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Athenaeum Arcane: Mallyate
Athenaeum Arcane: Mallyate
by Bret Boyd
New Speciial Materiial:: Mallyate
Is your character tired of never having the right tool for the right
job? Maybe he’s stuck with a rapier against a gibbering mouther or
wearing a cold resistance armor against a red dragon. Fear not!
Mallyate is here to give a PC what he needs when he needs it for
every combat situation. Read on to discover the origins and pow-
ers of this strange new extraplanar material.
Physiical Appearance
weapon the bearer is familiar with. In this case,
“familiarity” means that the wielder must have
previously seen the desired item. He need not
even be proficient in its use (although this still
incurs the normal penalties). Here’s where the
size of the mallyate matters. The item it morphs
into must be of the same designated size. To
clarify, consult the following specifications.
In its natural state, mallyate is found in the shape
of a rough hewn cylinder and appears to be little
more than gray clay with streaks of midnight
blue. The size of the material is random (consult
the table below) and determines the
armor/weapon that the wielder can create (dis-
cussed later).
Armor Types per Mallyate Siize
Roll d6 Size
Width Weight
Small: Any light armor, buckler, or light shields.
Medium: Any medium armor or heavy shields.
Large: Any heavy armor or tower shield.
1 ft.
1 in. 2 lb.
Medium 4 ft.
2 in. 6 lb.
8 ft.
4 in. 10 lb.
What Can IIt Do?
Weapon Types per Mallyate Siize
Small: Any light melee, dart, sling, bolas, hand
crossbow, or shuriken.
Medium: Any one-handed melee, light crossbow
(normal or repeating), javelin, or shortbow (nor-
mal or composite).
Heavy: Any two-handed melee, heavy crossbow
(normal or repeating), longbow (normal or com-
posite), or net.
On its own, mallyate is worthless except as an
awkward club (damage is 1d6-1). But once it is
attuned to its wielder (who must have an
Intelligence score of 3 or higher), its power
becomes apparent. At the end of the first 24
hours of possession (referred to as “attunement”),
the bearer realizes that he can call upon the
mallyate to shape itself into any type of armor or
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons ® Player’s Handboo, published by Wizards of the Coast,
Inc. This product utilizes updated material from the v3.5 revision.
Athenaeum Arcane: Mallyate is copyright © 2005 Bret Boyd. All text in this book is des-
ignated as open game content. You may not distribute this PDF without permission of the
author. Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are Registered Trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast and are used with permission.
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Athenaeum Arcane: Mallyate
No matter its shape, a mallyate item is always
considered masterwork (dimensions and weight
change to match the shaped weapon or armor).
Mallyate has a consistency closest to steel (hard-
ness 10, 25 hp/inch of thickness). If it is formed
into a projectile weapon like a crossbow, the
wielder must provide the ammunition (although
some sages believe that an advanced mallyate
type exists which provides energy-based ammu-
nition). When it is shaped, mallyate makes a faint
squishing noise and appears as though unseen
hands are forming it with lightning-fast speed.
shapes itself into his favored weapon—a bat-
tleaxe. Quite pleased with this, the fighter
decides to keep the strange, but sturdy, weapon.
Not long afterward, the fighter is attacked by a
group of skeletons. Knowing that a bludgeoning
weapon would be more effective against these
foes, his mallyate battleaxe suddenly morphs into
a flail. After making short work of the undead,
their orc cleric creator flees from the nearby
bushes. The fighter grins in anticipation and,
while pursuing, his flail morphs back into the
shape of his favored battleaxe. He hopes the
gods are finished throwing creatures at him for
the time being since he can not shape his mally-
ate weapon again until the next day.
When Mallyate Breaks
As a kind of “metal,” mallyate is susceptible
to rusting and sundering. In addition, there
are those magically inclined crafters who
wish to melt a mallyate item down and use it
as a component in other items to see what
might happen. Any condition, however,
which shatters, melts, or otherwise breaks a
mallyate item, causes it to immediately evap-
orate in a sizzle and puff of gray ash.
Unbeknownst to the wielder, the mallyate
actually reforms on the Astral Plane where it
originated, safe and whole once again.
