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Last Trumpet Newsletter - April 2003
Volume XXII Issue IV April 2003
Last Trumpet Ministries, PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Fax: 920-887-2626 Internet:
America At The Point Of No Return!
"Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty
men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: Beat your
plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the
weak say, I am strong. Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen,
and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty
ones to come down, O Lord. Let the heathen be wakened, and come up
to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen
round about. Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you
down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is
great. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of
the Lord is near in the valley of decision. The sun and the moon shall
be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining."
Joel 3:9-15
"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers
places. All these are the beginning of sorrows."
Matthew 24:7-8
"From whence come wars and fightings among you? Come they not
hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have
not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war,
yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because
ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts."
James 4:1-3
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will look at the current
Last Trumpet Newsletter - April 2003
distress of nations in the true light of the Word of God, which will help
us to spiritually discern this global perplexity. The simple truth that will
help us to understand why so many horrifying things are happening in
our world is that Satan is a very real being, and that he and all of his
subordinate evil spirits know that they have only a short time before
they are destroyed. As we move through the realm of time, and the
little future that we have left quickly moves through the present and
becomes the past, there seems to be an acceleration of the fulfillment
of Bible prophecies. Evil has risen up everywhere to shocking levels!
Hell has been raised! Character and decency have faded from a society
that has been given over to a Luciferian way of thinking and has gone
through an orientation to become human resources for the rising beast
The extreme sin of this world and particularly of this nation of the
United States of America is what is bringing on the horrors of World
War III. While many ministries are taking the side of President Bush
and endorse war as some kind of a "holy Christian war", the truth is
that it is an illuministic war designed to bring forth a new world order
and a new aquarian age of witchcraft. The sad fact is that our
degenerate society has been conditioned to receive it. Sin is the real
problem, and the answer is true repentance and obedience to our Lord
and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Nothing else will ever solve anything! There
needs to be a true crying out to the Almighty and a true repentance
and forsaking of evil, but we are not seeing that happening. Any nation
that has become so morally bankrupt and no longer feels the slightest
shame or remorse for sin has reached a point of no return. The
judgements of devastation, pestilence, and fearful sights await such a
nation as this as Satan's children fulfill the works of their father.
The Horrors Of An Illuministic War!
On March 17, 2003, President Bush made an oration to the world that
the nation of Iraq was to be conquered and occupied, and he gave a 48-
hour ultimatum to the leader of that country. I wonder how many
people realize that what is about to happen could be the beginning of
World War III. Much of the world is festering, and our entire globe is in
dangers of unthinkable proportions. Nations are rapidly building nuclear
weapons, and the hissing of the serpent and cursings are being heard
around the world. There has never been a time exactly like this one
when it seems that all hell is about to break loose.
Last Trumpet Newsletter - April 2003
By the time you receive this newsletter, we will probably already be at
war. As a former astrologer and witch saved by the grace of God, I
must say that I have watched with amazement as this current war was
designed after occult patterns. Many have wondered why the President
waited as long as he did, and the answer is occult timing. Our President
is still a member of the satanic order of the Skull and Bones and is an
illuminist under orders from the Illuminati. Occultism and astrology are
what makes their system work. It is their religion! In the realm of the
occult, there is a very powerful bridge of time that witches believe is
woven into the tapestry of the astral plane. It begins on the Ides of
March or March 15 and continues to the witches' quarter sabat of the
vernal equinox or the first day of spring. In the old Roman Julian
calendar, which is favored by witches, the middle day of a month was
called the "Ides." The ninth days before and after that middle day were
called the "nones." This formed 18 days or three 6's of power for spell
casting and other occult activity. Since March was the first month in the
Julian calendar, and that month was named after "Mars", the god of
war, it was considered to be the perfect time to start a war. March 15
was believed to bring forth an energy from the war-god, which would
be at its strongest six days later on the witches' sabat when the planet
Mars moved into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Aries was the Greek
name for Mars, the "war god." It is also interesting to note that
President Bush made his ultimatum speech on Monday, the day that is
named after the moon, beginning at 8:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
and that in Iraq it was 4:00 A.M. and a full moon had risen 33 degrees
into the sky as our troops listened (1) in the hazy light of that occult
influence. Could all of this be coincidence? We also know that the 48-
hour ultimatum given to Saddam Hussein expires exactly at the time of
the witches' sabat. Is it then that they will cry "Havoc" and let slip the
dogs of war?
