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Prima's Official Strategy Guide
Prima Games
A Division of Random House, Inc.
3000 Lava Ridge Court
Roseville, CA 95661
Mario De Govia • Brandon Smith • Damien Waples
Table of Contents
Welcome to Halo...................................................................
The Beginning ..........................................................
The Characters .........................................................
Basic Handling .........................................................
Combat Controls ......................................................
Weapons and Items..............................................................
Weapons ..................................................................
Items .......................................................................
Vehicle Types ............................................................
Human Vehicles..............................................................
Covenant Vehicles ....................................................
Covenant ..................................................................
Flood ........................................................................
Forerunner ...............................................................
Tactics and Tricks..................................................................
Survival 101 ..............................................................
How to Use This Walkthrough..............................................
Mission Briefing ........................................................
Pillar of Autumn: Reveille.....................................................
Pillar of Autumn: AI Constructs and Cyborgs First!............
Halo: Arrival...........................................................................
Halo: Reunion Tour.................................................................
Truth and Reconciliation: The Truth and Reconciliation.....
Truth and Reconciliation: Into the Belly of the Beast................
Truth and Reconciliation: Shut Up and Get Behind Me...Sir.......
The Silent Cartographer: The Silent Cartographer.......................
The Silent Cartographer: That Was Easy!.....................................
The Silent Cartographer: Shafted..................................................
Assault on the Control Room: Fortress World.............................
Assault on the Control Room: Rolling Thunder...........................
Assault on the Control Room: The Control Room........................
343 Guilty Spark: The Lost Away Team.........................................
343 Guilty Spark: The Flood..........................................................
The Library: New Friends...............................................................
The Library: Wait, It Gets Worse!.................................................
The Library: But I Don’t Want to Ride the Elevator!...................
The Library: Fourth Floor: Tools, Guns, Keys to Super Weapons
Two Betrayals: The Gun Pointed at the Head of the Universe...
Two Betrayals: Breaking Stuff to Look Tough..............................
Two Betrayals: The Tunnels Below................................................
Two Betrayals: Final Run...............................................................
Keyes: The Maw..............................................................................
Keyes: In No Mood.........................................................................
Keyes: The Captain........................................................................
The Maw: ...And the Horse You Rode in on..................................
The Maw: Light Fuse, Run Away....................................................
The Maw: Warning: Hitchhikers May Be Escaping Convicts........
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Senior Product Manager: Jennifer Crotteau
Project Editors: David Mathews and Michelle Pritchard
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ISBN: 0-7615-3744-9
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2001096806
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Welcome to Halo
The Beginning
Welcome to Halo , a game of combat that plunges you into the middle of interstellar war. The year is 2552, and
humanity is in trouble.
Faster-than-light travel has allowed the human race to colonize hundreds of other planets, spreading across the
galaxy in search of new worlds, new lands to populate and explore. Our exploration has not come without cost,
however. Factions sprang up and wars were fought. That time has passed, though, and under the leadership of the
United Nations Space Command, colonization has increased. The wars taught the UNSC to be prepared for hostility.
Military ships and soldiers, based on the planet Reach, patrol the space-ways, keeping order and helping the citi-
zens on the many worlds they inhabit.
Over three decades before the event you're about to experience, the colony Harvest, at the outer reaches of
humanity's spread, went silent. UNSC battleships were sent to investigate. Only one ship returned, badly damaged.
It brought chilling news of a vastly superior alien ship that obliterated the humans.
The Covenant had arrived.
Several alien species, banded together underneath the blanket of a common religion and calling themselves the
Covenant, had declared war on the human race. Their religious leaders insisted that the earthlings must be wiped
out in a holy war.
It became obvious that the Covenant could succeed with their superior technology and numbers. The UNSC wasn't
going to go quietly, however, and poured all their knowledge and resources into checking the Covenant's bloody
march across human space. Keeping the location of Earth from the Covenant was deemed of the utmost impor-
tance. Admiral Preston Cole set up the Cole Protocol – for damaged ships self-destruction instead of capture, for
retreating ships random FTL jumps instead of heading to earth.
A program to enhance soldiers with cybernetic implants, called SPARTAN-II, was revitalized after having been dor-
mant since the human vs. human wars. The newly created super-soldiers began to prove their worth, making
impressive gains in ground combat against the Covenant. But the SPARTAN-II soldiers were too few, and the
Covenant ships too powerful, for the war to shift in humanity's favor.
Now the SPARTAN-IIs have been recalled to Reach for more augmentation. They will be equipped with MJOLNIR
armor, increasing their strength and resistance, then sent in search of the Covenant's home world.
Two days before the mission, Reach is attacked by the Covenant. Only one ship, the Pillar of Autumn, escapes with
merely one of the SPARTAN-II soldiers, an enigmatic figure known as Master Chief. The Captain of the vessel makes
a blind FTL jump to try and escape the alien aggressors. Where they'll end up is anybody's guess.…
The Characters
Cortana is an AI, the military-
grade computer construct that
runs the Pillar of Autumn's
systems and helps the crew in
any way she can. She can hack
alien computer systems and
monitor the Covenant's battle-
net, their communication band,
to help coordinate attacks and
defenses. She's playful and is
known to make a witty remark
or wry comment, even in dire
circumstances. Despite this
tendency, she does care for the
humans of her ship. She can
be uploaded to Master Chief's
MJOLNIR armor for safekeep-
ing and to support his efforts.