If a wielder loses possession of his attuned mally-
ate (i.e. it is more than 5-feet away) for more than
10 minutes, it reverts back to its original unat-
tuned form. When given to (or taken by) anoth-
er creature, the same thing happens. However, if
the original wielder recovers the mallyate within
the 10 minutes, it is as if the item never left his
possession. This is apparently the amount of
time the intelligence within mallyate can recall its
previous wielder. Otherwise, the mallyate must
be attuned for 24 hours as if brand new to the
A wielder can change the mallyate’s simple form
(simple being weapon-to-weapon or armor-to-
armor) as a move-equivalent action once per day
for every character level he possesses (or every
hit die if a monster). If, however, it is changed
from a weapon to armor (or vice versa), the
process requires one full round and counts as
two shapings, being inherently more complicat-
ed. When the daily limit is reached, the final
form is maintained until the next day begins, at
which point the wielder can reshape the mallyate
as desired. That said, the same wielder can opt
to leave a mallyate item in the same form indefi-
Hiidden Talents
Mallyate is highly valued for its versatility but,
unless the wielder knows what to look for, he
may never discover its real power—the ability to
produce magical qualities! To access the magic of
mallyate, a creature must either have heard of this
capability previously or perform one of the fol-
lowing actions:
• Cast identify on the mallyate
• Succeed a Sense Motive check (DC 25) and
learn of the ability from the mallyate’s con-
• Succeed a Spellcraft check (DC 25) and
learn of the ability by examination of the
Example: A 2nd-level fighter discovers a medi-
um mallyate deposit. He carries the strange
material with him, planning to sell it at the next
town. But, after 24 hours have passed, he and
the mallyate become attuned. The fighter reex-
amines the material and, much to his surprise, it
Once the wielder is aware that his mallyate item
can replicate magical qualities, he can call them
forth as he would shape the item. The maximum
enhancement bonus a wielder can elicit is equal
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Athenaeum Arcane: Mallyate
to his character level (or hit dice) divided by
three. Every time an item is changed/improved
in this way counts against the number of times a
mallyate item can be shaped per day.
Additionally, shaping magical qualities is slightly
more difficult than shaping overall form.
Switching from one (or a set of) magical enhance-
ment(s) to another requires a standard action (as
opposed to the move-equivalent action to change
simple form).
fully strikes first with her rapier. The rogue’s
level check totals 27 while the phasm’s level
check totals 30. The mallyate’s magic did not
function, so the rogue can only roll for damage as
a normal rapier.
Armor Example: A 7th-level fighter starts the
day with a +2 mallyate longsword (this +2 prop-
erty is equivalent to one-third the fighter’s level).
Later in the day, he finds himself under attack by
orc archers. Taking cover behind a rock, the
fighter starts to shape his +2 mallyate longsword
into an arrow deflection mallyate heavy steel
shield (requiring 3 shapings in total—2 shapes to
morph from weapon to armor and one shape to
alter the magical properties). Unsheathing his
ordinary hand axe, the fighter moves toward the
nearest archer while finishing the shaping
process (one round to shape from weapon to
armor and a standard action to change magical
qualities). On his way, two orcs fire again at him.
They must first roll their level checks (totaling 6
and 9 respectively). The first is a clean miss any-
way but the other scores a hit. Before rolling
damage for the orc’s arrow, we must determine
whether or not the arrow deflection enhancement
functions by rolling the fighter’s level check. His
roll totals 20 and, since the second orc’s roll only
totaled 9, the attack proceeds normally; the fight-
er rolling his Reflex save as per the rules for this
shield enhancement type.
One important distinction between mallyate mag-
ical weapons and armor and normal magical
weapons and armor is that mallyate versions do
not require an enhancement bonus of +1 to be in
place before improving into other properties. A
character can wield an arrow catching mallyate
shield without it needing to be a +1 arrow catch-
ing shield .
The second distinction is that, when opposing
other creatures, the magic of a mallyate may not
function. Since it was not constructed with time
honored arcane construction methods, a mally-
ate’s magical properties have a chance of failing
against the innate power of an opponent.
