Masturbacja - Poradnik - cz 1 EN.pdf
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Male Masturbation
An Archive Page of Website Viewer
Masturbation Technique and Method Suggestions
from the
Rotation slapping Jackoff
Pinch the skin under your penishead between your index and
third fingers with your hand in the traditional jackoff position.
Holding your penis in a loose embrace use a circular jerking
motion so that as you stroke, your balls are being jerked about
and a slapping motion occurs with your penishead. It feels
wonderful, requires a firm grip on the foreskin, and helps if you
massage your balls with your other hand. Be careful because the
rotational, centrifugal force causes precum to splatter about.
When I feel that old familiar feeling of eminent cumming, I
edge and wait it out and start again. This is my very favorite
technique and it's a combination of two that I found out about
using computer sites. Happy wanking!
Bouncing up and down
I'd love to see a video of the bouncing penis method. I love
masturbating this way but it requires more words to explain
whereas a picture tells it all. One induces rhythmic oscillation of
the penis by tugging on the scrotum at a rate that puts the penis
in harmonic oscillation. This can give thrilling sensations and
prolonged masturbation sessions.
Two handed snaps
Touch thumb to thumb, fore finger to forefinger, middle finger
to middle finger. Once erect, place your hands in this postion at
the thickest part of the erect penis under the head, just below the
flap of skin from the head to the shaft. Begin to make a
snapping motioning first right then left, as if you were trying to
snap your fingers. You can go slow or fast for different
sensations and move up and down the shaft to make the head of
the penis wobble back and forth. This is especially effective if
you are on your back or in a situation where you don't want to
make slurpy noises with lubrication.
Talc dry rub masturbation
For a great variation with any masturbation technique, use
talcum powder or some other sort of finely ground powder
instead of wet lube. It creates the sensation of a calloused hand
of a partner masterubating you if you grip backwards with
thumb towards your pubic area.
Leg Rub
I started off using this method where I take my penis and place
it on my leg, then put my hand flattened out on my penis and
started pushing it downward and towards the inside of my leg,
this takes a lot of work and if you push down too hard not as
much semen will come out. No Lubrication Needed. I love this
Mirror wanking
I use a full length mirror and stand naked in front of it and
slowely stroke myself to erection. I lube up my penis and grab
my balls with my left hand and pump my penis with my right. I
like to take up diffrent posisions like kneeling or side on or
crouching and watching my body reactions to the exstreme
stimulation then I shoot my load all over the mirror and I love to
stand and watch my penis after it has exploded. Try spanking
yourself as well not just on your arse but your legs and belly its
fantastic. My next mirror wank I will record it useing my cam
and watch it back afterwards.
Anal stimulation
Inserting objects into my anus and very vigorously rubbing my
prostate just at my pain threshhold gives me the most intense
multiple orgasms I could ever dream of. After a few orgasms, I
lay out on the floor or bed quivering uncontrollably for about 30
Homemade stimulator
ill lay out a piece of saran wrap and a towel I then start to pull
and tug on my soft penis till its nice and hard and creamy then I
coat it with cocoa butter and wrap it tight with saran wrap then I
wrap the towel real tight around the saran wrap [use plenty of
lube] I then sandwich my penis between pillows and lay down
on them and work my throbbing penis in and out I like to watch
my balls swing in a mirror behind me while im working it I also
like to lube my ass and work my fingers in an after I get nice an
wet in my ass I like to grap hold of my ass and lips and stretch it
open and watch in mirror I get so turned on then I work my
penis till I cum usally screaming and very weak needing to rest
Masturbating it through white cotton
gently wrap your hand around your penis wile wering a pair of
white cotton full cut briefs then gently stroke it threw the cotton
untill you come
I very much enjoy tugging on a soft penis feeling it ooze cream
and lathering it up as it grows in my hand im very bicurious as
how good it would feel to suck a soft sweet penis up into a hard
throbbing tool I love to lay on my chest with my horny virgin
ass high in the air and my penis straight down and milk it I love
to think about a creamy penis rubbing all over my ass and
working its head in just a little just enough to cream me up
inside and get me wide open I want to feel a thick horse penis
head push my ass open and work all the way in I want to feel
my ass get all wet I want it deep while my horse size penis is
pounding my hungry ass I want to stroke my penis till its
lathered and throbbing from each thrust I want to feel his balls
slapping me as he pounds me I want my ass to stretched as wide
as it will go I want to feel him throb I want to feel him thrust
deep an pull down hard as he shoots his cum in me I want to feel
the cum running down my shaft as I use it for lube to stroke my
penis into a screaming frenzy of orgasam.
Slow pleasure
i like to sit and watch pictures of women...naked...and slowly
masturbate my penis using my left hand in an upside down fist
form. about one stroke per second. about every minute rub the
head in circles between thumb and fingers. can go for about two
hours before need to cum for relief. about every 15 minutes hold
penis in a circled finger grip and stretch it in all directions for
aboutone minute. closing the eyes while playing with the head
increases the pleasure.
Water Play
Get into the shower and target the head of your penis with the
strong streem of walter thair you just lay down in the tub and let
it go!
Thigh Rub
Plik z chomika:
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