down her road, I’m going down my road. When I’m talking to a woman, she is in my restaurant, looking at my
menu. And the menu isn’t going to change, unless I want it to change.
I lived in Texas for two years and when I came back to Montreal I called up this woman that I used to go out
with. And she was extremely pissed off at me for just getting up and leaving without telling her goodbye. I said,
“You were the first one I called. I’m looking at my list and you came in with the highest rating. Now is there a
chance for me to come over or not? I’m too horny to argue.” She said, “Come over.” So I went over and fucked
her. After I finished, she squawked for another two hours. I let her complain (who cares what they say) while I
went to sleep. In the morning she made me breakfast and squawked for another two hours. Finally I asked,
“How long do I have to take your complaining for? How much squawking is two years in Texas worth?” And
she said, “I’m almost done.” How much is two years in Texas worth? Yes I didn’t call. Yeah, I fucked tons of
other women. No, I wasn’t thinking about you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re so right honey!
Ok, fine, she’s right. I’m a terrible man. But they like bad boys. Remember that Seinfeld episode when George
was the bad boy? He decided to do the complete opposite of what he had always done, and all of a sudden he had
more women than ever! It’s a fact that women like bad boys. A lot of them even admit it.
Now, every once in a while, and especially as you learn to develop this attitude, a woman will tell you that she
loves you. If you say, “I love you too", then you're fucked! You might as well chop off your dick and hand it to
her. He who loves least controls the relationship. If you want to control the relationship, don't fall in love with
her so quickly! Don't toss the ball in their court, control the ball at all times. And you've got to be relentless -- you
can't afford to be lazy. Remember, the person who loves the least controls the relationship. I have only said, “I
love you" to two women in my life. I married them both. I tell them, “When I tell a woman that I love her, it's
because I'm also putting a ring on her finger."
When you set a precedent you have to stick to your guns. If you tell her no, then later on for whatever reason you
allow her, she will view you as weak. Give them an inch and they will take a mile. Stop making excuses and stop
making exceptions. When you set a precedent you can't go back. One of the big diseases that happens to men
that are in a relationship is laziness. You have to do what YOU want relentlessly. You cannot give in ever. They
want the strength and they will love you for it. You always have to be on top of the situation. What happens to
most guys is that once they fuck her, they doze off. They get lazy. It's the same thing with meeting them. The
follow through is important. Now, when she steers the conversation toward sex for example, I'll say something
like, "You seem to have sex on your mind more than I do." Or I’ll say, "I don't want to talk about sex right now."
When she asks why, I’ll say, "Because I only like talking about sex when I know I'm going to be getting some."
Now when she brings up sex again I know I've got her! You always want to lead the conversation right from the
I like to tell them that maybe we won't get that far (sex). Because after I get to know her, I may not want sex from
her. I tell women that I'm not sure if I want to sleep with them yet, I tell them, "We'll see--let me get to know you
first." Don't they do that to us? I'm just doing what they do. When you tell a woman that you don't know if you
want to sleep with her, she will love your confidence. Women want a confident guy who knows what he wants.
When you have stables, when you have 4 or 5 girlfriends at once, Valentine’s Day can be a real bitch because they
all want to be with you on Valentines Day. I used to give them all the same card. I went out and bought a box of
Valentine’s Day cards and they were all exactly alike. And if I was still with a woman the next year, I gave her the
exact same card again. Sometimes they would complain and I’d say, “Can you imagine how hard I looked to find
the exact same card, because it’s the only card that can adequately express how I feel about you.” Hey, I’m a
romantic guy! I’m not lying. I said, “Can you imagine?” I don’t lie, but I don’t reveal everything either.
I give them the menu, and they can choose from the menu. I’m not going to change my menu for anyone. It’s
my menu. If I’m offering you meat, don’t ask me for a pastry. Go to the pastry chef if that’s what you want. He’s
cute! He can’t give you what I can give you, but he’s cute. I think there’s a lot more women out there who want
what’s on my menu. There’s a lot of dishes on my menu that a lot of guys don’t have.
When a woman is still controlled by her parents, I tell her right away that her parents won’t like me and that I
don’t want to give her a hard time. Not only am I being honest by telling her this, but it turns them on. If I say,
“Your parents won’t like me”, right away they think I’m a bad boy, and they all want the bad boy. I don’t like to
lie to the parents either. I tell them that I’m as bad as they think I am. “I’m as bad as you think I am.”
When I want women to do things for me, whether it be sexual or anything at all, I don’t ask them, I tell them. But
I do it in a very charming way. I don’t say, “May I please buy you a drink?” I say, “What are you drinking?” I
don’t ask her out on a date. I say something like, “I want you to have dinner with me tonight.” Get it? I’m not
asking and I’m not demanding. I’m telling them what I want in a confident and respectful manner. I’m showing
them what’s on the menu.
You can’t treat a hot one like she’s a hot one, and you can’t treat her like you’re not trying to treat her like she’s a
hot one and maybe she knows that you know. Read that again, just to make sure it sinks in. Because if you do
that you’re ignoring her because she’s hot. Treat them all the same, no matter what they look like. And remember
that while you think she’s hot, I may think she’s ugly.
What’s the difference in how you treat a ten versus a one? Depends on how horny you are. Next question. How
do you treat an 8 versus a five? Depends. Am I horny? What about young versus old? Treat them all the same.
Young to me is probably old to you. I’m 53 years old. You have to stop thinking about them and instead think of
you. After all, you are the most important person in the relationship. “But she is just so…” Forget it. The whole
orientation of seduction psychology is wrong, by the way. It just trains you to be over-analytical and causes you to
forget the most important person in the relationship, you. You can’t be thinking for her. Let her do that. Think
for you. Instead of thinking, ”What does she want?” think about what you want and only you. Do it honestly
and completely. What will happen is it will teach you something more valuable than money and more valuable
than technique. It will teach you honesty.
