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Resuscitation 81 (2010) 123–125
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Case report
Imaging the human microcirculation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation
in a hypothermic victim of submersion trauma
Paul W.G. Elbers a , c , , Antonius J. Craenen a , Antoine Driessen d , Marco C. Stehouwer b ,
Luuk Munsterman a , Miranda Prins a , Mat van Iterson a , Peter Bruins a , Can Ince c
a Department of Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Management, St. Antonius Ziekenhuis, Koekoekslaan 1, 3435 CM, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
b Department of Perfusion, St. Antonius Ziekenhuis, Koekoekslaan 1, 3435 CM, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
c Department of Translational Physiology, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
d Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
article info
Article history:
Received 13 August 2009
Received in revised form 5 September 2009
Accepted 26 September 2009
The microcirculation is essential for delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissue. However, the human
microvascular response to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is unknown. We report on the first use
of sidestreamdarkfield imaging to assess the humanmicrocirculationduring CPRwith amechanical chest
compression/decompressiondevice (mCPR).mCPRwas able toprovidemicrovascular perfusion. Capillary
flow persisted even during brief mCPR interruption. However, indices of microvascular perfusion were
low and improved vastly after return of spontaneous circulation. Microvascular perfusion was relatively
independent from blood pressure. The microcirculation may be a useful monitor for determining the
adequacy of CPR.
Sidestream dark field imaging
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Mechanical compression/decompression
Extracorporeal circulation
Cardiopulmonary bypass
© 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
this technique to directly observe the sublingual microcirculation
during CPR in a victim of submersion trauma.
The microcirculation delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissue.
This makes adequate microvascular perfusion a key objective in
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Animal CPR experiments
have shown that global haemodynamic parameters do not always
reflect microvascular perfusion. 1–6 It is currently unknown if
such discrepancy exists in humans, because human microvas-
cular assessment during CPR has long been a virtual technical
impossibility. Such knowledge is essential to determine the effi-
cacy of CPR in establishing adequate blood flow to tissue. As
such, microvascular perfusion might serve as an end point for
Orthogonal polarized spectral (OPS) imaging and its improved
successor sidestreamdarkfield (SDF) imaging, have enabledhuman
microvascular imaging in real time. 7 For the first time, we applied
2. Case report
A 27-year-old man drove into a canal and was liberated
after approximately 45min of cold submersion. There were no
detectable signs of life and protocolized resuscitation was begun
using mechanical chest compression/decompression at a rate of
100min 1 (mCPR, LUCAS ® , Jolife, Lund, Sweden). Following intuba-
tion, manual interposed ventilations at 15–20min 1 were started.
On arrival at the hospital, mCPR was continued. Pupils were
widely dilated and unresponsive to light and the electrocardiogram
was isoelectric. Initial tympanic temperature was 22 C.
The patient was transported to the operating room for rewarm-
ing using extracorporeal circulation (ECC). During preparation for
ECC, a first series of microvascular recordings was made. This was
done during a brief period (<20 s) of mCPR switch-off as requested
by the surgeon. Up until this time point, there was no spontaneous
heart rhythm and mCPR had been ongoing.
Full ECC flow (5 Lmin 1 ) was reached approximately 2 h after
initiation of mCPR, which was used continuously until then. The
A Spanish translated version of the abstract of this article appears as Appendix
in the final online version at doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2009.09.032 .
Corresponding author at: St. Antonius Ziekenhuis, Koekoekslaan 1, 3435 CM,
Nieuwegein, The Netherlands.
E-mail address: info@acidbase.org (P.W.G. Elbers).
0300-9572/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
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P.W.G. Elbers et al. / Resuscitation 81 (2010) 123–125
Table 1
Microvascular, macrohaemodynamic, laboratory and drug data.
Sinus rhythm
Perfused vessel density (small vessels, mm 1 )
Percentage of perfused vessels (small vessels)
Microvascular flow index (small vessels)
Perfused vessel density (large vessels, mm 1 )
Percentage of perfused vessels (large vessels)
Microvascular flow index (large vessels)
NIBP (mmHg)
ABP (mmHg)
90/50 (67)
CVP (mmHg)
HR (min 1 )
PaO 2 (kPa)
SpO 2
Hb (mM)
PaCO 2 (kPa)
HCO 3 (mM)
Base excess (mM)
K + (mM)
Temperature (rectal, C)
Midazolam (mg)
5 a
Propofol (mg h 1 )
Noradrenalin (
Dexamethason (mg) 50
Calcium (mg) 100
Magnesium (mg) 3000
NIBP: non-invasive blood pressure; ABP: arterial blood pressure; CVP: central
venous pressure; HR: heart rate.
a Midazolam 5mg was given at the start of rewarming, >50min before cardiover-
b Adrenalin was given at regular intervals according to the CPR protocol except
during surgery for cannulation for ECC.
