Jezebel (1938).txt

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{1}{72}movie info: XVID 512x384 23.976fps 697.4 MB
{2572}{2643}Boy, stop here.|Might as well get us a ball.
{2647}{2695}Julie will have plenty|to drink at the party.
{2699}{2759}Party liquor. Messed up|with cherries and such. Come on.
{2763}{2833}- Wait right here.|- Yes, sir, Mr. Cantrell, sir.
{2978}{3012}Man, you talk crazy.
{3016}{3094}I say that horse is|out of the Truxton strain.
{3099}{3134}- Gentlemen.|- Good afternoon.
{3138}{3205}- How are you, General Bogardus, sir?|- How are you, Buck? Ted?
{3209}{3248}- Going to the party?|- Yes, indeed.
{3252}{3285}- See you later then, sir.|- Yes.
{3289}{3350}The Truxton strain's|the best horse blood in this state.
{3355}{3409}Here's somebody|that really knows bloodlines.
{3413}{3482}Hi, Buck Cantrell.|Come here and help us decide a bet.
{3486}{3537}Got no time, Huger.|Ted and I were just shifting.
{3541}{3576}Won't take any time at all, Buck.
{3580}{3642}You heard him, Huger.|Buck got no time.
{3646}{3710}Gentlemen, Buck Cantrell got no time.
{3714}{3761}Five-to-four, he doesn't know the day.
{3765}{3845}I'll do better. Even money,|he doesn't know what month.
{3849}{3981}Know what time of day it is, anyhow.|Must be getting on towards 3:00.
{3985}{4052}If it was any later,|De Lautruc would be a lot drunker.
{4079}{4153}Is it not admirable Monsieur Cantrell|can joke so cleverly...
{4157}{4228}...when he has just lost|the lady of his heart?
{4244}{4281}- Better not, Rene.|- Yes, gentlemen.
{4285}{4349}Monsieur Cantrell|has just lost his lady.
{4353}{4394}I wouldn't go on, De Lautruc.
{4399}{4473}See, gentlemen,|Monsieur Cantrell is in bad humor...
{4477}{4566}...because Julie Marsden is going to marry...|- De Lautruc.
{4570}{4622}I thought I heard you mention|a lady's name.
{4627}{4707}- Must have misunderstood you, sir.|- And if I did mention the name of a lady?
{4711}{4788}Why, just that a gentleman doesn't|mention a lady's name in a barroom.
{4792}{4850}Are you trying|to teach me manners, my friend?
{4854}{4899}Wouldn't think of trying, De Lautruc.
{4903}{4980}But I somehow don't like your hat|or your ears or anything between them.
{4993}{5072}- Plain enough?|- Amply, sir. Pierre?
{5076}{5121}I've the honor to ask you|to name a friend.
{5125}{5154}- I'm acting as...|- Shoot, Ted.
{5159}{5202}You're too young|for this sort of thing.
{5206}{5237}Gentlemen, a moment.
{5241}{5302}Buck, I ought to get De Lautruc myself.
{5307}{5349}It's my brother that's gonna marry her.
{5353}{5408}That makes it much more|my quarrel than yours.
{5412}{5513}- Let me act for you, Buck.|- Well, if you feel that bad about it.
{5541}{5589}I've the honor|to be acting for Mr. Cantrell.
{5593}{5647}- Sunrise at the Oaks satisfactory?|- Perfectly, sir.
{5651}{5699}Why do you wanna make it|so confounded early?
{5703}{5756}Make it 10:00. De Lautruc ain't wild.
{5760}{5823}We don't have to sneak up|on him in the dark.
{5855}{5885}Your servant, gentlemen.
{5889}{5951}Come on, youngster.|We gotta get on to the party.
{6042}{6096}Gentlemen, let's have another drink.
{6103}{6127}Buck, listen...
{6131}{6182}Here's something|I've been aiming to get all day.
{6187}{6248}- Must have trimmings for the party.|- Cantrell, one minute.
