Radical Forgiveness - Making Room for the Miracle, 2nd Edition by Colin Tipping.pdf

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Copyright © 2001, Colin C.Tipping.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, elec-
tronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without prior writ-
ten permission from the publisher and author, with the exception of short
excerpts used with acknowledgement of publisher and author.
RADICAL Forgiveness, Making Room for the Miracle.
First Published in softcover, October, 1997
Second Edition: Published in Spring, 2002
E-Book: January 2009
Library of Congress
RADICAL Forgiveness, Radical Forgiveness Therapy (RFT), and
‘Satori’ Breathwork are Trademarks of Global 13 Company Trust and
the Institute of Radical Forgiveness Therapy and Coaching, Inc.
ISBN 0-9704814-1-1
Global 13 Publications, Inc.
26 Briar Gate Lane,
Marietta GA 30066
Website: www.radicalforgiveness.com
Cover Design: Fragile Design, Melbourne, Australia.
Illustrations: JoAnna Tipping
Editing: Nina Amir Lacey
Proof Reading: Diana Urbas
Praise For This Book:
CAROLINE MYSS, Ph.D. — author of “Anatomy of the Spirit” &
‘Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can”
“I LOVE this book! We can never say enough about the significance
of forgiveness, nor offer people – ourselves especially, enough guid-
ance on how to accomplish this arduous task.”
NEALE DONALD WALSCH Author of the “Conversations With
God” series.
“ This is the most exciting book on forgiveness to come out in a very
long time. I have never seen anything so well written, so clearly
articulated, so remarkably cohesive and so right on the money on
this topic. I am recommending Radical Forgiveness to everyone. It is
a book that can change - and save - people’s lives. For some it will be
a gift of a lifetime.”
JOHN BRADSHAW PBS Broadcaster, lecturer, and author of “Heal-
ing the Shame That Binds You,” “Homecoming,” “Creating Love,”
and “Family Secrets.”
“Anger work that does not take us towards forgiveness becomes just
another addiction. This superb book gives us the tools that makes
genuine forgiveness possible, enabling us to really move beyond our
pain and heal our lives.”
JEFF GATES — Author of “The Ownership Solution,” and a consult-
ant to the U.S. Government and governments worldwide.
“The healing now needed in the world is not limited to individuals; it
extends to nations, corporations and institutions. Yet the way for-
ward has been blocked for the want of tools required for effective
atonement, apology and forgiveness. Colin Tipping, a brilliant pio-
neer in this fast-emerging area, provides just the sort of transforma-
tional tools required if we are to leave for our children a more peaceful
and harmonious world.”
C. NORMAN SHEALY, M.D. Ph.D.— Co-author with Caroline Myss
of “The Creation of Health.”
“Radical Forgiveness — What a critically important concept and useful
ALAN COHEN best selling author of “The Dragon Doesn’t Live
Here any More,” and “I Had It All the time.”
“The book is magnificent and I am proud to endorse it wholeheart-
edly. Radical Forgiveness is a masterfully presented system of un-
doing what has caused pain in people’s lives. My hat’s off to Colin
Tipping for joining heart and mind to bring illumination to a most
important area. Practice these dynamic principles and your life will
become new!”
CATHERINE PONDER . Unity Church Worldwide. Author of “The
Dynamic Laws of Prosperity” and “The Dynamic Laws of Healing.”
“I receive so many requests to endorse books that I have a “no en-
dorsement” policy. But this one on forgiveness is so needed, that I
am making an exception in this case. My readers write me of the
most amazing experiences they have from practicing daily the miracle
power of forgiveness. Try forgiveness for yourself, regularly and con-
sistently, and feel the power of relief and release from burdensome
hurts; then make way for whatever miracles you need next in your
life! This book shows you how!
MARK VICTOR HANSON — author of Chicken Soup for the Soul,
and many other books.
“Colin teaches and writes about the only truly effortless way to achieve
forgiveness that I have ever experienced. I love his book, his semi-
nars and the methods he gives us to process all our forgiveness
needs without friction, pain, resentment or resistance.”
(Mark and his wife attended a “Magic of Forgiveness” workshop in
Costa Mesa, CA., June 30, 2002.)
Dedicated to the Memory of
Diana, Princess of Wales
who, through her demonstration of the transforming
power of love, opened the heart chakra of
Great Britain and much of the world.
My gratitude and love goes first to my wife, JoAnna, for believing in
me and giving me total support for writing this book, even when times
got hard. I also owe a special debt of gratitude to my sister Jill, and
brother-in-law, Jeff, for allowing me to publish a very personal story
about them both, without which this book would have been very much
impoverished. I also acknowledge Jeff’s daughter Lorraine and my
daughter Lorraine for the same reason and all the members of Jill’s
and Jeff’s family who were willing to read the book and to see the
best in each person who had a part to play in Jill’s story. I also
acknowledge my brother John who witnessed the unfolding of the
story, for his patience and support. I owe a special debt of gratitude
to Michael Ryce for his inspiration on the forgiveness worksheets
and to Arnold Patent for introducing me to spiritual law. There are
countless numbers who have contributed in very important ways to
this book and to the work of spreading the message of Radical For-
giveness and I give thanks daily for every one of them. Thanks are
due to all my Graduates of the Institute of Radical Forgiveness who
are living it and doing it by example and as teachers. Special thanks
to Debi Lee for letting me tell her story around the world and to Karen
Taylor-Good whose songs and singing add an indescribably wonder-
ful tone to every workshop I do — especially when she’s there in
person. Special appreciation is due to my co-workers and colleagues
at the Institute for Radical Forgiveness Therapy and Coaching, Inc.,
Finally, my love and gratitude to my mother and my father for choos-
ing to have me and for accepting my request to incarnate through
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