Fig. 1. Stills of video clips of themicrocirculation immediately following brief inter-
ruption of mCPR (a) and after ROSC (b). Actual video clips of these time points may
be found in the online supplement. These clearly show persistent but decreased
microvascular perfusion during mCPR.
LM) performed the analysis independently and their results were
4. Results
rectal temperature at this point was 23.9 C. Slow rewarming was
begun according to our local protocol. At 30 C, successful car-
dioversion fromventricular fibrillation to sinus rhythmwas carried
out. Rewarming was continued up to mild hypothermia (33 C).
Pump flow was slowly decreased and subsequently stopped. At
this time point circulation was spontaneous and a second series of
microvascular recordings was made.
After about 10min, ECC weaning proved unsuccessful because
of inadequate oxygenation (SpO 2 70–80%) at 100% F i O 2 . ECC was
restarted and the patient was transferred to the ICU. After 72 h,
brain stem reflexes were absent and did not improve. Eventually,
active treatment waswithdrawn and the patient died of pulmonary
Fig. 1 shows stills of the acquired video clips. Movies are
available in the online supplement. mCPR switch-off did not
obviously influence microvascular flow. Microvascular perfusion
scores, macrohaemodynamic parameters and administered drugs
may be found in Table 1 . Microvascular flow was present during
mCPR. However, PVD markedly improved after return of sponta-
neous circulation (ROSC). The change in PVD was much larger than
the change in blood pressure.
5. Discussion
This is the first paper to report on the human microvascular
response to CPR. We showed that mCPR generates microvascu-
lar flow, which persists during short interruptions. However, all
microvascular perfusion scores are considerably lower compared
to after ROSC. Further, the difference in PVD is much larger than the
difference in systemic blood pressure. This adds to the large body of
evidence that macrovascular parameters do not necessarily reflect
microvascular perfusion. 9
We previously studied hypertensive patients after routine car-
diac surgery. These had a PVD of 5.59 for small microvessels (PPV
80%, MFI 2.8), about twice the value for mCPR and two thirds of the
value after ROSC. 10 The latter may represent post-hypoperfusion
hyperemia. Weil’s group used OPS imaging in experimental cardiac
arrest in pigs. They reported a brain and sublingual microvascu-
lar MFI of 1.2–1.5 during manual CPR which improved to 3 after
ROSC. 1,2,4,5 This is comparable to our results.
3. Microcirculatory imaging
m 2 of
tissue surface. The local ethics committee waived the need for
informed consent for studies using SDF imaging as it is consid-
ered non-invasive. Following recent guidelines, 8 we determined
microvascular flow index (MFI), perfused vessel density (PVD)
and proportion of perfused vessels (PPV) both for large and small
microvesselswith a cut-off diameter of 20
m. Two authors (PWGE,
Adrenalin (
Sidestream dark field imaging has been described in detail
previously. 7 In brief, a handheld video microscope emits strobo-
scopic green light (530 nm), which is absorbed by hemoglobin.
Thus, a negative image ofmoving red blood cells is transmitted back
towards a camera, representing approximately 940
P.W.G. Elbers et al. / Resuscitation 81 (2010) 123–125
There are limitations to our study that need to be addressed.
First, it is difficult to draw conclusions from a single case. Second
our patient died and showed severe brain damage. Therefore, we
cannot tell whether the observed PVD is associated with adequate
microvascular brain perfusion. Further, we cannot be sure that
microvascular flow persisted beyond the resuscitation period and
can therefore not relate it to outcome. In addition, the sublingual
microcirculation, albeit central,maynot reflect othermicrovascular
beds. 11 Next, betweenmeasurements, vasoactive drugs were given
such as adrenalin (epinephrine) and propofol. However, propo-
fol was shown to decrease PVD in humans. 12 The same is true
for adrenalin in pigs during CPR. 4 Finally, the difference in PVD
between mCPR and ROSC may be caused by rewarming. This is
consistent with findings in hamsters where capillary density was
reduced twofold at 18 C versus 37 C. 13 Conversely, we are cur-
rently studyingmicrovascular flowduring hypothermic circulatory
arrest in humans. Preliminary analysis shows a PVD of approx-
imately 6mm 1
development of optical spectroscopic tools for study of the micro-
circulation and tissue oxygenation, in which context CI holds
patents and shares.
All other authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2009.09.032 .
at 25 C, similar to our findings after cardiac
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6. Conclusion
This is the first report on human microvascular imaging during
CPR. mCPR is able to provide microvascular perfusion. How-
ever, indices of microvascular perfusion seem low and improve
vastly after conversion to sinus rhythm. Microvascular perfusion
was relatively independent from global hemodynamic parame-
ters in this setting. The microcirculation may prove a sensitive
monitor to determine the adequacy of CPR. Albeit prone to move-
ment artifacts, it may prove possible to use SDF imaging in this
Conflict of interest statement
Prof. Can Ince is, as well as the affiliations listed in the
manuscript, chief scientific officer of Microvision Medical. Micro-
vision Medical is a university-based company dedicated to the
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