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CS12L Master Channel Strip 1.54 Lite - Freeware.

* Bypass.
* Output gain + reset.
* 12 graphic bands.
* 9 Q settings.
* Punch mode.
* NY compressor (soft/hard) + Knock.
* Low/High Exciters.
* Tape saturator.
* EQ 12-6 dB switch.
* Full automation.
* 22 presets.

Windows XP-Vista only.
Multicore supported.

Vista and Windows 7 users:
By default Windows 7 and Vista do not allow saving to your VST Plugins folder.
This prevents our VSTs from extracting the embedded dll's to disk.
You can fix this by changing the folder's Permissions:
- Use Windows Explorer to browse to your VST Plugins folder.
- Right-click the folder - 'Properties'
- Choose 'Security' tab.
- Click 'EDIT' (You may need to click a UAC prompt).
- Select username "Users".
- Tick options Allow 'Write' and 'Modify'.
- To finish Select 'OK' to close the two dialog boxes.

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All right reserved - 2010 Terry West Productions V.O.F. The Netherlands.
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