Whether in the shape of armor or weapon, the
wielder sets a target number by rolling a level
check (d20 + character level). [GM Note: Ideally,
the target number is rolled every round the mally-
ate is in use. If this proves too much of a hassle,
just roll it at the beginning of the combat or even
at the beginning of each day if that is easier.] This
target number is opposed by the level/hit die
check of the opponent each time the mallyate’s
magical enhancements come into play. If the
wielder’s check is the higher, the item functions
as it should. If the opponent’s check is higher,
the mallyate’s magic does not work against it in
that particular instant (although the item still
functions as a nonmagical version of its current
Contiinuous Usage
If a mallyate item continuously remains
shaped with magical properties, the mysteri-
ous force within it will burn itself out within
one month. To ensure this does not occur,
the wielder must leave the item in a non-
magical shape or unshaped altogether for a
continuous 24 hours. First-time wielders
receive quite a shock when their magical
mallyate reverts to its original unshaped form.
The only way to “recharge” a depleted mally-
ate is to return it to the Astral Plane for one
month. Few wielders, however, have the
patience to stay with the material while on
this plane; preferring to leave it go or deter-
mined to find another fresh mallyate deposit.
Weapon Example: A 16th-level rogue starts the
day with spell resistance (19) mallyate leather
armor (this +5 property is equivalent to one-third
the rogue’s level). Later in the day, she needed
to shape the armor into a +4 bane (aberrations)
mallyate rapier (requiring 3 shapings in total—2
shapes to morph from armor to weapon and one
shape to alter the magical properties). When the
phasm she was expecting finds her, she success-
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Athenaeum Arcane: Mallyate
There are circumstances when a magic item must
make a saving throw. Normally, these saves are
determined by using an item’s caster level. But
since mallyate does not have its own caster level,
saving throws instead use the level/hit dice of the
last attuned creature. If the last attuned creature
is unknown, simply roll a d20 to determine wield-
er level.
magnet, pulling them through the Plane of
Shadow and onto the Material Plane. Less pow-
erful spells and abilities can have the same result
but the chances are not as good. In game terms,
whenever a shadow-related spell or ability is
used, there is a 10% chance per spell level (or
approximate level for abilities) that a bit of mally-
ate appears somewhere within a 1d4 mile radius.
What About Cost?
Those are the facts. Most of the remaining ques-
tions surround the mallyate’s innate intelligence.
The best answer sages can come up with con-
cerning the intelligence’s purpose is that it is a go-
between, or translator, for material and wielder. It
allows the attunement process to exist in the first
place; making a wielder’s thought patterns com-
patible with the mallyate’s transformational capa-
bility. But where did the intelligence come from?
As far as your campaign goes, there is no right
answer. The only constant is that the intelligence
cannot be directly spoken to as it is little more than
a dull consciousness. However, if the GM decides
to build a mallyate mythos into the campaign, that
can change. Below are a few examples of where
mallyate intelligence might originate.
Mallyate items are truly priceless. As long as it
can be shaped, this material is the perfect item for
any given situation. Since a mallyate item is bal-
anced, in game terms, for each wielder, formulat-
ing a price isn’t a necessity. The GM should feel
comfortable introducing this special material at
any level of play. For purposes of determining
PC equipment wealth, if a mallyate is discovered
before 3rd-level, give the item a base masterwork
cost of 300 gp. At higher levels, mallyate value is
the average of the best magical weapon and
armor enhancements it can be shaped into. For
example, a 9th-level PC would count his mallyate
as a 13,500 gp item (18,000 gp for a +3 weapon
plus 9,000 gp for a +3 armor divided by two).
• Previously unknown entities native to the
Astral Plane who become absorbed into
mallyate on contact. A campaign could cen-
ter on finding and releasing one of these
harmless creatures.
• Souls are trapped within pieces of mallyate
by an evil entity as part of an elaborate
scheme. When the time is right, these souls
cause mallyate to fuse to their wielder’s
exterior and take control of their minds!
• Exiled prisoners from another plane or
dimension, stripped of personality, and set
adrift on the Astral Plane inside mallyate.
• Botched planar traveling magics cause the
caster’s (or traveler’s) essence to become
lost in the Astral Plane. The traveler’s body
collapses but his soul is diverted into a piece
of mallyate.
