mm11a, an, the.RTF

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              11/1 Przedimki  Wpisz a, an, the lub znak ….

              tam, gdzie przedimek nie wystêpuje.

1. ……… sea is a bit rough today, but we can go sailing. 

2. The new Tarantino film is on at cinema in town.

3. This coffee tastes delicious. Can I have.,....,... cup, please?

4. In Vienna, one can see fabulous architecture.

1.  1. The 2. the 3. a 4. - 5. a, the, the 6. The, a 7. the 8. the

5. There was …………. lovely statue in …….middle of ……… square.

6………. Queen of England is ………. very rich woman.

7. Things always look better in ……….. morning.

8. We often go skiing in ……….. Alps.

                            9. I didn't like ……….. video you asked me to watch. 

10. My mother says you should eat …….. apple ……… day.

11. It's hard to learn to play .............. trumpet.

12. ....….. Greeks enjoy a very healthy diet.

9. the 10. an, a 11. the 12. The 13. the 14. an 15. - 16. The, the, the

13. "Where are my slippers?" "Look under ...,... armchair.

14. Rita has been employed as ………..assistant there for two months.

15. After lunch we all felt much better.

16. ......_ florist's is on ………… left, next to ,...….newsagent's.

              17. Our neighbours, ....... Hallidays, are on holiday this month.

18. And ……second prize goes to Miss Brazil!

19. stewardess has to wear ,.……..uniform when she is at ..,..... work.

20. VJe visited Tennessee, the home of country music

17. the 18. the 19. A, a, - 20. - 21. - 22. The 23. the 24. a (the)

21. She has an interest in …… …….. history and reads many books.

22. . . . CD you lent me is damaged. 23. There's a book on bed. 

24. Although ………… crab has several eyes, it cannot see very well.

                            25. My gran has trouble sleeping at …….night.

26. I must go to ………... town hall to sort out these documents.

27. She is ………… biggest star in Hollywood at the moment.

28. We never have ......... dinner before 8 p.m.

29. Black Sea has a beautiful coastline.

25. - 26. the 27. the 28. 29. The 30. The, - 31. - 32. A (The), a

30. film I recommended is on ……TV at 6 p.m.

31. She will arrive at noon.

32. ...... butterfly lives for ………… few days or even hours.

33. the, - 34. The, a 35. - 36. - 37. 38. the 39. - 40. a, - 41. a 42. -, the 43. the, the 44. - 45. - 46. The, 47. the 48. The, the 49. -, a 50. The, the, the, the 51. - 52. - 53. the 54. the 55. the 56. the, an 57. the 58. the, a 59. The 60. - 61. - 62. the 63. the, the 64. the, the

33. We went to ... conference by,........ train this year.

34. ........,... postman comes twice      …….week.

35. George started ……….. school when he was six.

36. My mother calls ……. midnight the "witching hour".

37. Roman and Mila went to …….. Crete on their honeymoon.

38. I was at ………….. dentist's to have my tooth filled.

39. Go to bed!

40. They were in ……….hurry, so they didn't have breakfast.

41. I must have bath before we leave.

42. I asked father to drive me to station.

43. There's very little to choose on …….…..." radio at " moment

44. Frances always travels by …………….. car if she can choose to do so.

45. The summer course starts on …………..... Friday.

46. ………….. last emperor of ……….. Russia was killed in 1918.

47. Margaret is talking on …………. phone just now.

48. . ………. . sun is at its hottest in .... ... . early afternoon.

49. I think ..........teachers are used to doing ,…… lot of paperwork.

50. …………... Nile and .,.....,. Amazon are ..,.......,.. longest rivers in . world.

51. Some people still play charades at Christmas.

52. We sent our offer last week.

53. What was title of this novel?

54. Where do you usually do ……. ,.. ... shopping?

55. "Which blouse shall I buy?" "Take ....... green one."

56. We were travelling at …………... speed of 110 miles …………. hour.

57. I've left my eyeglasses in …………… kitchen. Can you fetch them?

58. "Let's go to ………….theatre." "That's ………….. good idea!"

59. ………... stars are usually much clearer to see in the winter.

60. In …………. Europe, you can see a great variety of landscape.

61. Shall we just stay at ………….. home and cook something?

62. She has played ……….. accordion since she was nine.

63. Neil Armstrong was .………. man who first set his foot on moon.

64. Take third turning on right.


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