{6252}{6302}- You riding along with us?|- I have my carriage.
{6306}{6374}Cantrell, I don't like this.|Miss Julie's name was mentioned.
{6378}{6439}As her guardian,|I don't like her mixed up in this.
{6443}{6522}Miss Julie's name was mentioned?|Why, sir, if it was, I never heard it.
{6527}{6584}It's just that I don't|like De Lautruc, is all. May I?
{6588}{6668}Cantrell, you're a fool. De Lautruc's|an old hand. Been out a dozen times.
{6672}{6725}Thirteen's liable to be|unlucky for De Lautruc.
{6729}{6802}You know these French. They shoot|for the head and like as not, miss.
{6807}{6862}I'm gonna shoot for the body|and bust his tripes.
{6866}{6920}General Bogardus, sir, your servant.
{7554}{7617}Mrs. Kendrick. Miss Kendrick, ma'am.
{7644}{7705}- Keep in the shade, Albert.|- Yes, Mrs. Kendrick, ma'am.
{7709}{7767}I won't have the horses|standing in the sun, you hear?
{7771}{7809}Yes, ma'am.
{7823}{7887}- Stay in your seat.|- Yes, ma'am.
{7892}{7936}- Keep your hat and gloves on.|- Yes, ma'am.
{7940}{8005}- And your coat buttoned.|- Yes, ma'am.
{8026}{8073}Yes, ma'am.
{8141}{8186}- Mrs. Kendrick, ma'am.|- Good evening, Cato.
{8191}{8214}Miss Kendrick.
{8219}{8289}- Honoria, how good of you to come.|- Sweet of you to ask us, Belle.
{8293}{8338}And, Stephanie,|how pretty you look, child.
{8342}{8376}Oh, thank you, Miss Massie.
{8380}{8427}Stephanie, your manners.
{8431}{8511}- I do hope we aren't late, Belle.|- Late? Julie isn't here herself yet.
{8515}{8569}- What?|- At her own party in her own house.
{8573}{8622}Really, I don't know|what to do with that girl.
{8627}{8674}Well, I always say,|"Better late than never."
{8679}{8710}Excuse me, please, Honoria.
{8796}{8872}Mother, please don't fault me|like that before people.
{8876}{8911}Girls don't curtsey anymore.
{8915}{8968}{y:i}- I read it in Godey's.|- They do in New Orleans.
{8972}{9022}You've no call to take up|with Yankee manners.
{9026}{9090}- How do you find yourself, Mrs. Petion?|- Honoria, Stephanie.
{9094}{9193}Belle just told me Julie is late|for her own party in her own house.
{9197}{9262}But I always say,|"Punctuality is the politeness of kings."
{9267}{9320}Politeness was never|one of Julie's virtues.
{9324}{9354}Ted, isn't it exciting?
{9358}{9417}I think your brother Pres|is the luckiest man.
{9421}{9473}Providing he keeps|a short reign on her.
{9477}{9547}Oh, you're just trying to talk|like Buck Cantrell.
{9551}{9605}I wish Julie would come.
{9609}{9662}So does Aunt Belle.|She's having a fit.
{9666}{9735}Tell me, wasn't Mr. Cantrell|just crushed?
{9743}{9813}Crushed? Buck Cantrell?
{9817}{9887}Hounds all over him. Tom with|his knife, high-tailing with a bear.
{9891}{9957}The only way you could tell|which was which, he had a hat on.
{9961}{10001}Laugh, I thought I...
{10005}{10070}- Yes, Miss Belle?|- Theophilus, that child isn't here yet.
{10075}{10127}You're her guardian.|You'll have to speak to her.
{10131}{10176}You're her aunt, Miss Belle.|Why don't you?
{10180}{10248}- Girl never was on time in her life.|- It's outrageous of her.
{10252}{10299}Oh, time ain't so important, Miss Belle.
{10303}{10380}Seems like the longer I live,|the more there is of it.