• Somewhere in the Astral Plane’s endless sil-
very skies is hidden the last of a race of
dragons once thought extinct. Every few
decades, the dragon lays a cluster of eggs
that, due to the mother’s ancient state, can-
not hatch. The unborn souls of the dragons
survive as a dull imprint of an intelligence
that will never realize life.
Oriigiin Theoriies
There are few facts concerning the origins of
mallyate. The first is that the material begins as
bits of matter floating around on the Astral Plane.
These are of various sizes and shapes and are, on
their own, unremarkable objects. However, these
bits of matter occasionally get funneled through
vortices in the Plane of Shadow and are deposit-
ed onto the Material Plane. Their trip through the
Plane of Shadow somehow transforms these mere
“bits of matter” into something quite unique.
Mallyate can arrive on the Material Plane within
normal stone or simply deposited onto open
ground. The former is discovered accidentally
while mining while the latter is stumbled upon by
creatures passing by.
If a random deposit was the only method by
which mallyate originated, such deposits would
be few and far between. High-level spells or
powerful supernatural abilities relating to dark-
ness and shadow seem to draw astral bits like a
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Athenaeum Arcane: Mallyate
• The forms of long-dead gods break apart
after dying on the Astral Plane. The pieces
from the bodies scatter across the plane,
imbued with an echo of the deity’s once-
considerable consciousness and power.
Adventure Hooks
There are several ways to introduce this adapt-
able material into a campaign. Here are a few
• Discovery: While the PCs are on the road,
underground, or even in a dank urban
basement, the way mallyate enters the
Material Plane allows it to be found virtual-
ly anywhere.
• Treasure: A great many monsters kill crea-
tures and take their possessions back to the
lair. When the PCs eventually kill these
monsters, those possessions become their
own. It is standard fare in a campaign to
introduce new items, like mallyate, in this
fashion. More intelligent monsters may
actually be wielding the mallyate when the
PCs encounter them.
• Quest: After a self-styled “shadow mage” is
defeated not far from the PCs current loca-
tion, a sage contacts them for a job. The
party is hired to infiltrate the shadow
mage’s now defunct lair and search for a
mallyate deposit. The sage knows of the
material’s shadow related appearances and
wants to study the material in detail.
• Reputation: A high-level bard makes an
appearance at the same tavern the PCs are
visiting. The half-elf’s weapon is as spon-
taneous as his songs, for as the bard sings
of various warriors, his weapon changes
shape to match the subjects! After the
show, the bard offers anyone knowledge of
where to find more of mallyate for the right
• Inheritance: Whether the PCs have a base
of operations or are on the road, a courier
catches up with them. The man bears a
chest belonging to one of the PCs recently
deceased relatives. Family heirlooms
inside now belong to the PC. Clothing and
jewelry fill out the bulk of the chest, but at
the bottom is a peculiar steel-like mass…
Behiind the Scenes:: Why Only
Armor and Weapons?
For an in-game reason, one could argue that
it’s simply the nature of all creatures to be
combative and adversarial and the mallyate
responds to this basic nature by forming only
armor and weapons. As for an out of game
explanation, these are the easiest items to
work with the concept of shapechanging
items. If you’re a GM who wants to allow
mundane mallyate equipment, there isn’t any-
thing wrong with that. Perhaps a PC wants
to shape his small mallyate into a crowbar.
This author says, “Why not?” On the other
hand, if a PC wants to shape his medium
mallyate into a staff of fire , that could prove
problematic as more rules crop up than this
pdf addresses. To shape these more compli-
cated items, a GM might rule that the PC must
succeed a Use Magic Device check (as if he
had it as a class skill) (DC 20 + item’s caster
level) to shape the magic item. Even if suc-
cessful, the magical properties of the item
may still not function against other creatures
as per the opposed level check rule for nor-
mal mallyate magical qualities.
In the same vein, a PC might want to shape
his mallyate weapon into a silver or adaman-
tine one. To do so requires knowledge that
the weapon has magical potential (see the
“Hidden Talents” section above). Shaping
into a different material altogether requires
the same standard action as changing magical
enhancement bonuses does. When used
against other creatures, the same opposed
level check rules apply as well.
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