d20 Clockwork Golem Workshop Twenty Treasures - Exotic Magic Weapons.pdf

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Twenty Treasures
Exotic Magic Weapons
Twenty Treasures:
Exotic Magic Weapons
Rilgar leaned on his double-axe as he watched Selena and
Aragantos pore over the items recovered from their latest
adventure. Aragantos squinted at each of the items the
rogue placed in front of him, attempting to discern their
special qualities.
"Magic. Strong. Evocation." He pronounced, looking
over a longsword. Selena nodded,
"I think it's a flaming burst weapon based on what it
did to poor Mydran. How about the battleaxe?"
"Magic. Moderate. Transmutation."
Rilgar sighed and glanced at the double-axe he had
carried since leaving his tribe years before. It looked like he
was going to have to try and scrape together the gold to get it
enchanted himself.
Written by Adam Windsor
Edited by Peter M. Ball
A Henchman Production for the Clockwork
Golem Workshop
For additional product support and details on
upcoming Clockwork Golem series, visit our
website at www.clockworkgolem.com
Why is it that in the majority of d20 sourcebooks
and adventures, the magical weapons with the
most interesting abilities are always longswords,
greatswords, and battleaxes? Characters who
choose to wield unusual weapons often end up
with generic +1 or +2 items while their more
mainstream compatriots enjoy the benefits of
frost brands, holy avengers and sun blades. The
situation is particularly galling for those who have
invested one of their feats in proficiency with an
exotic weapon, only to find that they would have
been better off going with the 'usual suspects'.
Twenty Treasures: Exotic Magic Weapons
provides a unique and distinctive magic weapon
for each of the nineteen exotic weapons found in
the core D20 game. It also includes the statistics
for a new exotic weapon, the Egyptian khopesh
sword, alongside a unique khopesh ready to be
introduced into your game.
Equipped with these new items, your exotic
weapon-wielding characters will finally get some
of the attention they deserve.
Requires the use of the Dungeons and Dragons
Third Edition Core Books, published by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Dungeons and Dragons and Wizards of the
Coast are registered trademarks of Wizards of
the Coast, Inc, in the United States and are
used with Permission
‘d20 System ’ and the ‘d20 System ’ logo are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and
are used according to the terms of the d20
System License version 6.0. A copy of this
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Tsajpu Tna]oqnao
Etkpe_ M]ce_ Wa]lkjo
Hook: A gigantic tendriculous has taken over a
stretch of the main trade route in the area,
crippling the economy. The creature seems
resistant to the bludgeoning weapons that can
normally damage its kind (DR 10/slashing). The
authorities want to use the Axe of the Deeping to
destroy the creature, but how can they convince
the dwarves to allow a weapon of heroes to be
used to destroy "an overgrown shrub"?
Ata kb pda Daalejc
This heavy axe has a single broad blade of black
cold iron, etched with runes that are invisible to
normal sight but glow white when viewed with
darkvision. The runes read "Indomitable" in
The haft of the weapon is also cold iron, and
bears seventeen stars etched with acid along its
length. The grip is bound in trollskin leather to
cushion the shock of blows.
Abilities: The Axe of the Deeping is a +1 cold iron
dwarven waraxe . When used to attack a regenerating
creature, damage inflicted by the Axe of the Deeping
is treated as acid damage for the purposes of
determining whether or not it inflicts lethal
damage on the creature.
The axe can draw upon the power of the earth
when attacking, giving the wielder a +1 bonus to
both attack and damage rolls if both he and his
target are touching the ground.
This connection grows more powerful when
the axe is in the hands of the dwarf, allowing the
wielder to imbue himself with the resilience of
stone once per day. This is a command-word
activated ability that grants the wielder damage
reduction 8/adamantine for a period of 5 rounds.
Moderate transmutation; Caster Level: 9 th ;
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, acid
arrow , stoneskin , creator must be a dwarf; Market
Price: 19,510 gp; Cost to Create: 10,060 gp + 756 xp.
Background: Just over a hundred years ago,
miners from the Dwarven settlement of Tergal
Deeping accidentally tunneled into the lair of a
tribe of albino trolls. Before the community could
close the rift, the trolls poured out the tunnel and
slaughtered everyone they found.