{10384}{10459}And I don't know|what to say to people.
{10733}{10779}Evening, Miss Julie.
{10783}{10858}Thank you, Gros Bat.|Take him around, Ti Bat.
{11031}{11115}Now, Ti Bat, don't stand there|with your eyes bulging out like that.
{11119}{11200}- He knows you're scared.|- Yes, ma'am, Miss Julie, but he bite.
{11204}{11269}Well, then you just plain|bite him back.
{11344}{11398}- Good evening, Uncle Cato.|- Praise be, Miss Julie.
{11402}{11486}- Miss Belle's been nigh on to a fit.|- I know, I'm late.
{11491}{11553}Miss Julie, I done laid out|your party dress.
{11557}{11602}Thanks. No time.|Got to go in to my guests.
{11606}{11674}- Miss Julie, in them horse clothes?|- They won't mind.
{11744}{11780}Good evening, everybody.
{11787}{11877}Terribly sorry to be late.|I had trouble with the colt.
{11881}{11934}- Hello, dumpling.|- Julie, your riding habit.
{11938}{11992}No time to change, darling. Stephanie.
{11996}{12043}- I think it looks lovely.|- Thank you, honey.
{12047}{12089}- How are you, Ted?|- Fine as frog's hair.
{12093}{12140}Good evening. Good evening.|How do you do?
{12144}{12192}So sorry, but when a colt|gets high-headed...
{12196}{12235}...teach him his manners|or ruin him.
{12239}{12326}- Yes, that's so important, isn't it?|- Hello, Molly. Excuse me, will you?
{12330}{12400}I declare. I hope I'm broad-minded,|but I must say...
{12404}{12480}I know what Stephanie would get|if she did such a thing, big as she is.
{12484}{12568}I always say, "Spare the rod|and you spoil the child."
{12572}{12642}It sounds so thrilling, darling,|living way up North in New York.
{12646}{12695}Julie, I wish you and Pres|all the happiness...
{12699}{12758}...the best of health...|- And the most of prosperity.
{12762}{12789}Sherry, ma'am?
{12793}{12864}You said the very same thing|the last time Pres and I were engaged.
{12868}{12932}We'll keep right on saying it|until you finally get married.
{12936}{13002}My dear, the toddies|are for the gentlemen.
{13006}{13045}- Whiskey, Uncle Billy?|- Yes, ma'am.
{13049}{13090}- The very best of Bourbon.|- That's fine.
{13095}{13154}To the very good health|of the future Mrs. Dillard.
{13207}{13247}Aren't you gonna wish me|happiness too?
{13251}{13334}What's the use? You won't get it|marrying a trader and going up North.
{13338}{13422}Pres is a banker, not a trader.|I'll thank you to remember that.
{13427}{13468}I keep forgetting there's a difference.
{13472}{13538}But you won't like it in the North,|Miss Julie, tell you what.
{13553}{13649}- I'll be happy anywhere Pres is.|- You won't like it at the North.
{13665}{13747}You know those little old white beans?|Horse-feed beans?
{13751}{13796}You know what they|do with them in Boston?
{13800}{13901}They eat them. Ladies and gentlemen|eat them, what I hear.
{13921}{13960}- Buck, you're...|- My dear.
{13964}{14012}Isn't Preston Dillard|ever going to arrive?
{14016}{14075}I'm sorry, Mrs. Kendrick,|I tried to persuade him...
{14079}{14151}...but he found it important|to meet with the directors of his bank.
{14155}{14258}Of course.|"Business before pleasure," I always say.
{14264}{14321}Ladies and gentlemen,|I give you a toast.
{14325}{14399}To the firm of Dillard and Sons,|a venerable institution...
{14403}{14492}...a financial colossus|with branches in New York...
{14496}{14595}...Boston, London and Paris.
{14739}{14815}I guess the one railroad we got|is not enough, huh?
{14819}{14881}Let's see wha...
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