d20 Creation's Edge Games Buck-A-Batch Magic Rings II.pdf

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Rings II
This product requires the use
of Dungeons & Dragons,
Third Edition rules
50 New Magic Items for
use with D20 Fantasy
This document is part of System 20:
A Do-It-Yourself supplement system available at
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Welcome to Magic Rings II, part of our
Buck-A-Batch line of products.
The Buck-A-Batch product line is part
of System 20, a do-it-yourself supple-
ment system found on our website at
www.creationsedge.com .
System 20 allows you to create your
own supplements, featuring the content
of your choice, for a fraction of the cost
of traditional RPG supplements.
You’ll find over 400 different magic
items, weapons, rings, and wear on our
site, as well as our Add-A-Rooms,
Adventures, and other role-playing aids.
Our Free 20 section also hosts
dozens of free creatures, items, and
weapons to incorporate into your D20
fantasy campaign.
This product requires the use of
Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition
Rings II
50 New Magic Items
for use with D20
Fantasy Rules
Buck-A-Batch: Magic Rings II is available for download on Creation Edge, Inc.’s website as
part of the System 20 collection. Check out our website at creationsedge.com for more
System 20 resources and information on upcoming releases.
~Open Game Content~
The content of this document entitled “Buck-A-Batch: Magic Rings II” which describe game
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Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the
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Buck-A-Batch: Magic Rings II - for use with D20 rules - © 2002 Creation’s Edge, Inc.
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Ale Ring
% Roll
Name of Ring
Ale Ring
Armor Ring (Bark-Skin)
A prime example of the staggering lengths a
person will go to in order to insure that
they're never far away from a good drink,
the Ale Ring serves as a portable bar. The
wearer need only remove it from their finger,
place it upon the ground and say the proper
magic word or phrase in order to summon
their own private bartender. The ring will
expand and grow into a ten foot wide, three
foot high, circular wooden bar, complete with
a clock-work bartender, provided that the
space to do so is available. The bartender
will promptly ask "What can I get for you?" A
response other than ale and the number of
mugs will result in the bartender stating
"Aye, Aye. But can I get ye some ale?" The
bartender can produce up to eight mugs of
ale at a time. Once the ale is drunk the
mugs will vanish and the Ale Ring will revert
back to normal.
Armor Ring (Scale-Skin)
Armor Ring (Steel-Skin)
Armor Ring (Stone-Skin)
Blast Ring
Bullet Ring
Circle of Protection Ring (Acid)
Circle of Protection Ring (Arrows)
Circle of Protection Ring (Chaos)
Circle of Protection Ring (Cold)
Circle of Protection Ring (Electricity)
Circle of Protection Ring (Evil)
Circle of Protection Ring (Fire)
Circle of Protection Ring (Good)
Circle of Protection Ring (Law)
Circle of Protection Ring (Sonic)
Circle of Protection Ring (Spells)
Claw Ring
Dead Ringer Ring
Divination Ring
Divine Scrutiny Ring
Dragon-Slayer Ring (Black)
Dragon-Slayer Ring (Blue)
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Forge Ring,
Leomund's tiny hut / Market Value: 15,000gp
Dragon-Slayer Ring (Brass)
Dragon-Slayer Ring (Bronze)
Dragon-Slayer Ring (Copper)
Dragon-Slayer Ring (Gold)
Dragon-Slayer Ring (Green)
Armor Ring (Bark-Skin)
Dragon-Slayer Ring (Red)
Dragon-Slayer Ring (Silver)
When placed upon a finger the Bark-Skin
Armor Ring immediately transforms the
wearer's skin into a substance with the look
and feel of tree bark. This condition adds a
+1 natural armor bonus to the character.
The wearer also gains damage reduction
1/+1. Once the bark-skin absorbs 20 points
of damage through its damage reduction
ability, the effect wears off and the charac-
ter's skin reverts back to normal. The ring
looses its charge and is worthless once the
effect is canceled. The ring is actually incor-
porated into the bark-skin and cannot be
removed until the player reverts back to nor-
Dragon-Slayer Ring (White)
Gemstone Ring
Ghoul-Bane Ring
Haggling Ring
Improved Grip Ring
Light Load Ring
Marking Ring
Mimic-Bane Ring
Nemesis Ring
Remote Handling Ring
Rust Touch Ring
Shadow-Bane Ring
Taunting Ring
Trap Detection Ring
True Sight Ring
Victim Ring
Warp Touch Ring
Caster level: 3rd / Prerequisites: Forge Ring,
barkskin / Market Value: 1,000gp
Wight-Bane Ring
Wind Whisper Ring
When placed upon a finger the Stone-Skin
Armor Ring immediately transforms the
wearer's skin into a substance with the look
and feel of stone. This condition adds a +2
natural armor bonus to the character. The
wearer also gains damage reduction 2/+2.