Captain Jacob Keyes
Captain Keyes has served UNSC
for over a quarter century. His
accomplishments have been
many, winning a few victories and
saving several ships from disaster.
He has not been in the limelight
often, but his superiors know him
to be a very capable and trust-
worthy officer. For these reasons
the Captain was chosen to lead
Pillar of Autumn with its load of
SPARTAN-IIs on their way to the
Covenant home world. When
things went bad on Reach, he
dutifully enacted the Cole
Protocol, making a blind jump to
try and lead the aliens away from
Earth. Now he's far from home
and faced with a new challenge.…
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Master Chief
The last of the SPARTAN-II soldiers, Master Chief has been fully augmented with the
latest in UNSC technology. He is therefore the very pinnacle of military hardware. A
veteran of many battles against the Covenant, Master Chief is a tireless warrior, fight-
ing as hard as he can to keep the aliens at bay. Trained to be the best and given
cybernetic enhancements to boost his abilities, he is resourceful and fully conversant
with all forms of combat and weaponry. While he seldom wastes words, Master Chief's
actions speak louder than a full platoon of regular Marines. It's your job to use all of
Master Chief's formidable skills to bring him through the strange world of Halo .
Basic Handling
The controls for Halo utilize 12 buttons and sticks on the controller (counting the Thumbsticks and the
Thumbstick buttons separately). So the learning curve can be steep. Once you're used to it, however, you'll be
able to handle Master Chief like a dream. Here's what you need to know to get the cyborg from one point to
the next.
g : Linear Movement
t : Straight Forward
b : Straight Back
h : Strafe Right
f : Strafe Left
Press g : Crouch
The Left Thumbstick, g , controls
linear movement. You can use it to
move straight forward, straight
back, or strafe left and right. You
can't turn your view with g . If you
press straight down on g , Master
Chief will crouch. If you move g
slightly, he'll move while crouching.
You can use the direc-
tion pad, s , instead of
g for linear movement,
but you can't use it to
crouch. We suggest
sticking with g .
k : Perspective/Aiming/Turning
i : Look Up
, : Look Down
l : Turn/Look Right
j : Turn/Look Left
Press k : Weapon Scope/Zoom
The Right Thumbstick, k , controls Master Chief's view.
Imagine that it controls his head, swinging the view in all
directions so that you can make turns, aim your weapons,
and look at different heights. Pressing straight down on k
brings up the weapon scope when you are armed with the
Pistol, Sniper Rifle, or Rocket Launcher.
Using g and k together allows you to move Master Chief
through the adventure of Halo . It takes some time to get
fully comfortable with the system, but you'll learn to love it.
1 :Jump
5 :Flashlight
This is well within reach; just hop
on up.
Pressing 1 makes
Master Chief jump. Due
to his enhanced
strength and special
armor, your boy can leap
higher than a normal
human. Don't be afraid
to try for jumps that
look a bit out of reach.
Chances are you can
make them.
Dark places are scary. Light them
up to see what's hiding in the
corners. Note the flashlight gauge
in the upper right, under your
health monitor.
Press 5 to switch on the
flashlight. It is usually
mounted under whatever
weapon you're holding.
So, if you use your melee
attack or reload, the
beam will sweep around.
Also, the charge on the
light runs out, albeit
slowly. Keep an eye on
the gauge on your HUD.
Switching it off allows it
to recharge.
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3 :Action
There are several things
that 3 can do. It allows
you to pick up weapons
that you find on the
ground, reload weapons,
and activate buttons and
control panels. It's a
multipurpose tool, and
we'll talk about its
weapon uses a little later.
Control panels like this one are
activated with 3 . It's a very
useful button.
Combat Controls
Master Chief is in a tough business – battling alien forces with superior firepower and technology. Being a
cyborg soldier with state-of-the-art hardware and modifications implanted in his body makes him very good at
what he does. In order to utilize his capabilities to their fullest, you must know the controls like you were
born with them.
8 :Fire Weapon
3 :Reload Weapon
When you're armed and
ready, pulling back on
the 8 trigger will fire
your weapon. Some
weapons have automatic
fire, so if you hold 8
they'll fire continuously.
That will be covered in
the "Weapons and
Items" section.
Pressing 3 makes Master
Chief reload the weapon he's
carrying, if he can. You can
reload whenever you feel the
need, even if you've only
fired two bullets. Make sure
you just tap 3 when you
want to reload.
There's a lot of firepower in Halo .
Master Chief is familiar with every
type of weapon you come across.
Reloading takes a bit of time; you
can watch the whole maneuver
on screen.
3 :Pick up
4 :Switch Weapon
You can carry two weapons,
max. To switch between
them, press 4 . This brings
up your second weapon,
stowing the first somewhere
on your person and out of
sight. The switch is quicker
than reloading, which can be
useful knowledge. More on
that later.
If you stand close to a
weapon on the ground,
the game will prompt
you. You'll see text
telling you to press 3
to pick up the weapon.
Hold 3 to grab the
This scattering of weapons is like
a shopping mall; pick and choose
what you want.
Pistol or Assault Rifle? It can be
so hard to choose.
2 :Melee Attack
Just press 2 and Master
Chief will strike a blow with
whatever weapon he has
handy. You have to be close
enough to your enemy for
this to work. If you sneak
up behind your foe, a Melee
Attack will kill them
instantly. Also, a Melee
Attack can be used to bust
open stuck doors.
You'll learn more about
how many weapons you
can carry and what the
best choices are in a
later section.
A solid knock to the head will
ruin an enemy's day.
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