
(12 KB) Pobierz
{3867}{3941}May the Budda bless
{3958}{4076}My mom is recovered soon
{4630}{4668}Why are you looking sad
{4724}{4794}What are you worried about
{4814}{4941}I have nothing to worry
{5609}{5654}Please, Budda
{5695}{5779}Maybe you are tired to hear that
{5804}{5886}Please bless my mom
{6502}{6567}You'll be late if you don't go
{6585}{6642}The maintenance workers are lazy|recently
{6648}{6696}It's wasting my time to check
{7786}{7827}I am going
{7866}{7957}To and fro for eight times in the morning
{7967}{8015}The same as in the afternoon
{8030}{8085}Coming back in the evening
{12128}{12154}There is no other way
{12285}{12400}What are the maintenance workers doing
{12865}{12913}This tram is too old
{12943}{13013}It's no use to blame the maintenance|workers
{14442}{14677}Ting, ting, ting, ting
{15189}{15304}The tram is stupid
{18138}{18169}Mr. Tan morning
{18202}{18233}Good morning
{18302}{18383}Have you visited the Budda
{18510}{18555}Your mom is hard
{18568}{18666}I am here, she's fine
{18696}{18730}That's right
{18931}{18998}How's the tram today
{19021}{19088}It's not good but OK
{19119}{19191}How's your uncle's business
{19244}{19314}I think it's also OK
{19918}{19970}Send my regards to your mom
{20345}{20428}Don't go out to drink tonight
{20439}{20509}It's getting my mood
{20858}{20920}Brother Chok, let's go
{20934}{20989}Brother, I am coming
{21098}{21215}Don't let you go in if you are drunk again
{21223}{21305}Don't say hello to brother
{21318}{21389}He was really drunk last night
{21396}{21430}Let's go
{21442}{21493}I have no time for his rubbish
{21522}{21608}Every woman is the same
{21622}{21703}It's disgusting to talk so much
{21716}{21778}Find a place to drink after work
{22197}{22232}Good morning
{22708}{22746}Although Mr. Tao is a good man
{22766}{22884}His and his wife's faces are disgusting
{23569}{23597}Good morning
{24223}{24249}Weigh it
{24274}{24363}The cabbage is selling individually
{24375}{24476}Are these leaves also counted
{24506}{24552}Is it a cheap vegetables market
{24570}{24621}Don't bull shit
{24629}{24681}You go to the vegetables shops to see
{24690}{24769}My prices are cheaper by 20%
{24774}{24875}But the goods are better than yours
{24905}{25017}It's annoying to buy only one
{25056}{25109}That cabbage is for you, go away
{25128}{25210}What? I am not begging
{25226}{25293}I am a customer
{25313}{25353}How can you have that attitude
{25363}{25409}Sorry to say that
{25417}{25496}Give it to me, let me weigh it for you
{27023}{27160}No one would care it
{27180}{27223}You may be right
{27241}{27337}But I am not feeling good for this
{27353}{27427}I am tired of you
{28167}{28244}You have a big tummy, who's child is it
{28372}{28542}You have a new friend, so charming
{28611}{28659}Haven't seen you for a long time
{28684}{28792}Don't just date the handsome guys,|come to see me later
{28797}{28837}Don't pretend so much
{28857}{28938}It's a chance, play with me
{28993}{29055}How are our children
{29167}{29277}Shing, this is troublesome
{29312}{29396}Auntie is having a surgery
{29443}{29496}No one knows when she's back
{29628}{29755}Your mom pays for it first
{29803}{29875}But her sister is in the hospital
{29883}{29931}Your mom says
{29948}{30054}The fees are deducted from|your living costs
{30090}{30143}You should think about it
{30176}{30272}In order to thank auntie
{30385}{30456}We should work more harder
{30496}{30638}You should know auntie has been|worried about you
{30745}{30862}If you grow up better
{30871}{30938}You can find a good job
{30984}{31058}Now you can only work at home
{31090}{31193}Even to take over auntie's work
{31398}{31462}You are unlike a human
{31491}{31553}Nor an animal
{31617}{31744}Only like a plant
{31804}{31847}Wine delivery
{32264}{32293}Drink again
{32410}{32518}I shouldn't say that, but he's so lazy
{32568}{32681}Let the wife work and you drink
{32751}{32840}You only work when your wife is in|the hospital
{33098}{33125}You are skinny
{33290}{33359}Give it to you, it's delicious
{34747}{34785}How are you
{34899}{34945}You say hello to someone, shit
{35553}{35608}That's not a human's eye
{35639}{35682}So terrible
{35784}{35830}Like a devil's eye
{35866}{35960}I bet he's having cold blood
{36241}{36358}It's better to build the house on the hill top
{36453}{36618}Japanese have a bad custom
{36641}{36734}They like to build under the floor
{36792}{36859}Yes, it's true
{36912}{37013}Seeing the foreigners' houses|from the photos
{37020}{37133}All are on the hill top or the mountains
{37144}{37225}But the Japanese houses are under ground
{37265}{37363}It's reasonable
{37410}{37487}There are earthquakes and typhoons|in Japan
{37506}{37673}The wooden houses can sustain|the quakes and typhoons
{37715}{37847}So they choose the less risky areas