Once the stone-skin absorbs 40 points of
damage through its damage reduction abili-
ty, the effect wears off and the character's
skin reverts back to normal. The ring looses
its charge and is worthless once the effect is
canceled. The ring is actually incorporated
into the stone-skin and cannot be removed
until the player reverts back to normal.
Armor Ring (Scale-Skin)
When placed upon a finger the Scale-Skin
Armor Ring immediately transforms the
wearer's skin into a substance with the look
and feel of dragon scale. This condition
adds a +4 natural armor bonus to the char-
acter. The wearer also gains damage reduc-
tion 4/+4. Once the scale-skin absorbs 80
points of damage through its damage reduc-
tion ability, the effect wears off and the char-
acter's skin reverts back to normal. The ring
looses its charge and is worthless once the
effect is canceled. The ring is actually incor-
porated into the scale-skin and cannot be
removed until the player reverts back to nor-
Caster level: 7th / Prerequisites: Forge Ring,
stoneskin / Market Value: 6,300gp
Blast Ring
Caster level: 8th / Prerequisites: Forge Ring,
shapechange / Market Value: 6,300gp
This ring is made up of two moveable
bands, each bearing the upper and lower
halves of several explosive glyphs. These
glyphs can be made whole by simply twist-
ing the two parts of the ring until they all line
up. Once this is done the Blast Ring is
armed and will detonate in five seconds,
dealing 1d8 points of fire damage to every-
thing within a five foot radius of the ring.
Armor Ring (Steel-skin)
When placed upon a finger the Steel-Skin
Armor Ring immediately transforms the
wearer's skin into a substance with the look
and feel of steel. This condition adds a +3
natural armor bonus to the character. The
wearer also gains damage reduction 3/+3.
Once the steel-skin absorbs 60 points of
damage through its damage reduction abili-
ty, the effect wears off and the character's
skin reverts back to normal. The ring looses
its charge and is worthless once the effect is
canceled. The ring is actually incorporated
into the steel-skin and cannot be removed
until the player reverts back to normal.
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Forge Ring,
glyph of warding / Market Value: 1,000gp
Bullet Ring
This ring is studded with 12 small steel balls
in a track running around its circumference.
As a free action the wearer can will the ball
centered on the front of the ring to shoot at
a target. This ball has a +1 bonus to hit but
functions like a standard bullet shot from a
sling in all other aspects. After a ball is shot,
the next steel ball will roll into 'firing position'
and can be shot during the next round.
Once all 12 balls are shot the ring becomes
Caster level: 8th / Prerequisites: Forge Ring,
shapechange / Market Value: 6,300gp
Armor Ring (Stone-Skin)
useless. The steel balls cannot be retrieved
and fired again.
cle will last for one full hour before fading
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Forge Ring,
magic missile / Market Value: 600gp
Caster level: 4th / Prerequisites: Forge Ring,
protection from arrows / Market Value:
Circle of Protection Ring (Acid)
Circle of Protection Ring
This ring creates a magic circle upon the
ground that protects all standing within from
acid attacks. The wearer need only remove
the ring, place it upon the ground and say
the activation word or phrase in order to cre-
ate a 15’ wide circle of protection. Anyone
standing within the magic circle is protected
as though under the affect of a protection
from elements spell (as described in the
Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook,
Third Edition ) with acid as the selected ener-
gy type. This ring is a one-use item; it
merges with the ground and vanishes when
the circle is formed. The circle will last for
one full hour before fading away.
This ring creates a magic circle upon the
ground that protects all standing within from
chaotic creatures. The wearer need only
remove the ring, place it upon the ground
and say the activation word or phrase in
order to create a 15’ wide circle of protec-
tion. Anyone standing within the magic circle
is protected as though under the affect of a
protection from chaos spell (as described in
the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s
Handbook, Third Edition ). This ring is a one-
use item; it merges with the ground and
vanishes when the circle is formed. The cir-
cle will last for one full hour before fading
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Forge Ring,
protection from elements / Market Value:
Caster level: 3rd / Prerequisites: Forge Ring,
protection from chaos / Market Value: 375gp
Circle of Protection Ring
Circle of Protection Ring (Cold)
This ring creates a magic circle upon the
ground that protects all standing within from
ranged attacks. The wearer need only
remove the ring, place it upon the ground
and say the activation word or phrase in
order to create a 15’ wide circle of protec-
tion. Anyone standing within the magic circle
is protected as though under the affect of a
protection from arrows spell (as described in
the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s
Handbook, Third Edition ). This ring is a one-
use item; it merges with the ground and
vanishes when the circle is formed. The cir-
This ring creates a magic circle upon the
ground that protects all standing within from
cold attacks. The wearer need only remove
the ring, place it upon the ground and say
the activation word or phrase in order to cre-
ate a 15’ wide circle of protection. Anyone
standing within the magic circle is protected
as though under the affect of a protection
from elements spell (as described in the
Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook,
Third Edition ) with cold as the selected ener-
gy type. This ring is a one-use item; it
merges with the ground and vanishes when
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