This war has been planned for many years, and President Bush made it
a primary subject of his State of the Union message, which lasted
exactly 66.6 minutes. I have prayed for peace, and I have prayed for
the President, but I also know that God's will is to be done, and that
this world will be judged severely for its sin and iniquity. No one is right
when everyone is wrong! This is a spiritual war with human beings
caught up in it who are being exploited by the powers of darkness! Our
President is about to give orders that will kill untold numbers of civilians
and will no doubt trigger horrifying attacks in the United States. God
Last Trumpet Newsletter - April 2003
help us! In Iraq, 50% of the entire population is age 15 or under. (2)
New weapons have been developed to be used against this small
nation, such as cruise missiles that carry high-powered microwave
systems that zap areas with 2 billion watts of power in a single bolt. (3)
The United States has also produced and tested a new bomb called
"massive ordnance air blast" or MOAB. (4) This bomb obliterates
everything within 1,000 yards and flattens people, tents, light
buildings, and vehicles up to one mile away. Up to 1.7 miles away, the
bomb's shock waves kill people, and it causes deafness in everyone up
to two miles away. (5)
Is it true that Iraq has an evil government? Yes, but is not the United
States saturated with sin and evil? We are told that Iraq has chemical
and germ warfare weapons of mass destruction, yet we know it was U.
S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld who went to Baghdad in
December, 1983, and arranged for billions of dollars in loans and
supplied them with chemical and biological weapons as well as cluster
bombs all to be used against Iran! (6) Thus, when Mr. Rumsfeld says,
"We know Iraq has weapons of mass destruction", he ought to know,
because he sold them to Saddam even after being warned by the CIA
that "Saddam Hussein is a very nasty character." (7) These U.S. made
weapons were used everyday against the Iranians during the Reagan
administration. (8)
Once Iraq is destroyed, President Bush has big plans for that country.
The rebuilding of the infrastructure has already been planned, and huge
contacts are going to be awarded to select American companies, such
as Fluor Daniel, Kellogg Brown & Root, Perini, Parsons, the Louis Berger
Group, and Bechtel. (9) This has all been pre-determined. In the
President's speech on March 17, he urged the Iraqis to not set fire to oil
wells. Making such a special point of this seemed inappropriate
considering the oil connections in the Bush family. I also find it
interesting that President Bush has ordered that Saddam Hussein and
his two sons be shot and killed on sight. This was published by the New
York Post on February 24, 2003. (10) The New York Post also reported
that the United Nations has plans to set up a new government in Iraq
and to run the country. (11)
As I write all of this, I do realize that there are many well-meaning
people who have been led to think that President Bush is a Christian. In
some people's minds, this war with Iraq is a sort of "holy war" between
Last Trumpet Newsletter - April 2003
Islam and Christianity. President Bush wants the support and zeal of
the "Christian" right wing, but why do we not hear him publicly call
upon the name of Jesus Christ? One of his aides was asked that very
question in Nashville, Tennessee, recently. The answer was, "President
Bush rarely invokes Jesus' name and that's on purpose; we don't want
to single out any religion. He has referred to 'God' in more speeches
about Muslims than about Christians." (12) This was at a prayer
breakfast in Nashville where President Bush didn't mention Jesus at all!
(13) We must also ask how a man who claims to be a Christian, such
as George W. Bush does could go to the Islamic Center of Washington
on the Muslim "holy day" of Eid al-Fitr and say the following words:
"Islam traces its origins back to God's call on Abraham. And Ramadan
commemorates the revelation of God's word in the Holy Koran to the
prophet Mohammad--a word that is read and recited with special
attention and reverence by Muslims during this season." (14)
President Bush clearly stated that the "Holy Koran" is God's Word that
came by revelation, and that Mohammad is his prophet. Is this what
true Christians believe? He also said that God's call to Abraham was
Islamic! The President can get away with this, because most of what is
called "Christianity" doesn't have the foggiest notion of what a true
Christian is. These are the last days before the return of our Lord and
Saviour, Jesus Christ, and all will be judged according to His Word!
An Illuminized And Enslaved America!
Truly, I can say that if I did not have my Lord and Saviour to lead me
and the Holy Ghost to comfort me, I could not bear even the thought of
what has become of our beloved country. The masterminds of the
Illuminati conspiracy under the direction of Satan have planned their
work and worked their plan to enslave the people of the United States
by a clever and crafty plot called terrorism. The propaganda machine
has skillfully convinced people that safety is better than liberty, and
that you cannot have both. Since September 11, 2001, we have rapidly
become an enslaved unit of a new world order. Everyone is suspect and
must be watched, categorized, and scrutinized by the high-tech
surveillance systems of the beast. It has never been like this before.
The people of the United States are enclosed in a panopticon, where
they are continually watched but do not know or understand who is
watching them. We must remember that the symbol of the Illuminati
has always been the Egyptian eye of Horus above a truncated pyramid.
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