d20 Necromancer Games The Doom of Listonshire.pdf

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K3 The Doom of Listonshire
by Ari Marmell
A d20 adventure for 4 or more characters 5th level or higher
Ari Marmell
Interior Art:
Patrick McEvoy
Wr it i n g :
Ari Marmell
Front Cover Art:
Rick Sardinha
Bill Webb
Ed Bourelle
Clark Peterson
Necromancer Games staff
Anthony Pryor
Special Thanks:
To Gary Brandon, for lending me his eyes, and to
Ryan Hall, for lending me his name. Profuse thanks
to Anthony Pryor, for going above and beyond to
help me acquire the material I needed for this project.
And particular thanks to Stephen Bourne. When I
was a child, it was his First Edition module, Destiny of
Kings , that opened my eyes to the possibility that not
all modules had to be straightforward dungeon crawls,
that a story based around a variety of locations was a
viable one. Without Destiny of Kings , there would be
no Doom of Listonshire .
D20 Content Editing:
Scott Greene
Art Direction and Design:
Bill Webb
Layout and Typesetting:
Steve Johansson
Product Update Password for The Doom of Listonshire: Roderick
This product requires the use of the
Dungeons and Dragons® Player’s Handbook,
published by Wizards of the Coast®.
This product utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.
In Association with
©2005 Necromancer Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the
publisher is expressly forbidden. Necromancer Games, Necromancer Games, Inc., the Necromancer Games
logo, and The Doom of Listonshire are trademarks of Necromancer Games, Inc. All rights reserved. All characters,
names, places, items, art and text herein are copyrighted by Necromancer Games, Inc. D20 System and the
D20 System logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used under the terms of the D20
Trademark License contained in the Legal Appendix. The mention of or reference to any company or product
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of the Coast are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used in accordance with the Open Game and D20
Trademark Licenses contained in the Legal Appendix. Creature Collection and Relics and Rituals are
trademarks of Sword and Sorcery Studio. The Kenzer and Company logo is a trademark of Kenzer and Company.
This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are
fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. Reader discretion is advised.
Check out Necromancer Games online at http://www.necromancergames.com
Check out Kenzer and Company online at http://www.kenzerco.com
Distributed for Necromancer Games by Kenzer and Company.
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Ta b le of Contents
Chapter I: Castle Liston and the Liston Estate
Chapter II: Liston Estate Guard Post
Chapter III: Lake Obar
Chapter IV: Lake Peradus
Chapter V: The Village of Brond
Chapter VI: The Bridge at Turin’s Crossing
Chapter VII: The Old Well
Chapter VIII: The Road’s End Inn and Tavern
Chapter IX: The Ruins of Old Liston Keep
Chapter X: The Abandoned Village
Chapter XI: The Greentail Wood
Chapter XII: The Ogres’ Cave
Chapter XIII: The Conclusion
Epilogue: A Parting Gift from the Archfiend
Appendix A: Listonshire Random Encounters
Appendix B: NPCs and Monsters of Listonshire
Appendix C: Magic Items of Listonshire
The Doom of Listonshire is a multiple-site-based
adventure for parties of 4 or more characters, of 5th
level or higher. Ideal parties should begin with a total
of 20 to 26 levels and be balanced with respect to
magic and combat. Much of the adventure takes place
outdoors, so wilderness-oriented characters such as
rangers and druids should prove useful. A cleric is par-
ticularly important to the events of this story,
although parties without one can still succeed in
accomplishing their objectives. Evil-aligned charac-
ters are not appropriate to this tale.
This adventure draws substantially on the creatures
from Necromancer Games’ Tome of Horrors . Use of
this book is invaluable and should add substantial
enjoyment to the game, but complete monster stats
are provided for those who do not have it. See
Appendix B: NPCs and Monsters of Listonshire for
these entries. The monster stats given in this module
may not match those in the Tome of Horrors precisely,
as they have been updated to revised 3.5 edition rules.
The Duchy of Listonshire, in which the adventure
takes place, stands at the edge of civilization, where
much of the terrain is still wooded and untamed, and
foul creatures lurk out of sight, just beyond the range
of the guardsmen’s crossbows. The province, and the
wilderness surrounding it, can be placed just about
anywhere in your own campaign, so long as its posi-
tion at the very edge of the wilds is maintained. The
deity Archeillus is left deliberately vague, so that you
may either fit him into your pantheon or easily
replace him with a deity of your own choosing. Place
names, descriptions and cultural eccentricities can be
altered to fit your own setting as needed.
always been a good place to live, generous to those
who are willing to work for their own betterment, and
the betterment of all.
