d20 Devil's Workshop Polymecha - Weapons of Mecha Destruction.pdf

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Requires the use of the d20 Future™ Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Written By: Louis Porter Jr.
This mecha of this type is normally been radi-
cally changed from the stand issue mecha that
was developed and available. These types of
mecha are normally for those mecha jockeys who
want to personalize their mecha even more. Due
to the customization of this vehicle, these types of
mecha will have two more equipment slot (play-
er’s choices) then other comparative mecha body
sizes; so a Large mecha with prototype will have
9 equipment slots instead of the normal 7 slots.
With the advent of D20 Future being released,
many individuals have gotten their first real taste
of how the d20 engine can be expanded to handle
several different types of genres. D20 Future’s
new rules have added all new types of games
that can be played by fans and hardcore gamers.
This sourcebook PDF focuses on the area of giant
mechanical robots and battle suits called Mecha
and what additional materials can be added to
help make your games even more interesting and
fun for you and your local gaming groups.
This mecha of this type is normally the first trial
of a new type of mecha design and will normally
not be as advanced as the standard issue make
and model of that same mecha. These types of
mecha will have one less equipment slot (player’s
choices) then other comparative mecha body
sizes; so a Large mecha with prototype will only
have 6 equipment slots instead of the normal 7
Base Purchase DC: +10
Equipment Slots: 2 ( player’s choices )
Base Purchase DC: -5
Equipment Slots: -1 ( player’s choices )
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Weapons of Mecha Destruction
Restriction: None
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 10
Restriction: None
Outdated (PL 5)
This mecha is quite outdated, in direct comparison to
other mecha of a similar model and make. Normally
these mecha have been though several major conflicts
and have suffered through them. In gaming terms, all
mecha with outdated will have its hardness reduced by
5 points.
Ablative Armor (PL 6)
An outer hull layer on some mecha is designed to
vaporize under weapons fire, thereby dissipating
energy and protecting the mecha's interior. Mecha
equipped with this modification will gain armor points
equal to one fourth the hit points of the mecha. If
a mecha has 200 hit points then it has 50 points of
ablative armor. When the mecha is attacked ablative
armor reduce the first successful attacks damage by
50 points; then the second successful attack damage
will be reduced by 45 points; then the third successful
attack damage will be reduced by 40 points and so
forth. When the Ablative Armor damage reduction
reached 0 it will no longer function and the mecha will
take damage as normal. This defense system cannot
be combined with Ceramic Composed Plating or
Reactive Armor.
Charged Hull (PL 5)
With this defense system, mecha is able to electrify
the hull of the craft and have it causes 5d6 points of
electrical damage in direct contact with it or the hull.
Hardness: -5
Base Purchase DC Modifier: -10
Equipment Slots: None
Activation: Free action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 5
Restriction: None
Jump Jets (PL 6)
Jump Jets are normally incorporated with any jetpack
flight systems, but not always. This gives any mecha
with this modification the ability to instead of a
“jump” instead of using normal flight with the jetpack.
Jump Jets make is possible for the mecha to leap to
50 feet up and 75 feet across. To land safely the pilot
must make a Pilot skill (DC 22) and land from the
leap safely. If the pilot fails the roll or lands on some
like another mecha, the “attacking” mecha is consid-
ered to be Overrun (See Overrun in Chapter 5 of the
D20 Modern Roleplaying Game). A jump jet carries
enough fuel for a mecha perform no more that 15 of
this “jumps” before needing to refuel the Jump Jets;
refueling has a purchase DC of 16.
Reactive Armor (PL 6)
A mecha with this modification has had small explo-
sive charges bolted to its outer surfaces on the mecha.
When the mecha is hit by weapons which use does
Ballistic type of damage this explosives detonate in
response to disrupt the attack. In gaming terms the
reactive armor gives the mecha damage reduction 20
to ballistic damage. This defense system cannot be
combined with Ablative Armor or Ceramic Composed
Equipment Slots: None
Activation: None
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 10
Restriction: None
Equipment Slots: None
Activation: None
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 10
Restriction: None
Ceramic Composed Plating (PL 6)
This defense system effectively covers the mecha’s
outer covering with ceramic composed plating. This
type of plating makes the mecha more resistant to heat
and fire based attacks. This type of plating grants the
mecha fire resistance 10. This defense system cannot
be combined with Ablative Armor or Reactive Armor.
Equipment Slots: 1 must be boots ( Large or Huge );
2, must be boots, back or shoulders ( Gargantuan or
Colossal )
Activation: None
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 10 + one-quarter the mecha’s purchase
Equipment Slots: None
Activation: None
Range: Personal
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Weapons of Mecha Destruction
Artificial Intelligence Computer
System (PL 6)
This mecha is equipped with and Artificial Intelli-
gence to help with the common tasks that would be
done by a Mecha Jockey. In gaming terms, mecha
equipped with this modification gains +2 equipment
bonus on the operator’s Navigate and Spot checks and
a +2 bonus to Defense.
Ion Cannon (PL 8)
Consisting of a cannon that fires a high-energy blast
of ions causing 6d6 points of electrical damage with
a successful attack. A successful Reflex save ( DC
17 ) reduces the damage by half. The blast from an
Ion cannon has the additional effect of an Electro-
magnetic Pulse to the target hit. In addition, all crew
and passengers aboard, and the mecha must make a
successful Fortitude save ( DC 15 ) or be dazed for 1
Additional Ammunition
You have extra Ammunition on board for one of your
weapon systems. With each purchase of this system,
you will have an additional full amount based on the
weapons magazine amount.
