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Team meetings
Take care of good working conditions ...
Create a good atmosphere for your meeting
choose a nice room,
reserve enough time for the meeting
make sure that you won’t be disturbed during your meeting,
organize a bottle of wine or something extra,
Before the meeting clarify:
whether you want to have or need a moderator for your meeting.
if yes, who is going to do it?
The beginning …
Clarify how much time (and energy) you have
Exchange impressions of the day
Collect topics
What are the consequences of our impressions?
Which topics are still open from our last team meeting?
What exactly would we like to discuss?
Something I’ve always wanted to talk about, but I never have…
(distractions, tensions, atmosphere disturbances, conflicts)
Decide on an order of the topics (priorities)
Step-by-step …
Discuss topic by topic
until a clear picture of a common opinion appears (e.g. How do we deal
with alcohol problems?) or
a clear result and divided responsibilities are achieved (Who is doing what
and when?)
Take care of the communication culture
Avoid time pressure and hecticness!
Take turns in speaking and check comprehension.
Stay at the topic.
Deal immediately with tensions and conflicts until it’s possible to work
Coming to an end …
Clarify when and where to meet next time.
Source: transfer e.V.: Modellseminar „Wie plane und leite ich Seminare & Tagungen?“ (Skript), Güntersberge 1994
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