Only a small group of survivors managed to
flee along the narrow tunnel that lead to the
closest community of allies, and they fled with the
trolls hot on their heels. Each time the pursuing
trolls caught up with them, a volunteer would
make a stand in the tunnel, giving his or her life so
that the others could continue their escape.
Seventeen warriors fell in this manner, each
buying precious minutes for those who continued
to retreat.
When the remaining survivors made it to
safety, they immediately set about planning an
assault that would retake Tergal Deeping. The
remaining trolls were slain with steel and fire, and
the settlement was reclaimed less than two months
after it fill. In memory of the seventeen warriors
that gave their lives to save the community, the
master smith Badanar Gildstone forged the Axe of
the Deeping .
This weapon consists of a thick, fibrous vine of
dark green-brown hue. Dozens of hooked,
vicious-looking thorns stud its eight foot length,
while the two ends broaden into what appear to
be heavy seed pods. Each pod is attached to the
central vine by a gnarled, knot-like joint.
Skills: In addition to the normal means of
learning an item's background, characters can
learn about the Axe of the Deeping with a DC 20
Gather Information check in any Dwarven
Background: Stracus Parr was a gladiator slave in
the arenas of an ancient empire. A master of the
spiked chain, he was being transported to a match
in a neighboring city when the caravan was
attacked by brigands. The lock on Parr's wagon
was damaged in the fight and the gladiator
escaped into a nearby forest. He learned to survive
(dungeoneering) check.
Dwarven characters get a +2 circumstance
bonus on any check made to learn about this
P]ca 2
Tsajpu Tna]oqnao
Etkpe_ M]ce_ Wa]lkjo
in the wild and over the years the fugitive became
a protector of the forest, discovering powers he
never dreamed of during his years in the arena.
Briarthorn was Parr's greatest creation; a spiked
chain created entirely from plant-life he had
shaped and strengthened with his magic. Stracus
used it for the first time when he decimated an
invading force of ogres, and it remained his
weapon of choice for the rest of his life. It has
been passed on to many defenders of the
wilderness in the centuries since then.
Strong transmutation; Caster Level: 15 th ;
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate
plants , entangle , spike growth ; Market Price: 76,825 gp;
Cost to Create: 38,575 gp + 3,060 xp.
Cn]_go pda E]npd
This kama has a shaft of finest teak, sanded
smooth and polished until it shines with a luster
like gold. The base of the shaft is carved in the
shape of a closed fist.
The weapon's blade is adamantine, elegantly
engraved with a series of abstract illustrations of
mountains. A haiku is engraved in tiny symbols
above the mountains:
Skills: In addition to the normal means of
learning an item's background, characters can
learn about Briarthorn with a DC 25 Knowledge
(nature) check.
A hand strikes wisely,
When it strikes with clear purpose.
Wise hands crack the earth.
Hook: A barbarian horde invades, led by a mighty
chieftain who carries briarthorn into battle. How
did he get the weapon? Did the druids give it to
him? And if so, what is the cause for their enmity
to the PCs' homeland?
Background: In a distant land there were once
four great masters of philosophy and the martial
arts. Tetsujin Makoha was the champion of the
Stonebreaker Style, a form of martial arts that
teaches its students to recognize the single, perfect
moment to strike for maximum effect.
Cracks the Earth was presented to Tetsujin as a
gift after he attained the highest rank as a master
of the Stonebreaker Style. He carried it with him
for the remainder of his life, until he and the three
other champions fought their final battle against
the 18 Devils of the Jade Gate. Cracks the Earth
was found buried in the eye of one of the devils,
with Tetsujin's lifeless hand still gripping the shaft.
The weapon was kept in the Stonebreaker
Monastery for the next seventy years, but went
missing when the mad Emperor Qin ordered the
monastery burned to the ground.
Abilities: Briarthorn is a +2 druidic dancing spiked
chain . Whenever this weapon's wielder casts
entangle , the affected plants temporarily grow
sharp, hooked thorns. Any creature which begins
its turn in the area of the spell automatically takes
1d4 points of piercing damage before acting.
