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                            Broadcom Corporation
                               Release Notes
                  Broadcom NetXtreme Firmware Upgrade Tool
                                 for Linux
                Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Broadcom Corporation
                            All rights reserved.
                               Jul 03, 2012

Table of Contents
    1. Introduction
    2. Requirements
    3. Installation
    4. Command Usage
    5. Exit Codes
    6. Examples
    7. Known Limitations
    8. Disclaimer
    9. Third Party Software License

1. Introduction:

This utility is a console application which can be run from a Linux 
command prompt. The application will use the console to interact with 
the users.

When calling the utility from another process or when using the utility 
as a command line tool, the utility will take commands from user specified
parameters and return appropriate exit code to indicate the result. 

This module is dependent on device driver, BMAPI module, and TCL libraries 
for firmware access.

2. Requirements:

     1.  Driver Versions: 
         tg3 Linux driver version 3.58b or above

         Please refer to README.TXT of the target driver for installation 

     2.  BMAPI version: 
         bmapilnx 6.3.41 or above.

3. Installation:

     1.  To install lnxfwupg SDK package. 

         a.  Please do 'tar -zxvf lnxfwupg-{arch}.sdk.tgz' to untar the 
             The files included in the sdk package are:
             1)  lnxfwupg                       -  This upgrade utility program
             2)  Readme.txt                     -  This file.
             3)  Release.txt

     2.  To install BMAPI library SDK package: 

         a. Do 'tar -zxvf bmapilnx-{version}.sdk.tgz' to untar the package
            in the same directory.

             The files included in the sdk package are:
             1)  bcmtype.h                     
             2)  BMAPI.h                   
             3)  brcm_pci.ids
             4)  BMAPILNX library
                 - For x86 platforms: 
         {version}        BMAPI 32-bit shared library 

                 - For x86_64 platforms: 
         {version}    BMAPI 64-bit shared library 
         {version}        BMAPI 32-bit shared library 

                 - For PPC64 platforms: 
         {version}  BMAPI 64-bit shared library for PPC

4. Command Usage:
  lnxfwupg [ -all | [ID | MAC] ] [Commands]
    The '-all' option applies to 'upgrade' and 'restorenvram' commands

    The ID/MAC is optional for 'help', 'version', and 'dev'
    commands, but it is required for all other commands.

    1. When '-all' is specified, 'ID' or 'MAC' cannot be specified.
       Both 'upgrade' and 'restorenvram' commands will use the device
       information in the image to apply to all NICs that match the
       same device information. 

    2. On Linux, 'ID' is the the interface name (i.e. ethX). 

    3. 'MAC' is the MAC address name of the NIC in the system. For example, 
       '00:10:18:00:11:99' is a valid MAC address from 'ifconfig' utility. 
       Use '001018001199' as an input parameter to select the NIC.

    Following is the list of available commands:
    help        : list of available commands
    q           : exit the program
    cfg         : Configure NVRAM
    dev         : select an adapter or List available adapters
    dir         : display file directory in NVRAM
    crc         : check/update NVRAM checksum
    prg         : Program NVRAM with specified firmware image
    dumpnvram   : save entire NVRAM content to a file
    restorenvram: restore entire NVRAM content from a file
    version     : display version of this program
    upgrade     : upgrades the firmware or bootcode
    -w          : Enable/Disable WOL, deprecated, please use 'cfg -wol <value>'.

    cfg [-noreset] {-mac <MAC address to be programmed for current selected device> | 
         -mba <value> | -asf <value> | -ipmi <value> | -ump <value> |
         -mgmt <value> | -wol <value> | -aspm <value> | -tph <value> | -show}
        This command programs the specified configuration into NVRAM.

