d20 Creation's Edge Games Buck-A-Batch Magic Items III.pdf

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Items III
This product requires the use
of Dungeons & Dragons,
Third Edition rules
50 New Magic Items for
use with D20 Fantasy
This document is part of System 20:
A Do-It-Yourself supplement system available at
Welcome to Magic Items III, part of
our Buck-A-Batch line of products.
The Buck-A-Batch product line is part
of System 20, a do-it-yourself supple-
ment system found on our website at
www.creationsedge.com .
System 20 allows you to create your
own supplements, featuring the content
of your choice, for a fraction of the cost
of traditional RPG supplements.
You’ll find over 400 different magic
items, weapons, rings, and wear on our
site, as well as our Add-A-Rooms,
Adventures, and other role-playing aids.
Our Free 20 section also hosts
dozens of free creatures, items, and
weapons to incorporate into your D20
fantasy campaign.
This product requires the use of
Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition
Items III
50 New Magic Items
for use with D20
Fantasy Rules
Buck-A-Batch: Magic Items III is available for download on the Creation Edge Games
website as part of the System 20 collection. Check out our website at creationsedge.com
for more System 20 resources and information on upcoming releases.
~Open Game Content~
The content of this document entitled “Buck-A-Batch: Magic Items III” which describe game
mechanics are designated as Open Content. The remaining portions of this document are hereby added to
Open Game Content and if so used should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE “Buck-A-Batch: Magic Items III
©2002 Creation’s Edge Games” and optionally the web address “www.creationsedge.com”.
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Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the
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Buck-A-Batch: Magic Items III - for use with D20 rules - © 2005 Creation’s Edge Games.
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Bag of Skulls
% Roll
Name of Item
Bag of Skulls
Balance of Law
This small black cloth bag holds 2d6 minia-
ture stone skulls. If the owner of this bag
draws forth one of these skulls and tosses it
at their feet the skull will transform into a
medium-size skeleton. This skeleton will
serve the owner of the bag until it is
destroyed. The owner can choose to use
more than 1 skull at a time however they may
only control a number of skeleton equal to
half their current experience level. The bag
crumbles to dust once the last skull has been
Book of Dungeons
Book of Souls
Book of Summoning (monster)
Book of Summoning (nature's ally)
Brittle-gem (Acid-burst)
Brittle-gem (Flame-burst)
Brittle-gem (Ice-burst)
Brittle-gem (Shock-burst)
Brittle-gem (Sound-burst)
Candle of Revelation
Coin, Animal Summoning
Coin, Cloudkill
Coin, Color Burst
Coin, Dagger Sneak
Caster level: 6th / Prerequisites: Craft
Wondrous Item, animate dead / Market
Value: 180gp (per skull) / Cost to Create:
1,100 + 88xp
Coin, Demon Bribe
Coin, Monster Summoning
Coin, Secret Ring
Coin, Shocking
Coin, Solid Fog
Coin, Stinking Cloud
Balance of Law
Coin, Treasure Store
Disc of Chaos
Elemental Token (air)
This small set of gold scales is given to rep-
resentatives of powerful groups of lawful
alignment. As long as the owner behaves in a
way befitting a lawfully aligned creature the
scales will remain perfectly balanced. Any
deviation from alignment will tip the scales
resulting in 1d4-1 points in electrical damage
and 1 negative level being bestowed upon
the owner. This negative level must be
worked off by performing an exceptional law-
ful act. It is possible for additional negative
levels to be bestowed upon the owner of the
balance before the others have been worked
off. It's left to the DM to determine what con-
stitutes an alignment deviation and what level
of act is required to put the balance right
again. The balance is usually given to travel-
ing representatives to ensure acceptable
behavior while abroad. The balance can also
be used to test potential members of the
group or as a way of policing lawfully aligned
creatures that the group feels has gone or
may go astray. The balance attunes itself to
its owner by being in their possession for
Elemental Token (earth)
Elemental Token (fire)
Elemental Token (water)
Fuse-gem (healing hand)
Fuse-gem (life drain)
Fuse-gem (turn undead)
Healing Cube
Horse in a Bottle
Hunter's Logbook
Immoral Compass
Luck Cube
Moral Compass
Poison Quill
Portable Forge (acid)
Portable Forge (electricity)
Portable Forge (fire)
Portable Forge (ice)
Portable Forge (sonic)
Quick Scribe Quill
Spell Cube
Spell Extension Timer
Spell Scribe Quill
Spell Timer
Tome of Useful Items
Universal Treasure Map
more than a day's time, or through an hour-
long ritual preformed by members of the
Book of Souls
A book of souls contains 100 pages and is
blank when first encountered. A new book
must attune itself to its owner over a three-
day period during which it must remain within
1 foot of the creature. After this period of
attuning creatures killed by the owner of the
book are recorded in the form of illustrations
upon its pages. The book will only record
each unique creature slain (one goblin, one
orc, one hobgoblin, one black dragon, one
red dragon, etc.). Once all 100 pages have
been filled the book will disintegrate while
bestowing upon it's owner enough experi-
ence points to place them in the middle of
their next level. This recording is automatic
and cannot be prevented by the owner in an
attempt to save the experience point 'pay-off'
until a more opportune moment (such as right
after obtaining a level). The DM can negate a
player's more ingenious attempts by simply
having them swat a pesky fly, or step on an
Caster level: 10th / Prerequisites: Craft
Wondrous Item, atonement, bestow curse /
Market Value: 5,000gp / Cost to Create:
2,500gp + 200xp
Book of Dungeons
This book is the dungeon delver's greatest
reference. When first obtained the interior of
the book is blank. If the book is placed within
a dungeon complex and left sit for 24 hours it
will magically fill with useful information about
the dungeon. The book can then be retrieved
and read. Reading the book takes 6 hours
after which the reader gains a number of
bonuses while adventuring through the
recorded dungeon. The reader will instantly
know if any rumors they hear concerning the
recorded dungeon are true or false. The
reader can detect secret or hidden doors
while in the dungeon as though they were an
elf. The reader gains a +3 bonus to their
appraise, balance, climb, disable device,
hide, intuit direction, listen, move silently,
open lock, search, sense motive, and spot
skill checks while in the dungeon. They also
gain a +3 bonus to non-creature related sav-
ing throws (such as one made to avoid a trap
or other non-living feature) while in the dun-
geon. There is also a 40% chance that the
book will record very specific information
about a room or two within the dungeon
(Such as the answer to the riddle in the stat-
ue room is "time" or the bugbears store their
treasure under a loose stone near the dire rat
nest, etc.). The Book of Dungeons is a one-
use item.