At least, it was. A little over a decade ago, all that
The most recent Duke of Listonshire, a man by the
name of Roderick, was a popular man among his peo-
ple. Wise, kind and just, few who dwelt within his
province had reason to complain. As with all just
men, however, Duke Roderick made his share of ene-
mies, men and women who have more interest in
enriching themselves than in seeing justice done. One
of them — not even the wisest wizards or most devout
clerics the duke has hired over the years has been able
to determine who — took his revenge in a most hor-
rible manner.
Twelve years ago, Roderick was made the subject of
a powerful, hideous curse. No minor malady this, but
a blight of the worst order. It began small, with a turn
of bad luck for the duke and his immediate family, but
it did not stop there. In time, the entire duchy began
to suffer. For years, the crops have not fared well;
grains are sickly, and often refuse to grow at all. The
mines of the Edriss Mountains seem to have given up
all they intend, and no prospector has found more
than the smallest vein of substandard iron in many a
year. Accidents and illnesses have swept the duchy as
never before in its history, and the people’s prosperity
has eroded away beneath a wave of misfortune and
unforeseen expenses. Worse still, the monsters that
were formerly content to remain beyond the borders
of Listonshire, leaving the human population largely
alone, have migrated inward, drawn by the malevo-
lent power of the curse. Once-safe roads are now beset
by humanoid bandits, and more than one of
Listonshire’s towns has suffered the violent raids of
rampaging humanoids. The forests are no longer safe
for those who would harvest the trees for timber, as
creatures far deadlier than the occasional hungry wolf
have appeared therein.
To day, Listonshire is a shadow of its former self.
Vast portions of the people have moved to other
domains, at times leaving entire abandoned villages
behind. Those who remain live in fear and growing
poverty, and as popular as the duke is, a creeping
resentment spreads through his citizens, who have
begun to see him less as the victim of this curse and
more as its cause. Most of the soldiers who would nor-
mally be patrolling the roadways and doing their best
to make the duchy safe once more have instead been
recalled to the estates of their various lords and barons
— the knights and other landowners who are vassals
to Duke Roderick — to defend the homes and lands
of the nobility.
Adventure Background
For generations, the Duchy of Listonshire has func-
tioned, for all practical purposes, as an independent
province, a kingdom in miniature. Sitting as it does so
far from the heart of civilization, perched at the very
edge of man’s domain, few kings have ever felt it
worth their attention. The duke pays his yearly taxes
to his liege lord, and is otherwise left to rule as he will.
It has, for the most part, proven a most equitable
arrangement. Listonshire has always been quite pros-
perous for its size. Its crops are healthy and abundant,
providing more than enough to feed the people who
live here with a surplus left every year for sale to other,
less fortunate territories. The Edriss Mountains in the
southwest have always provided adequate veins of
ores and repositories of gems to keep mining a worth-
while (if not fabulously enriching) proposition, and
the duchy’s many forests provide substantial timber
for use locally and sale elsewhere. Yes, Listonshire,
despite the dangers of the surrounding wilderness, has
Several weeks ago, the curse finally came to a head.
The wife of Connor, Baron of the neighboring
province of Durneth and one of Roderick’s most loyal
vassals, gave birth to a child. Duke Roderick and his
entire family, traveling from their own estate to
Durneth for the infant girl’s naming ceremony, were
set upon by a band of ogres and slaughtered, leaving
the duchy without an heir. Kendrick, Baron of the
province of Shrievmar, far and away the most power-
ful noble of Listonshire beyond the duke’s immediate
family, has stepped in. He intends to serve as regent,
to keep the duchy running until he can legally be pro-
claimed the new Duke of Listonshire after a suitable
period of mourning. He, his family, his retainers and
his soldiers have moved from the Shrievmar estate
into Castle Liston, and his own personal priest is han-
dling the funerary affairs for Roderick and his family.
For now, the bodies of the duke’s family lie in state in
the courtyard of Castle Liston — in closed caskets, as
the ogres did a handy job of mangling the bodies —
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