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Lost Books 14:
Mark of Light
Written by David Sanders
Edited by Peter M. Ball
Some Artwork Copyright V Shane, used with Permission
Some Artwork Copyright Louis Porter, Jr. Design, used with Permission
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Lost Books 14:
Mark of Light
History of the Mark
Flerri of the Thousand Rainbows was a wandering
archmage and scholar, famed for her arcane talent
and enthusiasm for exploration. While the bards’
tales often paint her as one of the most popular
wizards of her age, very little is known about her
life outside of the hundred-year period she spent
traveling the civilized world.
What little that is known of Flerri’s youth is
largely derived from her own tales, although many
doubt the details she offered. While her dusky
skin and mode of dress marked her as one of the
reclusive wild elves native to the jungles south of the
Spice Coast, her talent for wizardry is at odds with
the wild elves’ reputation as sorcerers. Although
she often spoke of growing up in shadows of the
jungle canopy, she rarely offered any detail that
could be used to identify her specifi c tribe and the
location of her village.
Her stories suggest that she was trained in the
arcane arts by Warrick, a shaman who served her
tribe as a combination of spiritual leader and living
library of arcane lore. Flerri proved to be a quick
study, showing a powerful affi nity for spellcraft and
a fascination with spells that created light to cut
through the gloom of the jungle fl oor. The elderly
shaman began grooming her as his successor when
she began testing the limits of his knowledge after
a few short decades of training. In a little less than
sixty-fi ve years she had mastered all the arcane lore
he possessed, and it was decided that she would
undertake the rite of Ne’Tel’Kelessar in order to
complete her apprenticeship.
While rarely practiced among more civilized
elven nations, the rite remains one of the most
important tests for a potential shaman among the
wild elves. It consists of a hundred year journey,
forcing the student beyond the borders of their
jungle home in order to accumulate new arcane lore
and experience a range of wide variety of cultures
and beliefs unlike those of her tribe. The former
was a vital part of the shaman’s role, allowing them
to guide their tribe-mate’s developing sorcery in
ways that would benefi t the community; the latter
a necessary precaution, ensuring that at least one
member of the solitary tribesmen could understand
the motivation of any outsiders that made their way
into the elves territory.
Flerri took to the task with typical resolve,
traveling further than any shaman before her.
She adventured widely, plunging into every new
experience with an enthusiasm that often seemed
reckless to her comrades. Her arcane talent
fl ourished as she found herself engrossed by the
new techniques and spells she found, often trading
her own magic with the wizards and scholars she
Through it all she retained a particular fascination
for lights and colors, mentally cataloging the differing
shades and radiances she encountered for later use.
Flerri is known to have acquired dozens of new
spells focusing on the concept of illumination, many
of them modifi cations of existing spells created
when she applied her advanced understanding of
prismatic magic to a newly acquired technique.
Among her most famous creations was a complex
reworking of the gestures used to cast a simple color
spray , transforming the low-level illusion spell into
a powerful spear of light capable of stripping the
target of their prismatic defenses.
Her new acquisitions were recorded in the
traditional manner of the wild elves, carving delicate
runes onto a darkwood staff rather than relying on
pen and ink. While this technique often made it
diffi cult for other wizards to study her work, the
wild elves had learned that paper was ill-equipped
to withstand the heat and humidity of their jungle
home. Flerri’s staff eventually became known as
the Mark of Light , a reference to both its contents
and its ability to generate a pale glow at will.
Flerri traveled the civilized kingdoms for decades,
periodically returning to her tribe in order to share
her newly acquired knowledge with Warrick. She
disappeared completely nearly three hundred years
ago, although the circumstances remain shrouded
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Lost Books 14:
in mystery and debate regarding the fi nal fate of
both archmage and staff continues to this day.
Some believe that Flerri simply returned to
her homeland to take up the position of shaman,
pointing to encounters many explorers have had
with crystaline golems wielding prismatic powers in
the last two centuries. While Flerri was the fi rst to
create these constructs while studying at the mage-
city of Tarrok, detractors point out that she had
many opportunities to pass the knowledge on to
her tribe-mates and its possible that any number
of wild elf sorcerers possess the power and skill to
create the prismatic guardians.
Others claim that Flerri was slain by a demonic
wizard named Lakost the Prismatic; a jealous rival
responsible for frequent ambushes and attacks
against the archmage. Lakost was known to covet
Flerri’s arcane power and spell collection, frequently
attempting to liberate her staff in an effort to
expand his own arsenal of prismatic spells. While
there are numerous accounts of battles between
the two wizards, there are few records suggesting
that Lakost succeeded in his quest and none
detailing his use of any of Flerri’s signature spells
after her disappearance. Some stories attribute this
to demon-mage’s inability to decipher Flerri’s staff,
although this seems doubtful when one considers
the array of spells and research Lakost claims to
have at his disposal.
