The Walking Dead [3x04] Killer Within.txt

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{2}{85}Previously on AMC's|The Walking Dead...
{92}{126}They found Wells. They got him.|They found him.
{129}{155}I found you too!
{202}{226}I don't trust him.
{229}{266}Have you ever trusted anybody?
{268}{302}He'd be dead if it|weren't for you.
{306}{368}I thought maybe you were coming|out here to talk about us.
{373}{395}You've seen my brother?
{401}{440}Not for a long time.
{444}{477}Makes two of us.
{480}{511}So, what's your real name?
{514}{540}I never tell.
{544}{584}<i>You're just gonna</i>|<i>leave us in here?</i>
{587}{640}From now on this part of|the prison is yours.
{643}{689}Consider yourselves|the lucky ones.
{3520}{3627}Sync and corrections by|err0001 & n17t01
{3820}{3872}Okay, let's get|the other car in.
{3872}{3994}- We'll park 'em in the west entry of the|yard. - Good, our vehicles camped out
{3994}{4038}there look like a giant|"vacancy" sign.
{4038}{4093}After that, we need|to load up these corpses
{4093}{4134}so we can burn 'em.
{4134}{4188}Gonna be a long day.
{4188}{4239}Where's Glenn and Maggie?|We could use some help.
{4239}{4292}Up in the guard tower.
{4328}{4371}Guard tower?
{4371}{4431}They were just|up there last night.
{4634}{4696}Hey, what's up, guys?
{4732}{4808}- You coming?|- What?
{4808}{4876}You comin'?
{4957}{5003}Come on, we could use a hand.
{5004}{5048}Yeah, we'll be right down.
{5236}{5281}Hey, Rick.
{5549}{5580}Come with me.
{5731}{5776}<i>That's close enough.</i>
{5776}{5889}- We had an agreement.|- Please, mister. We know that.
{5892}{5928}We made a deal.
{5928}{5976}But you've gotta understand
{5986}{6047}we can't live in that place|another minute.
{6047}{6101}You follow me?|All the bodies--
{6101}{6152}people we knew.
{6152}{6259}- Blood, brains everywhere. There's ghosts.|- Why don't you move the bodies out?
{6259}{6334}- You should be burning them.|- We tried.
{6334}{6447}- We did. - The fence is down on|the far side of the prison.
{6447}{6527}Every time we drag a body out,|those things just line up.
{6530}{6595}So hump in a body and|just running back inside.
{6595}{6656}<i>Look, we had nothing to do|with Thomas and Andrew.</i>
{6688}{6762}You trying to prove a point?|You proved it, bro.
{6762}{6833}We'll do whatever it takes|to be part of your group.
{6835}{6876}Just, please, please.
{6876}{6942}Don't make us|live in that place.
{6966}{7020}Our deal is not negotiable.
{7020}{7107}You either live in your|cell block, or you leave.
{7107}{7237}I told you this|was a waste of time.
{7237}{7305}They ain't no different than the|pricks who shot up our boys.
{7305}{7354}You know how many|friends' corpses
{7354}{7407}we had to drag out this week?
{7407}{7461}Just threw 'em out, like.
{7461}{7531}Humph.|These were good guys.
{7531}{7641}Good guys who had our backs against|the really bad dudes in the joint,
{7641}{7727}like Thomas and Andrew.
{7727}{7819}We've all made mistakes|to get in here, chief.
{7819}{7879}And I'm not gonna|pretend to be a saint,
{7879}{7950}but believe me...
{7950}{7983}we've paid our due--
{7983}{8046}enough that we would|rather hit that road
{8046}{8104}than to go back|into that shithole.
{8396}{8448}C'mon, dude.
{8507}{8558}<i>Are you serious?</i>
{8558}{8626}You want them living|in a cell next to you?
{8626}{8689}They'll just be waiting for a|chance to grab our weapons.
{8689}{8743}You want to go back to|sleeping with one eye open?
{8743}{8794}I never stopped.
{8794}{8851}Bring them into the fold.
{8851}{8908}If we send them off packing, we might|as well execute them ourselves.
{8908}{8974}I don't know.|Axel seems a little unstable.
{8974}{9007}<i>After all we've been through?</i>
{9007}{9053}We fought so hard for all this,
{9053}{9090}what if they decide to take it?
{9094}{9135}It's just been us for so long.
{9135}{9178}They're strangers.|I don't--
{9178}{9239}It feels weird all of a sudden to|have these other people around.
{9239}{9322}You brought <i>us</i> in.
{9322}{9369}Yeah, but you turned up with|a shot boy in your arms.
{9369}{9458}- Didn't give us a choice.|- They can't even kill walkers.
{9458}{9511}They're convicts, bottom line.
{9511}{9574}Those two might actually have less|blood on their hands than we do.
{9574}{9621}I get guys like this.
{9621}{9671}Hell, I grew up with them.
{9671}{9759}They're degenerates,|but they ain't psychos.
{9759}{9814}I could have been with them just as|easy as I am out here with you, guys.
{9814}{9892}- So are you with me?|- Hell, no.
{9892}{9940}Let 'em take their|chances out on the road
{9940}{10002}- just like we did.|- What I'm saying, Daryl--
{10002}{10055}When I was a rookie,|I arrested this kid.
{10061}{10155}19 years old.|Wanted for stabbing his girlfriend.
