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{1}{100} - nowa jakoœæ napisów.|Napisy zosta³y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
{134}{186}Golf. I don't get it.
{187}{240}Pointless, absurd,|repetitive activity--
{241}{275}Very good|for clearing the mind.
{276}{340}All these stalls here?.
{341}{404}Van pelt, what do we got?
{405}{479}According to his driver's|license, this is micah newton.
{480}{529}Murder weapon appears to be|the 5-iron there.
{530}{580}No defense wounds.|Or witnesses.
{581}{644}Coroner thinks he was struck|from behind while hitting balls.
{645}{728}Sunblock, hand sanitizer,|healthy snacks.
{729}{832}Somebody grew up with a protective mother.|Another golfer found him around 4:00 this morning.
{833}{892}Killer left the victim's|golf bag and wallet intact.
{893}{979}Cho's going through the car now.|It's pretty early to go golfing.
{980}{1027}Apparently 4:00 a.M.|Is the beginning
{1028}{1103}Of the morning rush. Place runs 24 hours a day.|Talk to the management and have them give you
{1104}{1177}All the security footage|from last night. Yes, boss.
{1178}{1210}Jane, focus.
{1211}{1256}Trying. There it is.
{1257}{1327}Very hard to find the|correct knob. On the victim.
{1328}{1357}Ah. Sorry.
{1358}{1432}Yes, uh, he is a professional,|health-conscious.
{1433}{1465}When you factor in
{1466}{1514}The specially monogrammed|windbreaker
{1515}{1585}And the iodine stains|under the fingernails
{1586}{1659}And the illegible scroll|on these scorecards,
{1660}{1732}You can only draw|one conclusion--our man here
{1733}{1800}Was a doctor.|Somehow that makes sense.
{1801}{1849}Mm. A doctor with a problem.
{1850}{1892}What kind of problem?
{1893}{1939}This impact label|was marking his shots.
{1940}{2050}And in this particular case,|the "x" doesn't mark the spot.
{2051}{2113}His shots are more|at the front of the club.
{2114}{2198}What does that mean?|Well, it means that he was--
{2199}{2272}Slicing them.|Coming across the face.
{2273}{2342}Happens when you're|feeling stressed. Mm.
{2343}{2419}Lisbon, may I speak|with you?
{2420}{2494}We really need|to get you a bell.
{2495}{2568}I wonder, have you|developed any theories
{2569}{2616}On where agent hightower|might be?
{2667}{2714}Has she been|in contact with you?
{2715}{2802}You mean, have I had contact|with a wanted felon
{2803}{2849}Without notifying|my superiors?
{2850}{2883}No, I have not.
{2884}{2966}You spent a day with|hightower's children at cbi.
{2967}{2993}What were they like?
{2994}{3072}I'll get back to you on that.|Excuse me.
{3073}{3151}Cho, what'd you find? Victim's|I.D. Badge was in his briefcase.
{3152}{3244}He's a doctor over at blessed sacrament.|Oh! You may touch the hem of my garment.
{3245}{3332}What's this attached to it? It's a|radiation badge. Monitors exposure
{3333}{3413}To hospital radiation. I'll have|the coroner's office test it
{3414}{3494}When they do the autopsy.|I wasn't finished, agent lisbon.
{3495}{3577}Agent laroche, this is|a crime scene. I'm busy.
{3578}{3660}Curious--your disinterest|in finding hightower.
{3661}{3694}Are you for real?
{3695}{3744}We've had to endure|your surprise visits for months.
{3745}{3782}You named your killer.|She's on the run.
{3783}{3850}Why do you keep showing up|on my crime scenes?
{3851}{3938}Because this morning, I-- I|don't even want to hear it!
{3939}{3987}The second hightower's|replacement is announced,
{3988}{4067}I'm gonna put in|a formal request
{4068}{4127}To keep you away from me.|As I was saying,
{4128}{4190}This morning I was assigned|to take over hightower's duties,
{4191}{4239}Which include overseeing|this team.
{4289}{4345}I appreciate your candor,
{4346}{4423}And I'm going to honor your|request. Agent cho? Yeah?
{4424}{4500}I'm putting you in charge|of the team as of right now.
{4501}{4615}Agent lisbon,|you report to agent cho.
{4616}{4672}Good day.
{5224}{5302}Hey. I talked to the team.|We figured it out.
{5303}{5335}What's that?
{5336}{5403}Well, you run the investigation.|Call the shots like usual.
{5404}{5469}I'll report to laroche. I|appreciate the offer, but no.
{5470}{5566}You're the boss. This isn't right.|It's a direct order. You are in charge.
{5567}{5654}If I'm in charge, I have|to be in charge for real.
{5655}{5701}I will back you 100%.
{5702}{5750}You're a senior agent.|Show 'em what you got.
{5751}{5799}You sure?|I'm positive.
{5800}{5852}I'll clear out my office|for you this afternoon.
{5853}{5904}I don't want your office.|I told you, it's o--
{5905}{6007}I prefer no walls|between me and my team.
{6008}{6045}How'd it go?
{6046}{6081}I'm in charge.|Got it.
{6082}{6148}Any orders, {y:i}boss?|No, really.
{6149}{6220}Lisbon didn't go for it.|I'm in charge.
{6221}{6299}Oh. Well, congratulations.
{6300}{6377}Let's break down the case.
{6554}{6620}All right. Lisbon,|can you please fill in
{6621}{6668}The personal details|you've learned?
