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Harmony, Health, Success, Achievement,
Self-Mastery, Optimism, Prosperity,
Peace of Mind, Through the
Power of Right Thinking
This Edition Contains
The Advanced Postgraduate
Scanned at sacred-texts.com, November 2005. This text is in the public domain in the United States because it was published
between 1923 and 1964 and its copyright was not renewed in a timely fashion at the US Copyright Office as required by law
at the time. These files may be used for any non-commercial purpose, provided this notice of attribution is left intact in all
Do not worry because you cannot follow the course exactly to the letter. Do what you can of it, adapt it
to your life, and do the best you can in present circumstances.
The principal thing is to get twice daily into what is called the Silence, to quieten the senses, and get in
touch with the Unseen, i.e., God, Divine Mind, the Infinite, Principle of Good, First Cause, the
Absolute, the name does not matter, they all mean the same.
Another vital thing is to use affirmations and denials, these will be explained more fully later.
Yet another is meditation, for you gradually grow into the likeness of that upon which you meditate.
Still another is visualizing. Always visualize the good, the beautiful, and true, and
your life will reflect these things. Incidentally, the practice of visualization greatly increases one's
powers of concentration.
Also while you are receiving this course and for some time after, refrain from all hazardous speculation.
Do not launch out in business without sufficient capital and then expect everything to turn out all right.
Instead wait until the way is made clear. Guidance and help will come in time, therefore do not try to
force things.
Remember that although as soon as you start right thinking, you begin to build up your life, yet it takes
time to manifest. At first things may seem to be worse, if so keep on and they will soon settle down.
You cannot fail in the long run if you will persist and persevere.
I want you to realize:
That within you are infinite power and possibilities.
That the inward Power can be aroused and brought into expression by
holding high ideals in the mind and by affirmations and meditation.
That it is necessary to spend a short time in the Unseen both night and
That by so doing you can enter a super-conscious realm where your word is
That what you speak comes to pass, that what you mentally picture must
come true.
That it is only by following high ideals that true success can be achieved.
Therefore, picture a higher life--the highest you can conceive, and affirm that
it is yours. Remember that this higher life is without sickness, disease,
forward with joy--you can never fail .
Success and Character Building
THE objects of this course are: (1) To alter your mental attitude, and (2) To direct your thoughts into
those channels which lead to success, achievement, health, happiness and perfect good; (3) The arousing
of the inward POWER, and (4) The overcoming of bad habits; (5) The building up of character, and (6)
The discovery and development of the creative faculty.
How these are accomplished will be explained to you in their proper place and at the proper time, but
first of all I want you to consider, thoughtfully, what is before you. It is not exactly an easy road which
you have chosen. No path that leads upward
ever is. The path of victory is always thorny; but when the thorns hurt the feet most, we can console
ourselves with the thought that the path really does lead somewhere , and we know definitely that it
leads to Success , Achievement , Happiness and Satisfaction . Difficulties there will be,
disappointments, failures and set-backs, but to him who sets his face towards the light, and will keep
steadily onward, there must come success and accomplishment and victory, above all expectation.
If now you merely read this and pass on, the amount of good that it will do you will be none at all. This
course is useless if you do not "do" it, reading it will do you little or no good, it is the doing of it that
will change your character and your life.
Therefore, stop now and think carefully over the path that lies before you; estimate its difficulties, do not
think lightly of them, be prepared for difficulty, and make up your mind, here and now, to conquer.
You may have failed in the past, but this time you must, you will, and you shall overcome
every difficulty and weakness, and achieve dominion over yourself, victory over your circumstances and
complete control over your life.
Now close your eyes, and mentally picture yourself, radiant, strong, successful, happy, full of the joy
and zest of life. See yourself treading a path that leads ever upwards. Behind you the air is murky and
gloomy, but in front is increasing brightness and loveliness. See yourself progressing, climbing,
winning. See yourself trampling old habits and weaknesses under your feet. See yourself meeting
difficulties in your path, and see yourself, sustained by a mighty inward power, brushing all obstructions
aside, and never faltering in your upward climb.
Concentrate with all your powers upon
this mental imagery. Persevere until you can see yourself radiant, sublime, shorn of all weaknesses and
imperfections, the perfect image of your perfect self. See yourself full of vitality and health, see yourself
successful, attracting both people and affluence to you. Make a concrete, sharply defined image in your
mind of yourself as you desire to be; see yourself master of circumstances, attracting all good things by
the power of your mental forces.
In other words, by mental imagery you are creating your future self. You will gradually grow into the
likeness of the image that you are now creating. Therefore create the right image. Let your ambition be a
high one; do not picture yourself as a common man, satisfied with vulgar pleasures, instead, create a
perfect man, the most perfect of which you can conceive.
