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Tome of Horrors II: Errata
Last Updated: 02-17-06
Recent changes are noted in a gray shaded box, like this one.
Ahlinni (page 9)
In the stat block remove the "14" after breath
Full Attack: 2 slams +8 melee (1d6+3) or 2
pierces +8 melee (1d6+3)
Angel, Empyreal (page 14)
Add the (Angel) subtype.
Demon, Vepar (Duke) (page 45–46)
Remove “ polymorph (self only)” from his list
of spell-like abilities. Add the following entry
to the combat section:
Change Shape (Su): Vepar can assume the
shape of any Small or Medium humanoid.
Caterprism (page 23)
Change to the stat block:
Special Attack: Crystal silk 3d6 , crystalline
Devil, Caasimolar (Former President
of Hell) (page 48–49)
Remove “ polymorph (self only)” from his list
of spell-like abilities. Add the following entry
to the combat section:
Change Shape (Su): Caasimolar can assume
the shape of any Small or Medium humanoid.
Colossus, Jade (page 30–31)
Remove “ polymorph any object” from the list
of spells required for construction.
Corpse Rook (page 31)
Change to the stat block:
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large) 13-18 HD
Devil, Demoriel (page 49–50)
Remove “ polymorph (self only)” from her list
of spell-like abilities. Add the following entry
to the combat section:
Change Shape (Su): Demoriel can assume
the shape of any Small or Medium humanoid.
Corpsespinner (page 32)
Add the (Extraplanar) subtype.
Crag Man (page 33)
Change to the stat block:
Attack: Slam +8 melee (1d6+3) or pierce +8
melee (1d6+3)
Devil, Flayer (page 51)
Change to the stat block:
Feats: Align Spell-Like Ability (evil,
scorching ray ), Cleave B , Improved Critical
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(claw), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite,
Giant, Volcano (page 78)
Under Combat, replace the description of its
trample attack with the version in the revised
Devil, Xaphan (Duke of Infernus)
(page 53–54)
Remove “ polymorph (self only)” from his list
of spell-like abilities. Add the following entry
to the combat section:
Change Shape (Su): Xaphan can assume the
shape of any Small or Medium humanoid.
Golem, Furnace (page 82–83)
Remove “ polymorph any object” from the list
of spells required for construction.
Golem, Iron Maiden (page 83–84)
Remove “ polymorph any object” from the list
of spells required for construction.
Dragon, Dungeon (page 56–57)
Replace its “Change Shape” ability with the
Change Shape (Su): At will, a dungeon
dragon can assume the shape of any Small or
Medium humanoid.
Golem, Magnesium (page 84–85)
Remove “ polymorph any object” from the list
of spells required for construction.
Hornet, Giant (page 95)
Under Poison, change the save DC to 17.
Dragon, Dungeon (page 56–57)
Under Combat, change "Dominate Monster
(Sp)" to "Dominate Monster (Su)"
Ogren (page 110)
In the stat block change and under Combat,
change all references to ogre blood to giant
Dragonship (page 58–59)
Remove “ polymorph any object” from the list
of spells required for construction.
Proscriber (page 115–116)
Remove “ polymorph (self only)” from his list
of spell-like abilities.
Giant, Cave (page 76)
Under Combat, replace the description of its
trample attack with the version in the revised
Proscriber (page 115–116)
Change the last sentence of the first paragraph
so it reads: "(A proscriber of a lawful, chaotic,
evil, or good alignment gains all appropriate
alignment subtypes.)"
Giant, Ferrous (page 77)
Under Combat, replace the description of its
trample attack with the version in the revised
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Quasi-Elemental, Obsidian (page 123)
Molten Glass: Replace the first sentence
“A successful hit against an obsidian quasi-
elemental with a piercing or slashing weapon
(including natural attacks) that deals damage
equal to or greater than the quasi-elemental’s
Hit Dice opens a wound the spurts molten
Yellowjacket, Giant (page 176)
Under Poison, change the save DC to 15.
Woolly Rhinoceros (page 190)
Under Combat, replace the description of its
trample attack with the version in the revised
Cheitan (page 198)
Large cheitans deal 1d8 (not 1d6) points of
damage with a slam attack.
Piranha Swarm (page 154)
Add the (Aquatic) subtype.
Cheitan (page 198)
Alignment should read "Usually evil"
Velvet Ant Swarm (page 156)
Change to the stat block:
Hit Dice: 5d8+5 (27 hp).
Under Combat under the Skills description
add the following at the beginning:
"A velvet ant swarm has a +8 racial bonus on
Climb checks."
At the end of the Skills entry add the
"A velvet ant swarm can use its Dexterity or
Strength modifier on Climb checks,
whichever is higher."
Phase Creature (page 208)
In the table, second column, change the "1" to
N'gathau (page 222)
Challenge Rating adjustment should be +2,
not +3.
Planes of Existence
Plane of Infernus (page 226)
Strongly lawful-aligned, strongly evil-aligned.
Time Flayer (page 163)
Under Combat, Temporal Displacement,
change the first Fortitude save from DC 18 to
DC 19. Change the second Fortitude save
from DC 22 to DC 23.
Under Time Jaunt, change the Fortitude save
from DC 18 to DC 19.
Plane of Agony (page 226)
Strongly evil-aligned.
Plane of Time (page 227)
Under Morphic Traits, change the reference to
the Plane of Shadow to Plane of Time.
Troblin (page 164)
Add the (Goblinoid) subtype.
Spirited Runner (page 232)
Change the "Special" descriptor to "Normal"
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