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Play Checkers!
Cut out all 24 pieces and you‛re ready to play.
The object of the game is to advance across the board in order to capture or block your
opponent's checkers until they can't make any more moves. Try to make it all the way to the
other side of the board!
How to move
At the start of the game, the checkers only move or jump forward diagonally, always staying
on the black squares. Checkers cannot move over or across a white square -- only black
squares. Reach your opponent's "King" row (the last row on the opposite side), and your
checker is "crowned" a King. The King may move and jump both forward and backward.
How to jump
To capture your opponent's checker, you must "jump" it and land on the next square, but only
if the square beyond it is open. Once you do, their checker is removed from the board. You
can‛t jump your own checkers, and you can jump only one checker per turn.
How to win
To win, you must capture all of your opponent's checkers, or block them so that they cannot
move. The player with the most checkers left on the board wins. Good luck!
© FamilyFun
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