In the same way when you throw your mind forward and foresee the task before
you and "will" that all difficulties shall be overcome, and that if you get weary of well doing, you will
not give up but will persevere, and arouse fresh interest in the task of self culture and achievement, then
you are already winning the battle in advance, you are making your ultimate success doubly sure.
I want you to realize that this journey of yours is not a walk over, I want you to understand that it is a
fight all the way, but at the same time to realize that it is a winning fight all the time; for although
difficulties are real, yet you have within you the Powers which make difficulties and obstacles melt
away. Great and omnipotent is the Power within you. Nothing can stay your upward climb, there is
nobody who can prevent you succeeding except yourself ; there is nothing that can stop your progress
but your own doubt and fear. All things are possible if you believe that they are possible.
Unbounded confidence,
the keynote of Success.
YOU cannot fail, YOU,
yourself, are Success.
Another word for "unbounded confidence" is "faith." Every successful man is a confident man. He
believes wholeheartedly in his own power to succeed. This is not vanity or being too "cock-sure,"
instead it is either conscious, or unconscious, or sub-conscious realization of the Inward Power . This is
why so few men are really successful, so few men ever arouse the mighty powers that are within them,
so few men think the kind of thoughts that bring these powers into life and action.
Every successful man is a man of "faith," every successful man is a man who cultivates "hope." A
successful man is always hopeful, is never a pessimist and he brings that which he hopes for, into being
and reality, by the strength of his faith.
Therefore I want you first of all to cultivate Hope and Faith for without those qualities no one, no
matter how gifted or clever, can ever succeed .
That you have these two qualities is proved by the fact that you are reading this course. You have had
the hope of winning your way to a life of Success, and Power,
and you have had the Faith to believe that within you are the powers and forces which make this
possible. Without Hope a man is as good as dead, without Faith he is like a rudderless ship drifting
hither and thither with every wind and current. On the other hand all things are possible to the man
who has both these qualities.
Cast your eyes over the lives of all men of great achievement, and you will see that they were all
animated by Hope and sustained by Faith. They hoped for success and believed that they had it in them
to achieve that success. In their darkest hours they hoped on, believing that soon the reaction would
come, which would carry them on to the accomplishment of their ambitions. Nothing has ever yet been
accomplished by man on this planet without the inspiration of Hope and the tenacity of Faith. Hope
reaches forward and claims success, faith holds on until success is attained. Therefore seek to develop
these qualities to their fullest extent.
It is a well known fact that when a man turns his face round and determines to fight
his way to success, or to overcome evil habit, or to raise himself in any way either mentally, morally,
physically or spiritually, then everything seems to happen to thwart his new intention and to throttle his
new desires. So long as he goes on in his old way, drifting with the tide, floating about helplessly, the
sport of fate and the prey of outside circumstances, so long as this goes on, nothing unusual happens.
But directly a start is made in an upward direction, then all kinds of psychic powers seem to be let loose,
whose object to be to prevent the student from making any progress in his new life.
When a man realizes his own interior powers and understands the vastness and wonder of his subliminal
forces, and determines to make use of them, and thus become a king among men instead of a slave, then
such a disturbance takes place that unless he possesses Hope and Faith he will be tempted to turn his
back on the new life and to sink back again into the old sluggish drifting existence, which leads to
disappointment and despair.
Those people variously known as Christian
[paragraph continues] Scientists, Mental Scientists, Spiritual Scientists, etc. (no matter what they call
themselves, they all deal with the powers of the mind) all experience the same thing. Even the health is
affected in a curious way, friends are peevish and irritable, little things go wrong in business, and
generally one is out of sorts and all things awry.
When this experience comes to one, then is the time to exercise Hope and Faith. First of all remember
that the condition is only temporary. After a few days, in some cases it may be weeks, the health will
improve, friends will become genial and harmony will again reign in your life. When the entities that
cause the disturbance realize that you mean to keep on, and that you cannot be bullied into going back to
the old life, they will quickly leave you. In any case there is nothing to be afraid of, because these
entities are helpless if one does not fear them. In other words, if you have Hope and Faith you can win
through. Hope for better times although the present may be discouraging. Faith in the sure belief that
soon all the disagreeable symptoms will disappear.
Hope on; by Faith, hang on, and keep hanging on and you will win through. Do not be discouraged by
seeming failure, nothing was ever won without effort. What can be had without effort is not worth
Take encouragement from the fact that this disturbance in your life proves that vital changes are taking
place within, that the vast powers of your subliminal mind are beginning to awaken, and that the entities
of your old erroneous beliefs and habits are taking their departure.
Believe now that you can conquer and win through, and you will conquer and win through. What you
believe you can do, you can do, because all power is within you. There is nothing in all the world that
can stop you, except your own doubt and fear.
I want you to trust me to the extent of doing something, the underlying principle of which cannot be
explained in this first lesson. I want you to make what is known as an "affirmation," I want you to affirm
the following: "THE OLD LIFE IS DEAD
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