Intuition - Intangible_Book 0 - J. Meyers.pdf

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Copyright 2011 J. Meyers
Smashwords Edition
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without written permission of the author, except for use in any review.
This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, locales, and events are either pure invention
or used fictitiously. No character is based on or inspired by any known or unknown persons,
and all incidents come from the author’s imagination alone.
Cover image Intuition copyright Gabivali ::
Cover image Intangible copyright Sergey Pristyazhnyuk :: www.dreamstime
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Impending doom.
That’s what Luke had been feeling all morning long. He hadn’t had a vision yet, and he
couldn’t shake the feeling. It was making him twitchy.
He always felt off before a vision, but it had never been this sharp, this all-consuming, this
distracting. Usually he had a slight sense of everything intensifying. It would wash over him, all
his senses suddenly heightened, as if a veil had been lifted to reveal what’s truly there. His vision
was more focused, his hearing more sensitive, more precise. He was more aware of everything
he touched—the feel of the chair he sat in or the ground under his feet, how the wind slid across
his skin. Smells became more dimensional, more distinct.
He and Sera half-jokingly called this intensity of his senses impending doom because his
visions were almost always about something bad. But the term didn’t only refer to the imminent
event—it was also about Luke, that he was doomed to failure. No matter what he did, he couldn’t
stop anything from happening. Which drove him nuts.
And today, he’d woken up with this feeling so strong, this impending doom, and had fully
expected a vision to take him right away.
But it hadn’t.
He’d waited, laying still for as long as he could, but then he’d had to get up, had to move.
He’d had to see, hear, smell, and feel the world with his magnified senses.
He adjusted the strap on his backpack so it wasn’t cutting into his shoulder. Their hike up the
mountain today was just what he needed. Clear his head, take the edge off.
But even as he stood in the parking lot at the bottom of the trail, he still couldn’t help wonder
what it meant, why it was taking so long for the vision to come. And wonder if this time the
impending doom was going to more fully live up to its name.
His intuition was telling him something was coming. He just didn’t know what.
Luke shook his head, shook off his thoughts, focused on where he was, what he was doing.
Maybe this enhanced awareness was just a new aspect of his gift, rather than an omen. Whatever
it was, he wasn’t going to worry about it. At least, that’s what he told himself.
It was a perfect morning—bright, clear, and cool. Just the way he liked it. If not for the
feeling of impending doom, he’d be completely stoked. Even so, it was good to be on a mountain
with his sister. He tugged the zipper of his navy fleece jacket down halfway and looked at Sera
as she climbed out of their car.
This was a favorite escape for them, particularly in the fall. By the very beginning of October,
Vermont was in full color-spectrum splendor, and there wasn’t a better place in the state to take
it all in than the top of Mt. Mansfield. It was becoming tradition for he and Sera, this hike. Just
the two of them. They could let down their guards, not worry about having to hide their abilities
from everyone else. It was a relief—Luke could already feel himself relaxing into the day, and it
had barely begun.
His grin just got wider at the thought.
“What?” Sera said. Her brow furrowed like she thought his smile might be laced with teasing,
and she glanced down at her clothes. That almost made him laugh.
“Just glad to be here. Nothing like fall.”
Sera looked at him for a minute and her face broke into a matching grin. “Yeah, I know what
you mean,” she said. “Let’s go.”
The first part of the three-mile hike to the top was a mile-long access road with a gentle grade.
Luke breathed in the early morning autumn air. It smelled like a forest—dirt, damp, and green.
Within those smells he could detect all the distinct scents of the inhabitants of the surrounding
wilderness—plant and animal. It was an exhilarating rush experiencing the world like this, all his
senses abuzz.
“So,” Sera said, breaking into his thoughts, “what do you think about Mom—”
“—and Dad?” Luke said. “I know. Did you see her this morning when she got off the phone?”
“When she slammed the phone down three times before hanging it up? Yeah. Not good.”
“Not good at all.”
“I wish there was something we could do.”
Luke sighed. Their parents had been divorced for eight years, but Sera still held out hope that
they’d reconcile. It just wasn’t going to happen. He knew. And he was always right about these
things. It was part of his gift. But still, Sera hoped.
“I know,” she said, and held up a hand. “I know, Luke. I just...wish. You know?”
“Yeah,” he said.
And the thing was, he did know. He knew Sera as well as he knew himself. Maybe even
better. That came with the territory, being twins. They were like each other’s missing half. That’s
how it was with them.
They walked in silence until they turned off the mountain road and onto the Sunset Ridge
trail. As he started across the bridge just past the trail head, Luke looked back at Sera, grinned,
and took off at a run.
This was also how it was with them. Never an opportunity to harass let slip by.
“Hey!” Sera yelled, running to catch up.
“Hey, yourself!” He laughed and glanced back at her scurrying up the trail. “What’s wrong?”
he called over his shoulder. “Can’t keep up?” Luke dodged large rocks, leaped onto wooden
footbridges. He quickly left her scrambling behind.
Once he’d disappeared from sight, he kept running until he found a good spot to stop—a
couple of large rocks to sit on and a small break in the trees to admire the view. He was
breathing hard, and man, that felt good. The cold of the rock seeped through his jeans—a
welcome chill to counter the sweat from the run. He took off his fleece and stuffed it into the
backpack, and waited for Sera to come into sight. Several minutes later she appeared, glanced
up, and shot him a look.
Luke pulled a water bottle out of the backpack, took a big drink. When she came up alongside
him and plunked down on a neighboring rock, he handed her the water with a grin.
“You—” she breathed hard, “—officially—” took a drink of water, “—suck.”
Luke laughed. “Hey, I thought you wanted to hike. If it’s too much for you we could—”
Luke was suddenly up the mountain near the top of the big, steep rock. He knew it
immediately—it was on the Sunset Ridge trail. A man in his late twenties was headed down the
trail toward the rock, wincing with every step he took. His right foot started to slip on the flat
face of the rock and his left foot came down hard as he tried to regain his balance. He cried out
in pain, his knee gave way, and he frantically grabbed at bare rock face to slow his fall. He
couldn’t get a grip and slid off the rock, his knee slamming into the ground below.
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