Caster level: 18th / Prerequisites: Craft
Wondrous Item, miracle or wish / Market
Value: 100,000gp / Cost to Create: 50,000gp
+ 4000xp
Book of Summoning (monster)
A book of summoning contains fifty pages. It
is broken into five chapters containing ten
pages each. Each page contains the blurred
image of an unknown creature. This book
allows the owner to cast several summon
monster spells at varying levels of power. The
owner need only rip a page from the book
and cast it upon the ground to trigger a sum-
mon spell. The chapter that the page is torn
from determines the level of the summon
spell that is cast; a page torn from chapter
one results in a summon monster I spell, a
page torn from chapter two results in a sum-
mon monster II spell, and so on. The creature
Caster level: 17th / Prerequisites: Craft
Wondrous Item, miracle or wish / Market
Value: 10,000gp / Cost to Create: 5,000gp +
springs forth from the image on the page
leaving a blank page behind. Only one page
can be torn from each chapter per day. A
found book of summoning may be missing
1d4-1 pages per chapter.
This hand then becomes surrounded by a
glowing aura of acidic energy. A successful
melee touch attack against a target results in
a burst of acid. This burst inflicts 2d6 points of
acid damage upon the target. This aura will
remain for one round per level of owner or
until a successful melee touch attack has
been made, whichever comes first. These
gems are quite delicate; care must be taken
while transporting them in order to ensure
that they remain intact until they are required.
Caster level: 10th / Prerequisites: Craft
Wondrous Item, summon monster I, II, III, IV
and V / Market Value: 300gp (per page) /
Cost to Create: 7,500gp + 600xp
Book of Summoning (nature's
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Craft
Wondrous Item, Melf's acid arrow / Market
Value: 150gp / Cost to Create: 75gp + 6xp
A book of summoning contains fifty pages. It
is broken into five chapters containing ten
pages each. Each page contains the blurred
image of an unknown creature. This book
allows the owner to cast several summon
nature's ally spells at varying levels of power.
The owner need only rip a page from the
book and cast it upon the ground to trigger a
summon spell. The chapter that the page is
torn from determines the level of the summon
spell that is cast; a page torn from chapter
one results in a summon nature's ally I spell,
a page torn from chapter two results in a
summon nature's ally II spell, and so on. The
creature springs forth from the image on the
page leaving a blank page behind. Only one
page can be torn from each chapter per day.
A found book of summoning may be missing
1d4-1 pages per chapter.
Brittle-gem (Flame-burst)
This gem is made fragile by the mystic pow-
ers it contains. To activate the gem's power,
the owner simply crushes it in their hand.
This hand then becomes surrounded by a
glowing aura of fiery energy. A successful
melee touch attack against a target results in
a burst of fire. This burst inflicts 2d6 points of
fire damage upon the target. This aura will
remain for one round per level of owner or
until a successful melee touch attack has
been made, whichever comes first. These
gems are quite delicate; care must be taken
while transporting them in order to ensure
that they remain intact until they are required.
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Craft
Wondrous Item, burning hands / Market
Value: 150gp / Cost to Create: 75gp + 6xp
Caster level: 10th / Prerequisites: Craft
Wondrous Item, summon nature’s ally I, II, III,
IV and V / Market Value: 300gp (per page) /
Cost to Create: 7,500gp + 600xp
Brittle-gem (Ice-burst)
Brittle-gem (Acid-burst)
This gem is made fragile by the mystic pow-
ers it contains. To activate the gem's power,
the owner simply crushes it in their hand.
This hand then becomes surrounded by a
glowing aura of icy energy. A successful
melee touch attack against a target results in
This gem is made fragile by the mystic pow-
ers it contains. To activate the gem's power,
the owner simply crushes it in their hand.
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