Women are constantly testing us. I really believe that. Children test you to see how far they can go, and women
are the same. Being with children can teach you a lot about how you should be with a woman. As soon as you
give in, you lose. You’ve failed the test. Any psychiatrist will tell you that. Because if you’re willing to give in now,
then you’ve just demonstrated that you’ll also give in later. Once you’ve set an example of something, it’s too late.
If you give in now you’re making your life more difficult later on. I'm tough with kids, but they love me. My sons
friends love me, I’m like the Pied Piper. Why? Because the rules aren’t hard to follow when I live by them also.
When I wanted my son to learn how to skate, I learned skating too. That’s why I can’t understand it when I see
other parents yelling at their kids and forcing them to learn how to skate when they’re not even willing to learn it
themselves. I see that all the time now that I have kids. Ignorant parents that push their children to succeed at
things and aren’t even willing to get on that ice and fall on their own asses. Those bruises keep me from being a
You need to be in control but not controlling. When I was still dating, sometimes women would start to have a
hissy fit, saying things like, “It’s always your way!” and I would say, “I’m glad you remember the rules.” It’s my
direction in life and I don’t care what they say. I know what I want in my life, and I know myself better than they
do. My life is not a democracy.
My mother told me that I have to ask for everything politely. “Can I please fuck you tonight?” Your mommy
meant well, but try to forget her advice, because she left out the important stuff. Your mommy didn’t tell you,
“Treat a lady like a whore and treat a whore like a lady.” Your mommy forgot to mention, “Who cares what they
think.” She never told you that the most important person in the relationship is you. And that’s because it’s your
life. Women don’t know what’s good for you, your mom doesn’t know what’s good for you, and I don’t know
what’s good for you.
I’m not saying that your mother did anything wrong. You’re probably a very nice person. But you’re not nice to
yourself, you’re nice to other people. You’ve been conditioned to be a pussy. “Say please.” “Be nice.” “Share
your toys.” “Say thank you for that cookie.” But in this world today, we’re finding out that being nice to certain
people is dangerous. When you go out to meet women, you’re on dangerous grounds. Who knows what these
women are like. Some of them have AIDS, some of them are prostitutes, coke whores, manipulative cunts,
thieves, murderers, liars, the list of fucked up women goes on and on. I’ve had women rip me off while I was
taking a piss. They went into my wallet and took my money. And they’ll cheat on you given half the chance. Do
you honestly believe that your girlfriend wouldn’t fuck George Clooney behind your back? What if Brad Pitt
showed up in her life? Would she stick around for you? You’ve got to be nice to you first.
What if she just wants to be friends? What if she’s not ‘over’ her ex? You either fuck her or you don’t. It’s black
or white. There can’t be any brown, gray, or blue. You’re not immortal. If she’s not ‘ready’, it usually means,
“Stick around for now until I find something better.” If her favorite rock star asked her out, do you think she
would say, “I’m washing my hair tonight”? She would probably make time for him! If she’s not making time for
you, that’s ok. Somebody else will. There’s 6 billion people on the planet, and half of them are lonely women.
And a funny thing happens when you just say ‘ok’ and walk away effortlessly. Suddenly she may change her mind.
If she does, great. Let her chase after you for a while. You have to realize that their cunts aren’t more valuable
than our cocks. We're both after the same thing -- each other.
The easiest thing you can do is walk away from a woman. You won’t get to fuck her, but at least you won’t have
to put up with her indecisiveness. You won’t have to bring her a flower, or any of that shit. Just walk away, enjoy
your freedom while it lasts. “What is it? Your sex is worth so much? Go give it to somebody else, I don’t want
it.” Usually what happens when you finally do get to taste the one’s that give you such a hard time is you discover
they’re no good anyway.
They give us such a hard time in the beginning. But what they're doing is they’re testing you to see if you’ve got
what it takes to take good care of her. They don’t want a pussy. If you’re reading this, I think that you need an
awakening, you need a good kick in the ass. I’m not telling you to use patterns and formulas and hypnosis and
subliminal messages and pheromones and fancy sports cars. I’m not asking you to divide 765 multiplied by the
square root of 17 minus 0.8 plus 68 to the power of seven! I’m telling you, “Know what you want, and tell her.” I
don’t want you to follow my ‘system’. I want you to follow yours. You don’t have the confidence to tell her what
you want? Then maybe you’re not horny enough, maybe you don’t want it badly enough. Try being a faggot. I
don’t know what to tell you. Make up your mind.
You don’t ‘almost’ fuck them. Either you do them or you don’t. I had a rule, if I didn’t fuck them by the third
date, they were gone. There was no fourth, fifth, or seventeenth date with me. There’s only three strikes in
baseball. And I tell them. I give every woman just enough rope to hang herself with. She’s the one worrying
about me. You guys are always worried about them. But what if they had to worry about losing you? You need to
realize that you are a commodity. You guys are sitting around jerking off when there’s millions of women out
there putting on their makeup every morning hoping to attract you.
I’m overweight, I swear like a sailor, and I’m not good-looking. But I never cared because women don’t look at
that. They wanted to please me. They brought me their friends and I would fuck them all. They would lick my
asshole while I fucked their friends. They let me do whatever I wanted to do. I used to tell women to wait in the
bedroom with their asses sticking out, and I’d send in my friends to go fuck them. They did it to please me.
There was never a weekend that I sat around thinking, “Oh, how am I going to get laid tonight?”
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