Grimoire of Turiel.pdf

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(The Rites of Ceremonial Magick).
T HE S.S. Umvoti, on which I was travelling from Beira, Portugese East Africa,
to London, reached Las Palmas in November, 1927, after a very stormy passage.
Like the rest ofthe passengers, I was thankful to get ashore.
The usual vendors, beggars, and guides were soon in evidence. One oid man in
the garb of a peasant offered me his services as a guide, which J gladly accepted.
The man was bearded, swarthy of complexion, and very thin. He spoke in broken
English and snggested that we visit the Cathedral. This we did, and as we walked
the stranger informed me that the Cathedral was founded in the 16th century but
only completed in the 19th, He conducted me to a lift inside the Cathedral, and
smiled at two most corpulent priests who were seated at confessional boxes. The
priests turned their heads away from the guide, who entered the lift with me. Soon
we were speeding upward to enjoy the most enchanting scene imaginable. In the
sunlight, on each bank of the river, lay the houses of the capital Down below the
people walked, Lilliputians in size.
We stood for a considerable time, and indeed I could have remained much longer
drinking in the view, but the guide suggested that we leave. We did so and visited
the bazaars and other plates of interest including taverns where we enjoyed native
cigars and wine.
As we made our way back to the ship my guide produced a little metal crucifix
and some papers which he begged me to buy. He informed me that the papers
were the manuscripts of a system of ceremonial magic, “The Secret Grimoire of
Turiel “. These were the original dated 1518. written in Latin, and a copy written
in English, a translation from the original. The original copy was in fragments,
almost worn away, but the copy was intact. I told the guide the original was not
worth taking, but I would buy the cross and the copy. He agreed to this, and thus I
became the possessor of the Grimoire. Since 1927 I have rewritten the manuscript
owing to the fact that I was on the move so often, and for the sake of convenience
the new writing was entered into a note book of convenient size, and the copy
purchased in Las Palmas I destroyed. I have reason to believe that the present
manuscript is the only one in existence. In. publishing same I feel sure that it will
appeal to all students of occultism as an additional item of interest. It has much to
commend it. Though small in volume it is a complete system of Ceremonial
Magic. The former owner admitted that he had made use of the formula contained
therein. For his experiments in the Art he, a former priest, had been defrocked.
This he said was the reason why the two priests in the Cathedral had not
acknowledged his smile.
Westminster, 1954.
O BSERVATIONS and method of Invoking related with great pains and diligent
Retire thyself Seven Days free from all company and fast and pray from sunset to
sunrise. Rise every morning at Seven of the clock, and the three days previous to
the Work fast upon bread and water and humble thyself before Almighty God.
Watch and pray all night before the Work.
And on the day before draw the lines of the Circle in a fair place. and let the
diameter of the Circle be 9 feet. Wash thyself the same day quite clean.
Make the pentacles forthwith and provide the other things necessary, with
Incensing. Then being clothed in pure Vestments and having covered the Altar
and lighted the candies begin about half an hour before sunrise on the Day
assigned for the Work and say with great Devotion as follows:—
First Morning Prayer :— Almighty and Most Merciful Father I beseech Thee
that Thou
wilt vouchsafe favourably to hear me at this time whilst I make my humble prayer
and Supplication unto Thee. I confess unto Thee O Lord Thou hast justly
punished me for my manifold sins and offences but Thou hast promised at what
time soever a sinner doth repent of his sins and wickedness Thou wilt pardon and
forgive him and turn away the remembrance of them from before Thy face.
Purge me therefore O Lord and wash me from all my offences in the Blood of
Jesus Christ that, being pure and clothed in the Vestments of Sanctity, I may
bring this Work to perfection, through Jesus our Lord who liveth and reigneth
with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Sprinkle thyself with Holy Water and say Asperges me Domine hysope, et
mundabor. Lavabis me et super nivem dealbabor.
Hail O Mighty God, for in Thy power alone abideth the Key to all exorcising of
Principalities, Powers, Thrones, Angels and Spirits. Amen.
Then bless your Girdle , saying :
O God Who by the breath of Thy nostrils framed Heaven and Earth and
wonderfully disposed all things therein in six days, grant that this now brought to
perfection by Thine unworthy servant may be by Thee blessed and receive
Divine virtue, power and Jnfluence from Thee that every thing therein contained
may fully operate according to the hope and confidence of me Thine tmworthy
servant through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
The Blessing of the Light
I bless thee in the Name of the Father. O Holy, Holy Lord, God, Heaven and
Earth are fuil of Thy Glory before Whose face there is a bright shining light
forever; bless now, O Lord, I beseech Thee, these creatures of light which Thou
hast given for the Kindly use of man that they, by Thee being sanctifìed, may not
be put out or extinguished by the power, malice, or filthy darkness of the devil,
but may shine forth brightly and lend their assistance to this my Work, through
Jesus Crist our Lord. Amen.
Then say, ‘Asperges me, etc.”
Consecration of the Sword :—
O Great God Who art the God of strength and fortitude and greatly to be feared,
bless O Lord, this Instrument that it may be a terror unto the Enemy, and
therewith I may fight with and over-come all phantasms and oppositions of the
Enemy, through the influence and help of Thy most Holy Mighty Name, On, St.
Agla, and in the Cross of Jesus Christ our only Lord. Amen.
Be thou blessed and consecrated in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Asperges me, etc.
Benediction of the Lamens (Symbois. Circles) :—
O God Thou God of my Salvation I call upon Thee by the mysteries of Thy most
holy Name, On, St. Agla, I worship and beseech Thee by Thy Names El, Elohim,
Elohe, Zebaoth, and by Thy Mighty Name Tetragrammaton, Saday, that Thou
wilt be seen in the power and force of these Thy most holy names so written
filling them with divine virtue and Influence through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Benediction of the Pentacles :— Eternal God which, by Thy Holy Wisdom, hast
caused great power and virtue to lie hidden in the characters and Holy Writings of
Thy Spirits and Angels, and hast given unto man that with them, faithfully used,
power thereby to work many things; bless these, O Lord, framed and written by
the hand of me Thine unworthy servant that being filled with divine virtue and
Influence by Thy Commands, O Most Holy God, they may shew forth their virtue
and power to Thy praise and Glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
I bless and consecrate you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Ghost, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Asperges me, etc. Amen.
Benediction of the Garment
O Holy, blessed and Eternal Lord God Who art the God of purity and delightest
that our souls should appear before Thee in clean and pure and undefiled
Vestments being cleansed, blessed, and consecrated by Thee, I may put them on,
being therewith clothed I may be whiter than snow both in soul and body in Thy
presence this day, in and through the ment, death, and passion of our onty Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the
Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. The God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob bless thee, purge thee, and make thee pure, and be thou clean in the Name
of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
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