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Kick the Procrastination Habit
by Maria Gracia
"I’ll get to it--when I get a chance."
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You know what that means, don’t you? You’ll never get to it! Here are 8
simple ways to kick the procrastination habit and start getting things
1. BREAK IT DOWN. Seem overwhelming? Don’t look at everything
as one big project. Break goals, projects or tasks down into small
parts. Assign a specific deadline (date and time) to each part.
2. WRITE IT DOWN. Make it official by recording on paper, what
needs to be done. When it's written down, it's more concrete, and
there's a greater chance you'll start and complete it.
3. TELL SOMEONE. Tell a friend, associate or loved one what your
plans are. Discuss decisions that need to be made with others.
Ask a friend or associate for some ongoing motivation. Sometimes
an outside perspective may be all you need to get started.
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4. SCHEDULE. Establish a regular time each day to work on your
goal, project or task.
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privacy and will
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your e-mail address
to anyone.
5. USE PROPER TOOLS. Organize your environment, complete with
the tools you need, so it is conducive to working.
6. POST REMINDERS. Keep your goals in front of you. Post
reminders of your goals and deadlines where you can constantly
see them.
Start Attracting
Customers to
Your Business
Like a Magnet!
7. I'LL ONLY DO THIS, IF I COMPLETE . . . Make something you
normally do and enjoy contingent upon doing the avoided task. For
example: "I will not watch my favorite television program until I
complete Part A of my project." -- By the way, no fair cheating!! :-)
8. SET REWARDS. Set rewards for your ultimate goals and
mini-goals. You’ll constantly have something enjoyable to look
forward to.
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Click here to learn how you can start attracting
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strategy we've been teaching our clients to use for
over ten years, and it's the system we use to grow
our own business.
It's easy to understand, it's easy to use, and most
important, it works.
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