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Thank you for purchasing the new FACS. This README
contains important information about using this
CD ROM that will save you time in accessing its
features, if you read it first. 

  CD ROM Contents
  Install Viewer to Read Manual
  Reading Online v. Paper Copy
  How to Use the Links
  How to Setup Media Players
  Printing the Manual
  FACS Score Checker
  FACS Final Test


This manual and its entire contents, including all graphics,
images, software, and digital video, are furnished for the 
use of the reader under license and are protected by United
States and International Copyright laws. No rights under 
the copyright law are transferred to the purchaser, and 
this product may be used or copied only under the terms of
license. No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored 
in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by 
any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise,
without the prior expressed written permission of the authors.
These restrictions mean that the purchaser, reader, user, or
anyone else cannot copy the files from the CD ROM to any 
computer storage mechanism, cannot permit access to the CD ROM 
via networked computers, cannot post, mail, or copy any portion 
of the contents of this manual on any type of computer for 
transmission to others, cannot make derivative images from the
images provided, and cannot make duplicates of this CD ROM. 
No duplicate or facsimile of any printed portion of the text or 
images in the contents of this CD ROM can be made.

The purchaser has permission to print one paper copy (hardcopy)
of the Manual and of the Investigator?s Guide (licenses for
additional copies can be purchased), to print or copy as many copies 
of the FACS score sheets as needed, and to copy and to run 
the software program on any computer. 

Details are contained in the LICENSE.TXT file on this CD ROM,
including warrantee and disclaimer information. If you do not
agree to become bound by this license, do not install or use
this product and return it immediately.


As in the original FACS, the new version has several 
pieces, but now they are all on this single CD ROM:

1- the text of the Manual and the Investigator's
   Guide in PDF format in the Manual directory;
2- the video examples and practice in MPEG 1 format
   together in the original series in the Master1.mpg
   file in the Manual directory, and as individual 
   segments in the Manual/Practice/Video and 
   Manual/Examples/Video directories (in the ../Video/QT
   directories are QuickTime copies of the MPEGs);
3- the practice and example images (photos) in high
   resolution in the PDF file, and in lower resolution
   for screen display in the /Manual/Practice and
   /Manual/Examples directories;
4- a scoresheet at the end of the Manual;
5- a program that helps enter FACS scores into a
   computer file and checks the practice scoring
   against the criterion scores.


To read the PDF files, you need to have a PDF viewer installed.
Adobe Acrobat Reader? is the standard viewer, but Adobe
eBook Reader? can also be used, and it has some more features,
but it is not able to display the videos.
You may already have Acrobat Reader or eBook Reader installed
on your computer, in which case you can begin to read the
Manual immediately. If not, the latest versions of Acrobat 
Reader for Windows?, Linux?, and Macintosh? are on the CD. 

To install Acrobat Reader from the CD ROM, go to the Acrobat 
directory, go to the directory representing your operating
system, then go to the directory representing a language
(a choice for Windows only). If you are using Windows or
a Macintosh, run the executable program by invoking it
from your file system navigator or any other appropriate 
technique. You will be asked to accept the license agreement
for the program. Follow the directions on the screen to
complete the installation. 

If you are using Linux, unzip the gzip file using the command:
tar -xvzf linux-ar-405.tar.gz
which creates a ILINXR.install directory. In the directory 
is an installation shell script (INSTALL) and instructions 
in INSTGUID.TXT which should be consulted for details. You
will be asked to accept the license during use. Viewing the 
videos in an external viewer with this reader may be problematic 
with certain versions of Linux, players, or shells. If so, 
you can access the videos manually.

An Adobe PDF reader for most other operating systems is
probably available from the Adobe Web site. See the Web page
Acrobat Reader system requirements:

If Acrobat Reader is not available for your operating system, 
you can use Acrobat Viewer, a reader that runs with Java.
You can download Viewer from the Adobe Web site and use
the same Java runtime for it as for the FACS Score Checker.
Virtually every operating system can run a suitable version
of the Java Runtime that will support Viewer and Checker.
Unfortunately, Adobe does not support Viewer, it is back-level
to Reader, and has some functional problems. Also, its 
requirements for the Java runtime and other technical issues 
probably mean you will have to consult a Java programmer
to get it to work. So, get Reader or eBook Reader if you can.

If you would like to use eBook Reader, or to find another
language or operating system version of Acrobat Reader, 
or to obtain the Adobe Acrobat Viewer, go to
the Adobe Web site, download the program, and install it
according the instructions you find there. These readers
are free. Adobe Web site:

Once you have installed a viewer, open the Manual.pdf 
file in the Manual directory, or open the Investigator's Guide
in the InvGuide.pdf file. You can now read the documents
online or print them. Each CD ROM has a license to print one
hardcopy of the Manual and one of the Guide. If you want
to print or copy more than one, you must purchase additional
licenses to avoid violating your agreement for using this
product. You may print or copy as many of the double-sided
score sheets as you wish. You are not authorized to copy the
multimedia items in any case.


There are tradeoffs in using FACS online or in printed form.
Reading the online version has many advantages.
Hyperlinks to the images and videos quickly show the media,
but you have to lookup the videos and view them manually if
you are using a printed copy. Links to sections and chapters 
take you directly to the material of interest, which you 
would page to in a printed document. Searches of the content
of the online document are much easier than manually searching
a printed document. Conversely, a printed version can be more 
portable and has the familiarity of a printed book.

Both Acrobat Reader and Adobe eBook Reader are relatively easy
to learn and use. Knowing the functions available in your
reader can greatly improve the online reading experience.  
Read the Help available from the reader's Menu Bar to learn
more about the reader's functions. You can move, for example,
back to the page you just read, to the page previous to the 
current page, to the first page, to the last page, etc. You can 
set bookmarks, and in most readers, attach sticky notes to the text.
There are many other useful functions, such as text enhancement,
that make online reading more productive than reading hardcopy.
The Adobe Web site has more information and help for the readers.

Reading materials online is easier when using a higher resolution
display (e.g., 1280x1024  or 1600x1200 resolution), but lower
resolutions can be helped with the print enhancement technology.


Links in the text are shown with blue type. A link in the
text, when clicked, generally shows the referenced page in 
the same frame that displays the page containing the link.
Sometimes, depending on the viewer and link, you may see
the linked page in a new frame separate from the one with the 
link. (Links from scoring commentary's "(Get Neutral)" label is
of this latter type.) The entire Table of Contents and the 
Subject Index are links.

There are two types of links to the multimedia, one from
the thumbnail image, and one from the related text label.
If you click on the text link, the content is generally displayed
in the same frame that contained the link. If you click on the
link in the thumbnail, the content is shown in a separate frame. 
This feature allows the reader to go to the pages that have 
images, or to look at an image and the text at the same time. 

An exception is that you can view the neutral image of the person
in an image in the Example or Practice Sections of the Manual by
clicking on the caption of the example or practice item, and the 
neutral is shown in the external image viewer. These links are 
not marked by colored text for better printing, so you have to 
remember this feature.


Corresponding to the two types of links to the multimedia are
two possibly different viewers for each multimedia type (images
and MPEG 1 or QuickTime? video). Links from the thumbnails
invoke an external viewer. Links from the text generally use
a viewer internal to the reader. The text links to images 
show the images on the manual pages. The text links to videos 
show QuickTime movies in the same frame as the text. A crucial 
point to remember when viewing the videos internal to the reader 
is to use the Escape key to dismiss the QuickTime player.

Since the viewers for the text links are inte...
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