Equipment Slots: None
Activation: None
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 5 + one-half the mecha’s base purchase
Restriction: Restricted (+2)
Equipment Slots: 1
Activation: None
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: Per Weapon type
Restriction: None
Equipment Slots: 1, including hand ( or arm if Large ),
arm, or shoulders
Activation: Attack action
Range Increment: 50 feet
Target: Single target within 250 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half ( DC 17 )
Purchase DC: 20
Restriction: Restricted ( +2 )
Additional Appendage
This mecha has been equipped with an additional
appendage, whether it is something basic like an addi-
tional arm or leg to the extreme of a tail or tentacle.
Mecha with and additional appendage will gain addi-
tional equipment slots, dependent on its size. Large
and Huge Mecha gain 1 additional equipment slot,
while Gargantuan and Colossal mecha gain 2 addi-
tional equipment slots. This can be taken multiple
Inertial Dampers (PL 7)
Inertial dampers are mechanisms aboard mecha to
compensate for acceleration forces caused by speed
and direction changes at high velocities. Mecha with
this system gain a +2 all Reflex saves.
Ion Cannon,
Heavy (PL 8)
This weapon works on the same Principle as the Ion
Cannon but does 10d6 points of electrical damage
with a successful attack A successful Reflex save ( DC
19 ) reduces the damage by half. In addition, all crew
and passengers aboard, and the mecha must make a
successful Fortitude save ( DC 15 ) or be dazed for D4-
1 rounds ( minimum of 1 round ).
Equipment Slots: 1
Activation: None
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: One-quarter the mecha’s base purchase
Restriction: None
Equipment Slots: +1 for Large and Huge Mecha; +2
for Gargantuan and Colossal mecha
Activation: None
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: One-quarter the mecha’s base purchase
DC for Large and Huge Mecha; one-half the mecha’s
base purchase DC for Gargantuan and Colossal mecha
Restriction: None
Activation: Attack action
Range Increment: 50 feet
Target: Single target within 500 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half ( DC 19 )
Purchase DC: 23
Restriction: Military ( +3 )
EMP Shielded (PL 8)
Mecha with this device have had had its major opera-
tion systems protected and reinforced from all various
types of electromagnetic pulses ( EMP ) attacks and/
effects. Mecha with this device gains a +5 to all rolls
when dealing with EMP attacks and/or effects.
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Weapons of Mecha Destruction
Equipment Slots: None
Activation: None
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 10
Restriction: None
Pulsed Weapon System (PL 6)
With this weapon system, one energy-based weapons
on the mecha will have their weapon fire rate changed
from single to autofire and cause an additional 50%
damage to a target, but the range of the weapon is
reduce by 50%.
Synthetic Bioneural Circuitry (PL 8)
Synthetic Bioneural Circuitry adds synthetic bioneural
circuitry to a circuitry module, designed to organize
information more efficiently and speed up response
time for the pilot and mecha. While driving or piloting
the mecha, the operator gains a +2 bonus all of the
mechas rolls
Equipment Slots: None
Activation: Free action.
Range: Per the weapon ( See Above )
Target: Per the weapon ( See Above ), Autofire
Duration: Per the weapon
Saving Throw: Per the weapon
Purchase DC: One-quarter the mecha’s weapon base
purchase DC
Restriction: None
Equipment Slots: 1
Activation: None
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 10 + one-half the mecha’s base
purchase DC
Restriction: Restricted (+2)
Organic Technology (PL 8)
This type of technology is based on the concept of
growing and creating organisms to perform the action
that would be done by inorganic machines. Mecha
created using this concept are completely organic in
nature, simply but this type of mecha is a living being.
Any mecha with this system gains the following list of
Sentient Artificial Intelligence
Computer System
This mecha is equipped with and Sentient Artificial
Intelligence to help with the several task that would
be done by a Mecha Jockey. In gaming terms, mecha
equipped with this modification gains +4 equipment
bonus on the operator’s Navigate and Spot checks and
a +4 bonus to Defense. In addition one per round,
the Sentient Artificial Intelligence is able to attack
with one of the weapon systems totally by itself. The
Sentient Artificial Intelligence base attack is equal to
the mecha jockey’s base attack –5.
• The Mecha gains one of the following Mecha
feats and it can be used by the operator ( mecha
jockey ) of the mecha even though they may not
have the prerequisites for the feat: Battle Tested,
Hair Trigger, Mecha Crush, Mecha Fling, Mecha
Sweep or Mecha Trample,
• The mecha will automatically heal 5 points of
damage per round. The organic technology will be
considered “death, when it loses all its hit points.
Battle Tested
You are very experienced in combat with a mecha.
Prerequisite: Mecha Operation
Benefit: Whenever you are attacked and you or your
mecha required to make Fortitude saving throws, the
you gain a +2 to all these rolls.
Equipment Slots: None
Activation: None
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 20 + one-half the mecha’s base
purchase DC
Restriction: Restricted (+2)
d20 Modern™ is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast,
Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and is used with
permission. Wizards of the Coast® is a registered
trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary
of Hasbro, Inc., and is used with permission. ‘d20
System’ and the d20 System logo are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro,
Inc., and are used with permission.
Equipment Slots: 1
Activation: None
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 15 + one-half the mecha’s base
purchase DC
Restriction: Military ( +3 )
All text on all pages is Open Game Content as defined
by the Open Gaming License.
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