The possessor of this weapon also gains the
ability to extrude thorns from their own flesh. The
character can extrude or retract these thorns as a
standard action, at will. The thorns project
through the character's armor, if any. Treat the
character as possessing armor spikes whenever the
thorns are extruded.
Nas Ejd]j_aiajp:
Dnqe`e_ D]j_ejc
Hook: When a monk known for his virtue and
good deeds recovers Cracks the Earth from an
ancient tomb, there is celebration. But despair
follows when that same monk suddenly turns to
wickedness and vice. Is he merely showing his true
colors at last, or has some diabolic taint adhered
A druidic dancing weapon acts in all ways like a
dancing weapon, except that only a weapon
made of wood or other plant material may be
made into a druidic dancing weapon.
Strong transmutation; Caster Level: 15th;
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
animate plants ; Market Price: +4 bonus.
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Tsajpu Tna]oqnao
Etkpe_ M]ce_ Wa]lkjo
to the weapon since that great battle many
generations before?
The Crashing Waves were presented to Amiko
when she overcame Heavenly Bull, a mighty
Lammasu that has often interfered with her
school's sometimes dubious activities. She carried
them with her for the remainder of her life, until
she and the three other champions fought their
final battle against the 18 Devils of the Jade Gate.
Many were surprised that Amiko joined the fight,
for she was not known for her altruism, but she
fought with great skill and vigor, before falling in
combat with the greatest of the devils.
The paired sai were buried with Amiko, but
rumors suggest they were retrieved by tome
robbers and they are art large in the world once
Abilities: Cracks the Earth is a +1 adamantine kama .
As a standard action, its wielder can strike the
kama against the ground, causing the earth to
burst upwards in a cone stretching 20 feet in a
direction of her choice. Any creature caught in the
cone must make a DC 11 Reflex save or be
knocked prone. This ability can be used at will.
Once per day, rather than causing the effect
above, Cracks the Earth can be used to open a
fissure in the ground. This fissure is a 5 foot wide
line extending 30 feet in a direction of the
wielder's choice. Any non-flying medium-sized or
smaller creature along this line must make a DC
15 Reflex save or fall into the fissure. The fissure
is 30 feet deep. Climbing out of the fissure
without assistance requires a DC 15 Climb check.
If the fissure runs under a wall or other
structure, that object suffers 3d6 points of
damage, ignoring hardness.
Weak psychokinesis; Manifester Level: 5 th ;
Prerequisites: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor,
stomp, creator must have Power Attack; Market
Price: 18,682 gp; Cost to Create: 10,842 gp + 627 xp.
Hook: An important treaty with the local merfolk
clan is due to be signed, and a suitable gift for the
merfolk king is required. Can the PCs retrieve the
Crashing Waves from Amiko's tomb in time for the
ceremony? Are the sai still there?
Abilities: The Crashing Waves are a pair of +1 sai .
If the character wielding these weapons makes a
successful attack with both sai in the same round,
a foaming sheet of water bursts out of the air and
strikes the target. The victim must make a DC 11
Will save or be dazed for one round by the sudden
Once per day, the wielder of the Crashing Wave s
can strike the two sai together as a standard
action, summoning forth a wall of water that
rushes out from the character, spreading into a 30
foot cone. Any creature caught in the path of the
wave must make a DC 15 Fortitude save. Those
that fail are stunned for one round by the impact
of the wave.
Weak metacreativity; Manifester Level: 5 th ;
Prerequisites: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, psionic
daze , creator must have Two Weapon Fighting;
Market Price: 18,282gp; Cost to Create: 9,442gp +
707xp. Cost and price quoted are for the pair.
Cn]odejc W]rao
This pair of matching sai are forged from a steel
alloy with a pronounced blue sheen. Under diffuse
light (such as the moon) they give off a faint
phosphorescent glow, though not enough to
provide light or to be noticeable at distances
above 5 feet.
The tines on each side of the sai are carved in
the shape of cresting waves, with flecks of white
gems forming the foam at their peak.
Background: In a distant land there were once
four great masters of philosophy and the martial
arts. Amiko Hatsara was the champion of the
Rising Tide School, a form of martial arts that
teaches its students to make a series of ceaseless
attacks, each one more vigorous than the last, in
order to wear down their opponents.
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