        The -noreset option is to skip the driver restart of the selected
        NIC after the cfg command is completed.  This option is only
        valid in Command Line Mode.
        -mac        : <MAC address for current selected device> is a 
                      12-digit HEX MAC address, e.g. 0010181a2b3c.
        -mba        : set <value> to '1' to enable mba firmware.
                      set <value> to '0' to disable mba firmware.
        -asf        : set <value> to '1' to enable asf firmware.
                      set <value> to '0' to disable asf firmware.
        -ipmi       : set <value> to '1' to enable ipmi firmware.
                      set <value> to '0' to disable ipmi firmware.
        -ump        : set <value> to '1' to enable ump firmware.
                      set <value> to '0' to disable ump firmware.
        -mgmt       : set <value> to '1' to enable management firmware.
                      set <value> to '0' to disable management firmware.
        -wol        : set <value> to '1' to enable wol feature.
                      set <value> to '0' to disable wol feature.
        -aspm       : set <value> to '1' to enable L1 ASPM debounce feature.
                      set <value> to '0' to disable L1 ASPM debounce feature.
        -tph        : set <value> to '2' to advertise TPH with ST mode
                      set <value> to '1' to advertise TPH without ST mode
                      set <value> to '0' to disable TPH feature
        -show       : show the settings of current configuration.

    dev [<number>]
        <number> is the adapter to be selected as target device

    dir [-delete <type>]
        Displays a listing of the firmware programmed in NVRAM.
        Delete the specified <type> in the directory and its firmware from NVRAM.
        The FwUpg tool will return successfully if the firmware is not existing.
        The <type> is the type of firmware to be deleted.

        The keyword strings used for the <type> are as following:
            MBA: MBA/PXE
            ASFINIT: ASF Init
            ASFCPUA: ASF CPUA
            ASFCPUB: ASF CPUB
            ASFCFG: ASF CFG
            ISCSICFG: iSCSI CFG for port 0
            ISCSIPRG: iSCSI CFG Program
            ISCSIBOOT: iSCSI Boot
            ISCSICFG1: iSCSI CFG for port 1
            APECFG: APE CFG
            APECODE: APE firmware
            APEUPDATE: APE update firmware
            APEDATA: APE data
            APEWEBDATA: APE Web data
            APEWORKAROUND: APE Workaround
            EXTVPD: Extended VPD
            APEAUDITLOG: APE Audit Log
            APEEVENTLOG: APE Event Log
            ISCSICFG2: iSCSI CFG for port 2
            ISCSICFG3: iSCSI CFG for port 3
        Checks the integrity of the NVRAM CRC,

    prg {-ib|-mba} {<new_image>} [-c] [-p]
        This command programs NVRAM with the specified firmware image.
        -ib        : iSCSI boot firmware
        -mba       : MBA firmware
        <new_image>: a mandatory parameter to specify the input binary file.
        -c         : force to program iSCSI configuration, only valid when
                     used with -ib option.
        -p         : force to program iSCSI configuration utility program,
                     only valid when used with -ib option.
        Note: 'prg' command only supports selective Broadcom adapters.

    dumpnvram {<filename>}
        Dumps the NVRAM contents to the specified file.
        <filename> is a mandatory parameter. Use forwardslash instead of 
        backslash when specifying <filename>. Alternatively you could also 
        use two backslashes in the file path.

    restorenvram {<filename>} [idmatch] [config [mac]]
        This command reads complete NVRAM image from a file and
        writes the image to NVRAM.
        Before writing the NVRAM image to adapter, verifications
        against source NVRAM image will be performed. If any verification
        failed, the image will not be written to adapter.
        <filename> is the file name of NVRAM image.
        <filename> is a mandatory parameter. Use forwardslash instead of 
        backslash when specifying <filename>. Alternatively you could also 
        use two backslashes in the file path.
        'idmatch' requests the Firmware Upgrade Tool to restore the NVRAM
        image only after the 4 IDs (vendor_id, device_id, subsystem_vendor_id,
        subsystem_device_id) in the image file match those in the device.
        This is on top of all previous criteria that have to be met.
        'config' means configuration area will copy from source
        image except MAC address.
        Configuration area includes MAC address and various
        'mac' applies only when 'config' is specified.
        When 'mac' is specified, all configuration are copied
        including MAC address.

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