{37888}{37958}This is the reason
{38014}{38173}Japanese like the soft light
{38201}{38260}So they choose the dark areas
{38283}{38372}Like being in the natural parks
{38415}{38537}So they are not used to living|in concrete houses
{38681}{38805}Yes, I also don't like concrete houses
{38830}{38888}So cold, I can't stand it
{38914}{39008}This custom has some disadvantages
{39071}{39169}Although Japanese are suitable to live|in the wooden houses
{39213}{39289}Their heart is also following|the wooden houses
{39314}{39426}To become persistence and weakness
{39497}{39585}The foreigners are strong and capable
{39615}{39790}All because they live on|the concrete houses
{39997}{40121}If I build a house for myself
{40170}{40222}I must plan for the future
{40266}{40441}To decide for the children
{41998}{42055}He ought to be handsome|when he was young
{42074}{42113}Now he's not bad
{42126}{42200}Someone smuggled into here|a few days ago
{42206}{42288}Do you mean me
{42304}{42366}Do you think so
{43108}{43156}What's the result
{43191}{43289}You never admit failure
{43306}{43342}You must succeed
{43380}{43473}After I made up my mind
{43510}{43615}I went to the bathroom to wash
{43663}{43709}Feeling relaxed to go to his home
{43717}{43752}It's so jealous
{43764}{43805}Did you do the important job
{43855}{43975}When I went into it
{44019}{44089}I heard a terrible voice
{44141}{44232}I peeped
{44286}{44320}He's sleeping
{44443}{44503}Maybe he's having a nightmare
{44577}{44682}He's like suffering
{44782}{44849}Then he woke up
{44906}{44949}Said silently
{45134}{45216}It's like the voice from the grave
{45290}{45366}I was scared
{45424}{45510}And I escaped
{47714}{47809}This fish isn't fresh
{47843}{47941}Fresh fishes must have skin
{48019}{48050}Look at this one
{48081}{48138}The skin is removed
{48573}{48601}Drink again
{48634}{48674}We stop here tonight
{48700}{48781}Don't be cool, give me some more
{48937}{48999}Brother, you come at the right time
{49034}{49074}I am having a bad mood
{49097}{49149}I have something to tell you
{49157}{49214}Drink first
{49514}{49617}About my wife
{49647}{49743}Treats me like a dog
{49790}{49929}You must be feeling badly
{49937}{49965}That's true
{49974}{50163}It's like being insulted
{50298}{50408}Your wife is tough
{50432}{50473}Sun has a hot temper
{50485}{50573}Although she's good, she's easy|to be angry
{50661}{50735}How's the sand
{50763}{50890}Did she throw it to you
{50910}{50985}I just made a comparison
{51043}{51156}I asked her for the reason
{51165}{51236}She said it's not about me
{51259}{51341}I asked her not to be hot tempered
{51356}{51409}She asked me why
{51426}{51541}I couldn't answer this question
{51555}{51613}I just scolded
{51630}{51709}I asked her to leave, she ignored me
{51726}{51825}I had no choice but to come here
{51853}{51980}I have my dignity to be a husband
{52037}{52096}Brother is right
{52150}{52241}Men work hard outside
{52277}{52428}Wives should be good to the husbands|at home
{52437}{52511}But my wife is different
{52538}{52670}Always find my mistakes
{52718}{52766}No way
{52786}{52887}I have no other choice
{52914}{53020}Since they have much leisure time
{53034}{53145}Always want to quarrel
{53217}{53288}Let me convince her
{53322}{53392}Forge it, you are also drunk
{53515}{53635}I am not drunk
{53698}{53784}It's not necessary
{53862}{53925}Don't go
{54038}{54095}I can do it
{54234}{54274}Any problem
{54416}{54449}He's gone
{54576}{54612}I also want to drink
{54633}{54664}Give me some wine
{54680}{54733}Do you mean to drink
{54930}{54995}My hands are also drunk
{55066}{55118}You have finished
{55418}{55509}Are you Leung of Chok
{55590}{55657}I am shocked
{55755}{55822}There is something on my chest
{55899}{56007}My heart isn't beating
{56076}{56165}Let me see
{56338}{56424}It's beating seriously
{56459}{56553}To rebound my hands
{56566}{56657}Really? How's your hand
{56685}{56728}You touch it yourself
{56739}{56770}Do you want me to touch
{56792}{56873}It's so troublesome, forget it
{56878}{56986}Wait, don't be rude
{57146}{57252}Just sleep
{57282}{57318}You'll get cold
{57376}{57407}Forget it
{58646}{58735}Brother you have come, take some of this
{58770}{58825}Eat after cooked
{59490}{59569}The guests are still around,|do you want them to leave
{61061}{61094}The chick is coming again
{61238}{61279}Nothing for you
{61502}{61564}It's no use to stand up, go away
{61583}{61609}Wait a minute
{61707}{61741}Don't be that mean
{63662}{63785}I was thinking while sleeping
{63843}{63901}About building the house
{64035}{64073}Are you tired
{64098}{64197}I am not tired
{64249}{64342}The door is the most important
{64378}{64466}The door means a face
{64494}{64594}It can tell the personality
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