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Book One
Copyright, 1969
Agni Yoga Society, Inc.
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Printed in the United States of America
Signs of Agni Yoga
Ur is the root of the Light of Fire. From time immemorial this Radiant Principle has
attracted the hearts of many peoples.
Thus, from the covenants of the past let us transport ourselves into future attainments.
Part One
1. The element of Fire, the most all-pervading, the most creative, the most life-bearing, is least
observed and esteemed. The human consciousness concerns itself with a multitude of empty and
insignificant considerations, but the most wonderful of all escapes it. People quarrel over a pice in
the bazaar, but they have no desire to stretch forth their hands to the treasure. Much that has been
told about the heart must also be applied to the Fiery World, but with particular acuteness. The
impetus of Fire is as strong as the structure of a crystal. Not by accident have globes and crystal
spheres been employed by clairvoyants. Live embers are needed for the purification of the
consciousness; the rainbow flame affirms the striving of the spirit. A multitude of applications of
the work of Fire reveal themselves as the most striking conditions of existence. Beginning with
the ordinary light formations visible to the open eye, up to the complex fires of the heart, we are
led into the realm of the Fiery World.
2. While observing the fiery signs one may note certain subdivisions of people. Some strive
eternally and cannot exist without this uplifting movement—be assured that these belong to the
element of fire. Even though they err, they cannot remain inactive. Observe them, and you will
invariably discover the flaming force. But do not seek the creative Fire in the inertia of earth, the
rolling undulations of water, the gusts of air. We do not wish to extol the fiery people unduly, but
in truth it must be said that they move the world. One should not forget that these people do not
find it easy to be in the midst of all other combinations. What is said about the Fiery Angel with
scorched wings is correct. When he rushes to save the world, his phosphorescent wings brush
against the rocks of Earth and are scorched, and the Angel is weakened thereby. Thus is disclosed
the marked difference between the earthly world and the Fiery.
The earthly eye, though it be highly sensitive, does not usually assimilate even the subtle
manifestations. But, in turn, the Subtle World does not discern the fiery dwellers to whom the
flaming heart can lead one. Thus one can understand the veneration for Fire. Human strivings are
needed for a natural affinity with the World of Fire. From early years they bear in themselves, as
it were, a reflection of the Higher Fire. It is as if these sparks compel them to withdraw from
contact with other elements; and those elements do not like these fiery orbs. Yet one cannot
traverse the earthly path without contact with Fire, hence it is better to know its essential nature.
3. It should be pointed out that the tension of Fire reflects upon all functions of the body. One
must not forget that, while the Fire of Space may heal wounds, on the other hand, it can strain the
tissues. Thus, let us be cautious.
4. It would seem that the Fiery Baptism already has been clearly expounded. Tongues of fire have
been manifested above the heads of people, but they do not wish to accept the existing reality.
They pretend to reverence the Scriptures but fail to accept them in life. Not all could accept and
observe calmly the non-scorching flame as you saw it, yet is was quite real, with all the properties
of fire except that of scorching. But one has to have an open heart to face the flame. People have
grasped a crude manifestation in the form of electricity, but without applying the fiery properties
of the human organism they cannot advance toward a refinement of the manifestation. A new
dawn for mankind will come when the understanding of Fire enters life.
5. When we speak of the non-scorching fire, we must also not forget the consuming Fire. When
the nun moans, “I burn, I burn!” no physician knows how to alleviate it. The physician may even
apply cold water, forgetting that oil cannot be submerged in water. Fire can be allayed only by
fire—in other words, by the energy of the heart, which flows during so-called magnetism. We
treat inflammation with a current; such inflammations may flare up in various centers. But,
actually, the chief danger lies close to the heart, the solar plexus and the larynx. These centers,
being the most synthetic, may be exposed to the most unexpected attacks. Whoever has even once
experienced the inner fire understands the danger of the conflagration of the centers. He knows
what agony is experienced when the fire breaks through. In most cases man is not responsible for
this, except perhaps because of irritation. Often the fire bursts out due to extraneous influences,
and in the case of a refined state of the organism, from cosmic causes. Fatigue of the heart
actually opens the gates to the enemy. Thus the creative Fire can be transformed into a destructive
flame. This should be remembered, for the outbursts develop from small beginnings. It should
also be remembered that the use of fiery energy requires care. Great is the evil of needlessly
spending the fiery energy of another. An Arhat can never be a vampire—this is a fundamental
law of life. Therefore, wise is the law of eternal giving. It may seem that there is nothing in
common between sacrifice and Fire; however, flaming sacrifice is mentioned in all Covenants.
6. One must manifest special caution. You can see how even the morals of a nation change.
Hence, ignorance reacts to the pressure of the atmosphere. One must observe that ignorance
clearly affirms the foundations of darkness. One can imagine how easily the undeveloped brain
deteriorates when the heart is silent. The morals of the peoples droop like a withered apple tree.
Thus the danger of fiery epidemics is now great.
The Chaldeans classified all sickness according to the elements; and they were not far
from the truth, for the elements and luminaries chiefly condition the organism—the cosmic as
well as the human.
7. Just think! Each of us carries within himself the One Fire, immutable throughout the entire
Universe. No one cares to imagine that the universal treasure is within him. The elements are not
identical in the entire Cosmos; the change in their qualities does not permit us to ascribe to them
identicalness. But the fire of the heart alone unites through its magnet all world structures. One
must think about this pre-eminence. It is necessary to utilize this treasure in the entire structure of
life. There is but one Light of Fire in all the world. We can understand that Fire manifests at the
most remote distances. There is nothing supernatural or mysterious about it. Even a lesser disciple
has heard about the all-pervading Fire, but he has failed to realize its application.
8. The manifestation of varied fires does not contradict the oneness of the essence of Fire. The
rhythm of tension alone will change the color of the visible flame from silver through reddish-
gold to an intense ruby-red. The ruby-red of tension is rare, for not every heart can endure it.
9. In order to accept and admit Fire as the path to Hierarchy, as the path of love and compassion,
it is necessary to be affirmed irrevocably with one's entire heart. Only thus will the small stars
become flaming giants.
10. Let the straitened times also be blessed. Precisely at such times do we learn to distinguish the
significant from the mediocre. In the days of contentment our vigilance becomes obscured, yet
this quality is especially needed when approaching the fiery spheres. Hence oppression and
tension are so precious. They not only increase vigilance and impetuosity they also force new
fires from our innermost depths. Let the fire of the Tara be especially close. Thus, let us grow to
love the unexpected as the source of new joy. Verily, the best fire is kindled through joy. Hence,
straitened times are a horror only for the ignorant; for those who know, they are simply a source
of events. The fires bring close even remote actions. To some, what has been said will appear to
be a cold abstraction, but this will signify a heart that is cold and its fire extinguished. You
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