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Lesson 2
Lesson 2a
Following to B.G. Streetman
2.1 Atoms and Electrons, introduction to physical models
In the 1920s it became necessary to develop a new theory to describe phenomena on the atomic
scale. A long series of careful observations had been made that clearly indicated that many events
involving electrons and atoms did not obey the classical laws of mechanics. It was necessary,
therefore, to develop a new kind of mechanics to describe the behavior of particles on this small
scale. This new approach, called quantum mechanics, describes atomic phenomena very well and also
properly predicts the way in which electrons behave in solids — our primary interest here. Through
the years, quantum mechanics has been so successful that now it stands beside the classical laws as a
valid description of nature.
A special problem arises when students first encounter the theory of quantum mechanics.
The problem is that quantum concepts are largely mathematical in nature and do not involve the
“common sense” quality associated with classical mechanics. At first, many students find quantum
concepts difficult, not so much because of the mathematics involved, but because they feel the
concepts are somehow divorced from “reality.” This is a reasonable reaction, since ideas that we
consider to be real or intuitively satisfying are usually based on our own observation. Thus the
classical laws of motion are easy to understand because we observe bodies in motion every day.
On the other hand, we observe the effects of atoms and electrons only indirectly , and naturally we
have very little feeling for what is happening on the atomic scale. It is necessary, therefore, to
depend on the facility of the theory to predict experimental results rather than to attempt to force
classical analogues onto the non-classical phenomena of atoms and electrons.
Our approach in this chapter will be to investigate the important experimental observations
that led to the quantum theory, and then to indicate how the theory accounts for these
observations. Discussions of quantum theory must necessarily be largely qualitative in such a brief
presentation, and those topics that are most important to solid state theory will be emphasized
2.2 Experimental observations that led to the development of quantum theory
The experiments that led to the development of quantum theory were concerned with the nature of
light and the relation of optical energy to the energies of electrons within atoms. These
experiments supplied only indirect evidence of the nature of phenomena on the atomic scale;
however, the cumulative results of a number of careful experiments showed clearly that a new theory
was needed.
2.2.1 The Photoelectric Effect
An important hypothesis of Planck indicated that radiation from a heated sample is emitted in
discrete units of energy, called quanta; the energy units were described by hv, where v is the
frequency of the radiation, and h is a quantity now called Planck’s constant
). Soon after Planck developed this hypothesis, Einstein interpreted an
important experiment that clearly demonstrated the discrete nature (quantization) of light. This ex-
periment involved absorption of optical energy by the electrons in a metal and the relationship
between the amount of energy absorbed and the frequency of the light (Fig.2- 1). Let us suppose
that monochromatic light is incident on the surface of a metal plate in a vacuum.
The electrons in the metal absorb energy from the light, and some of the electrons receive
enough energy to be ejected from the metal surface into the vacuum. This phenomenon is called the
photoelectric effect. If the energy of the escaping electrons is measured, a plot can be made of the
maximum energy as a function of the frequency v of the incident light (Fig. 2-lb).
One simple way of finding the maximum energy of the ejected electrons is to place another
plate above the one shown in Fig. 2-la and then create an electric field between the two plates. The
potential necessary to retard all electron flow between the plates gives the energy . For a
particular frequency of light incident on the sample, a maximum energy is observed for the
emitted electrons. The resulting plot of vs. ν is linear, with a slope equal to Planck’s constant.
The equation of the line shown in Fig. 2-lb is
E m
= ν , (2-1)
where q is the magnitude of the electronic charge. The quantity V (volts) is a characteristic of the
particular metal used. When V is multiplied by the electronic charge, an energy (joules) is obtained
which represents the minimum energy required for an electron to escape from the metal into a
vacuum. The energy qV is called the work function of the metal. These results indicate that the
electrons receive an energy hv from the light, and lose an amount of energy qV in escaping from the
surface of the metal.
This experiment demonstrates clearly that Planck's hypothesis was correct — light energy is
contained in discrete units rather than in a continuous distribution of energies. Other experiments also
indicate that, in addition to the wave nature of light, the quantized units of light energy can be
considered as localized packets of energy, called photons. Some experiments emphasize the wave
nature of light, while other experiments reveal the discrete nature of photons. This duality is
fundamental to quantum processes and does not imply an ambiguity in the theory.
2.2.2 Atomic Spectra
One of the most valuable experiments of modern physics is the analysis of absorption and emission
of light by atoms. For example, an electric discharge can be created in a gas, so that the atoms
begin to emit light with wavelengths characteristic of the gas. We see this effect in a neon sign,
which is typically a glass tube filled with neon or a gas mixture, with electrodes for creating a dis-
charge. If the intensity of the emitted light is measured as a function of wavelength, one finds a
series of sharp lines rather than a continuous distribution of wavelengths. By the early 1900s the
characteristic spectra for several atoms were well known. A portion of the measured emission
spectrum for hydrogen is shown in Fig. 2-2, in which the vertical lines represent the positions of
observed emission peaks on the wavelength scale. Wavelength ( λ) is usually measured in
angstroms (
) and is related (in meters) to frequency by
= , where c is the speed
of light (
10 8
m /
). Photon energy hv is then related to wavelength by
λ /
The lines in Fig. 2-2 appear in several groups labeled the Lyman, Balmer, and Paschen series
after their early investigators. Once the hydrogen spectrum was established, scientists noticed
several interesting relationships among the lines. The various series in the spectrum were observed
to follow certain empirical forms:
n =
n =
n =
where R is a constant called the Rydberg constant (R = 109,678 cm -1 ). If the photon energies hv are
plotted for successive values of the integer n , we notice that each energy can be obtained by taking
sums and differences of other photon energies in the spectrum (Fig. 2-3). For example, E 42 in the
Balmer series
is the difference between E 4l and E 21 in the Lyman series. This relationship among the various
series is called the Ritz combination principle. Naturally, these empirical observations stirred a great
deal of interest in constructing a comprehensive theory for the origin of the photons given off by
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2.3 The Bohr model
The results of emission spectra experiments led Niels Bohr to construct a model for the hydrogen
atom, based on the mathematics of planetary systems. If the electron in the hydrogen atom has a
series of planetary-type orbits available to it, it can be excited to an outer orbit and then can fall to
any one of the inner orbits, giving off energy corresponding to one of the lines of Fig. 2-3. To
develop the model, Bohr made several postulates:
1. Electrons exist in certain stable, circular orbits about the nucleus. This assumption implies
that the orbiting electron does not give off radiation, as classical electromagnetic theory
would normally require of a charge experiencing angular acceleration; otherwise, the electron
would not be stable in the orbit but would spiral into the nucleus as it lost energy by
2. The electron may shift to an orbit of higher or lower energy, thereby gaining or losing
energy equal to the difference in the energy levels (by absorption or emission of a photon of
energy hv ) .
3. The angular momentum of the electron in an orbit is always an integral multiple of Planck's
constant divided by
2π ( 2
is often abbreviated for convenience). This assumption,
P =
, n = 1,2,3,4,... (2-5)
is necessary to obtain the observed results of Fig. 2-3.
If we visualize the electron in a stable orbit of radius r about the proton of the hydrogen atom,
we can equate the electrostatic force between the charges to the centripetal force :
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