{6669}{6733}Sure. Micah newton, age 42.|He's survived by a husband.
{6734}{6777}He's an m.D.,|but he played mostly
{6778}{6849}An administrative position a the hospital.|And, van pelt, did you find anything
{6850}{6893}On the surveillance tapes|from the driving range? No
{6893}{6937}help. Cameras only cover the|parking lot and clubhouse.
{6938}{7001}Killer must have parked on the street.|Mm-hmm. Fingerprints on the club?
{7002}{7058}None usable. We have|a coroner's report yet?
{7059}{7096}Yeah. Right here.|Okay.
{7163}{7209}The, uh, blow to the head
{7210}{7256}Caused an instant cerebral|hemorrhage. No surprises there.
{7257}{7338}But there were questions about his|radiation exposure. What kind of questions?
{7339}{7385}Well, hospital personnel|wear badges to keep tabs
{7386}{7462}On their radiation exposure.|Now according to newton's badge,
{7463}{7503}He was way over the limit|for this month. With levels
{7503}{7540}like that, he should have|been glowing in the dark.
{7541}{7588}But the coroner's test|of his body found it
{7589}{7654}Within an acceptable range.|How could that happen?
{7655}{7733}Lisbon, take jane to the|hospital and find out. Yes, sir.
{7734}{7785}I'll talk to the husband.|Uh, van pelt,
{7786}{7864}Check into newton's records.|Rigsby, you're with me.
{7975}{8061}You have a chance to read the case files|yet? No need. I saw enough at the crime scene
{8062}{8120}To know that a doctor did it.|How can you tell?
{8121}{8178}A single blow to the head|causing instant death--
{8179}{8266}That takes medical know-how,|a strong ego,
{8267}{8311}And a killer golf swing.
{8312}{8382}Definitely|a doctor-on-doctor crime.
{8383}{8453}Are you the cbi agents?|Yes, she does the detecting,
{8454}{8523}And I do the insulting.|Uh, consulting.
{8524}{8569}That, too.
{8570}{8632}Francine trent.|I'm dr. Newton's assistant...
{8633}{8666}Was, I guess.
{8667}{8698}I'm sorry.
{8699}{8753}If you'll follow me.
{8754}{8826}Here's dr. Newton's schedule|from yesterday.
{8827}{8874}Thank you.
{8875}{8924}According to this,
{8925}{8986}Dr. Newton was scheduled|to give a lecture at 8:30?
{8987}{9028}To the first-year|medical students.
{9029}{9069}It was a highlight|of his year.
{9070}{9140}I see you have|the same radiation badge he did.
{9141}{9205}We're required to wear them|at all times.
{9206}{9270}Any idea why|his levels were off the chart?
{9271}{9358}No. Um, we use|radioactive substances
{9359}{9426}Like cesium-137|for blood irradiation,
{9427}{9492}But everybody wears|lead shielding
{9493}{9558}So they're protected,|so... I don't know.
{9558}{9622}Did you get an invite|to the wedding?
{9623}{9680}I did.|How was it?
{9681}{9714}It was lovely.
{9769}{9808}Who are these people?
{9809}{9856}Transplant patients.|Mm-hmm.
{9857}{9897}Dr. Newton started|the transplant board
{9898}{9970}At blessed sacrament.|Gave him tremendous joy.
{9971}{10003}Are they still alive?
{10004}{10062}Jane...|You're not my boss anymore.
{10063}{10119}Transplants are|a tricky business.
{10120}{10174}But I-I've seen|so many people saved--
{10175}{10254}People who were going to die. Yeah,|well I'll let you in on a little secret--
{10255}{10309}We're all gonna die.|I am so sorry.
{10310}{10375}That's okay. Being scared|of doctors and hospitals
{10376}{10438}Is perfectly normal.|I'm not.
{10439}{10534}Um, so, uh, did he actually|go to his lecture at 8:00?
{10535}{10581}Yeah, he never missed|an opportunity
{10582}{10654}To give a motivational speech|to young doctors.
{10655}{10727}He was a good practitioner,|but a better leader.
{10728}{10800}I think it's why he moved|into administration.
{10801}{10848}Mm. And who's this|rogue's gallery?
{10849}{10901}All the physicians|on the transplant board.
{10902}{10968}Dr. Newton was chairman.|Yet he stands to the side,
{10969}{11034}And this man takes|center stage. Who's he?
{11035}{11082}Dr. Quick,|chief of surgery.
{11083}{11174}As of this morning, he took over|dr. Newton's responsibilities.
{11175}{11226}Now we're getting somewhere.|Can we speak to him?
{11227}{11310}He's leading the transplant board|meeting. That's a fast transition.
{11311}{11373}Dr. Quick said the meeting|was too important to postpone.
{11374}{11442}Will there be other|doctors there? All of them.
{11443}{11530}A roomful of doctors?|Manna from heaven.
{11531}{11576}Could you please take us there?
{11577}{11637}I'll be on my best behavior.|I won't say a word.
{11638}{11693}Excuse me. David vance,|event director?
{11694}{11748}Uh, he's in the back.|I'll go get him.
{11786}{11834}So listen, delicate question.|Yes?
{11835}{11918}Thursday quiz night is strictly|no bosses, as you know.
{11919}{11977}Should we give your spot|to lisbon?
{11978}{12045}Feels kind of weird.|Do what you feel is right.
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