{10160}{10211}The kid blubbered like a baby
{10211}{10277}during the interrogation,|during the trial--
{10277}{10330}suckered the jury.
{10330}{10420}He was acquitted due to insufficient|evidence, and in 2 weeks later...
{10420}{10484}shot another girl.
{10510}{10570}We've been through too much.
{10597}{10658}Our deal with them stands.
{12213}{12257}Pretty amazing.
{12294}{12382}If we had more ammo we could|cut down a whole pack of biters.
{12458}{12517}I hear you and Andrea|are leaving today.
{12517}{12561}That's a shame.
{12561}{12633}We could use|a soldier like you.
{12681}{12729}You seem like you're|holding your own.
{12753}{12837}Even the National Guard|was overrun.
{12837}{12905}No amount of training can prepare|you for the world today.
{12979}{13085}You'd think one soldier|would drive away--
{13085}{13158}especially against|something so slow.
{13158}{13248}Those men were heroes.
{13248}{13321}Not the kind to leave|anyone behind.
{13389}{13454}If only we'd|gotten there sooner...
{13478}{13551}and you were with us.
{13629}{13685}Lots of bullet holes.
{13718}{13786}You think biters figured|out how to use weapons?
{13877}{13944}They must have encountered|bandits weeks ago.
{13968}{14046}It's ugly out there,|but then...
{14046}{14095}you know that|better than anyone.
{14097}{14164}It's too bad what|happened to Wells.
{14210}{14265}It is.
{14265}{14326}Dr. Stevens|couldn't revive him.
{14351}{14403}Merle put a bullet|in his brain.
{14403}{14441}No funeral?
{14441}{14484}We cremated him, quietly.
{14532}{14584}These people|have been through so much,
{14584}{14658}I figured, thank God,|at least no one knew him.
{14749}{14813}Thank God.
{15026}{15069}Move the cars|to the upper yard...
{15069}{15123}Point them facing out.
{15123}{15206}They'll be out of the way but ready|to go if we ever need to bail.
{15258}{15294}We'll get the prisoners.
{15294}{15376}A week's worth of|supplies for the road.
{15376}{15428}It might not last a week.
{15428}{15473}It's their choice.
{15473}{15552}- Did they really have one?|- Hey, hey.
{15552}{15600}Whose blood would you|rather have on your hands--
{15600}{15693}Maggie's, Glenn's, or theirs?
{15891}{15964}Twin cylinder.|Is that a Triumph?
{15964}{16028}Don't even look at it.
{16028}{16122}Didn't want it bored out?
{16122}{16222}Sounds like it could use a tune-up.|I'm pretty handy with the grind.
{16256}{16345}Heads are leakin'.|I know my bikes!
{16345}{16396}Man, will you just stop?
{16396}{16456}Have some balls.
{16456}{16500}Just sayin'.
{16927}{16981}All right.
{17192}{17239}Just take your time.
{17285}{17326}Daddy, don't push yourself.
{17326}{17407}What else am I going to do?
{17408}{17497}I can't stand looking up at the|bottom of that bunk...
{17778}{17812}You know?
{17812}{17861}I can go pretty steady.
{17948}{17994}That's a good start.
{17994}{18033}Want to take a rest?
{18033}{18152}Rest?|Let's go for a little stroll.
{18231}{18280}If we leave soon,
{18280}{18336}we'll got a few hours|on the road before dusk.
{18336}{18383}Where are we heading?
{18383}{18422}I'm thinking the coast.
{18433}{18489}We have the water completely|on one side,
{18489}{18536}maybe we find a boat.
{18536}{18605}Best thing we can do|is find an island.
{18605}{18662}And if the coast isn't safe?
{18662}{18703}Keep moving.
{18789}{18858}Then what do we do?|Just grow old,
{18858}{18931}live off the sea by ourselves?
{18931}{18994}I'd rather take my chances|out there than stay here.
{18994}{19078}Because your gut tells you there's|something off about this place--
{19078}{19126}About the Governor?
{19160}{19230}It's kept us alive this long.
{19230}{19294}That's true.
{19501}{19555}There's enough food in there|to last you guys a week.
{19555}{19621}Cut you loose when we get back.
{19621}{19666}Thank you, bro.
{19714}{19744}Sit tight.
{19838}{19897}"Thank you, bro"?
{20148}{20203}- Should I take her out?|- No.
{20203}{20279}If that armory hadn't been picked|clean, we could spare the ammo.
{20279}{20345}I'll start making runs.|The sooner the better.
{20352}{20403}We'll throw as much wood|as we can in the dog run.
{20404}{20431}Won't the fire|attract more walkers?
{20431}{20459}Maybe we should bury them.
{20459}{20501}We're behind the fence.
{20501}{20551}It's worth the one-time risk to|get rid of the bodies for good.
{20551}{20627}I don't want to be planting|crops in walker-rotted soil.
{20980}{21036}I got you here if you need it.
{21037}{21086}Just take your time|on these steps.
{21086}{21140}Ooh, ooh.
{21252}{21338}You cleared|all those bodies out?
{21338}{21403}It's starting to look like a place|we could really live in.
{21403}{21433}Hey, you watch your step.
{21433}{21464}Last thing we need|is you falling.
{21538}{21602}Looky here.
{21661}{21734}He is one tough son of a bitch.
{21798}{21839}- A...
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