Regardless of its creator’s eventual fate, many
stories suggest that the Mark of Light doesn’t reside
in the jungles of the wild elves. Claiming to have
liberated the staff from an orc lair or necromancer’s
cave almost seems to have become a rite of passage
for young adventurers, although none of the
recovered weapons seem to possess the array of
spell lore attributed to the original staff.
Knowledge (arcana) &
Bardic Knowledge
Characters with the Bardic Knowledge ability or
Knowledge (arcana) may be familiar with Flerri
and her staff full of spells. The fi rst time such a
character hears about the Mark of Light or Flerri,
have them make a check and consult the following
DC 10: The Mark of Light is a spellbook that
holds an extensive collection of prismatic magic. It
was compiled by Flerri of the Thousand Rainbows,
an elven wizard that traveled across most of the
civilized world in order to complete her collection.
DC 15: Flerri was a wild elf, native to the
savage jungles to the south of the Spice Coast. She
possessed a unique talent for illuminated magic
and is well-known for creating the fi rst prismatic
DC 20: Flerri compiled her collection of spells
during the hundred-year journey required to earn
her place as a shaman among her tribe. Her work
was recorded in the manner of the wild elves,
carving each spell into a specially constructed staff.
There are confl icting rumors regarding the staff ’s
current location, suggesting that Flerri may have
carried it back to her homeland or had it stolen by
the demon-mage Lakost the Prismatic during their
fi nal confrontation.
DC 25: A few of the wizards Flerri studied with
in her travels have fi nanced quests by adventuring
companies to recover the Mark of Light from
Lakost’s lair, though none have confi rmed whether
they seek the Mark for their own purposes or as a
favor to their former companion.
The Mark of Light is a six-foot long darkwood
quarterstaff of exquisite elven craftsmanship.
Intricate script winds around the weapon in a
counter-clockwise pattern, and a glowing crystal
prism is attached to each end of the staff.
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Lost Books 14:
Mark of Light
Value: 9,340 gp (4,700 gp for spells, 640 gp for
masterwork darkwood quarterstaff. 4,000 gp for
magical enhancement)
Hardness: 6
Hit Points: 11
Weight: 2 lb.
Special: The Mark of Light functions as a +1
darkwood quarterstaff that sheds bright light in a 20-
foot radius. In addition to its martial qualities, the
Mark has been specially prepared to serve as a wild
elf spellbook. The surface of the staff originally
contained enough space to record 100 pages worth
of spells, although only 4 pages of space remain on
the weapon.
Unlike many modern spellbooks, the Mark of
Light is written in a form of ancient elven that
is virtually lost outside the wild elf tribes of the
south. Anyone who is unfamiliar with language
must make a successful Decipher Script check (DC
30) in order to comprehend the staff ’s contents,
although characters the speak elven receive a +5
circumstance bonus to their roll.
In addition to the spells carved onto the staff,
Flerri has made a number of notes regarding the
construction of prismatic golems on the base of
the staff. Any creature who studies these notes for
1 day and makes a successful Knowledge (arcana)
check (DC 25) gains suffi cient understanding of
the process to begin crafting their own prismatic
New Spell Lists
Greater Rainbow Pattern: Lights fascinate 42
HD of creatures.
Flerri’s Rainbow Orbs: Creates up to
10 lights.
Chromatic Dagger: You wield a
magic blade of force that may daze
Flerri’s Flashing Ray: Ray infl icts
1d4/2 levels and blinds target for 1d6
Flerri’s Vision Ward: Rose-colored
light protects you from gaze attacks
and illusory pattern effects.
Scintillating Burst: Swarm of
burning light causes 3d6 fi re damage
and blinds creatures for 1d4 rounds.
Wall of Light: Provides concelament
and dazzles creatures within 20 ft.
Passing through the wall infl icts
blindness for1d6 minutes.
The tome contains the following spells: 0 th - dancing
lights, fl are, light ; 1 st - color spray, Flerri’s rainbow orbs ;
2 nd - chromatic dagger *, continual fl ame , Flerri’s fl ashing
ray, hypnotic pattern ; 3 rd - daylight , Flerri’s vision ward *,
scintillating burst *, wall of light* ; 4 th - Flerri’s instant
light *, Flerri’s prismatic spear *, rainbow pattern ; 5 th -
chromatic burst *, prismatic armor *; 7 th - greater rainbow
pattern *, prismatic spray ; 8 th - prismatic wall , scintillating
pattern ; 9 th - Flerri’s luminous form , prismatic sphere
*Indicates a new spell introduced in this
Flerri’s Instant Light: Sets a
light source triggered by magical
Flerri’s Prismatic Spear: Spear of
light has a variety of effects.
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