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E.N. Arsenal - Two-Bladed Sword
E.N. Arsenal
Two-Bladed Sword
A Complete Weapon Sourcebook - Volume 111
Written by
Alex Jacobs
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Weapon
Additional Material & Editing By
The ENWorld A-Team
Adam Windsor & M Jason Parent
Racial Preferences
Chapter 2: Weapon Variants
Danilo Moretti, Kevin H. Yancey
Chapter 3: Feats & Fighting
Tactics, Tricks & Techniques
Cover and Layout Design
M Jason Parent
Fighting Styles
Chapter 4: Prestige Classes
Art Director, Layout & Project Lead
Denise Robinson
Keltath Master
Dual Soulblade
Warrior of Annakra
The ENWorld A-Team(Dec’04)
Peter M. Ball, Alex Jacobs, JoeGKushner, Russell
Morrissey, Joe Mucchiello, Ryan Nock, M Jason
Parent, Denise “Dextra” Robinson, David Sanders,
Adam Windsor
Chapter 5: Magic
Spells & Psionic Powers
Magic Items
Sevesties, the Double-Edged God
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Table of Tables
1.1: Weapon Stats by Size Category
2.1: Weapon Variants
3.1: Feats
3.2: Storm of Blades Fighting Style
3.3: Igraine’s Vengeance Fighting Style
4.1: Keltath Master
4.2: Soulblade
4.3: Warrior of Annakra
E.N. Arsenal - Two-Bladed Sword
The Two- B laded
Welcome to the 3rd book of the E.N.Arsenal, a
series of d20 “mini-sourcebooks” focusing on particular
weapons and their role in real-world history and in classic
d20 fantasy games. Each book concentrates on a single
weapon, describing not only the weapon itself, but those
who use it, its history, and variations on the theme. Each
book in the series is quite rules-intensive and includes many
optional rules throughout the text, often in sidebars. Some
of these rules work independently, but a majority work best
when all the optional rules are applied, as some detract from
the usefulness or usability of the weapon while others
enhance the weapon.
A typical two-bladed sword is about six feet in length,
measured from tip to tip. Each blade has about two feet of
steel with a two-foot hilt. While this is an unusually long
length for a hilt, it is necessary to control the balance of
such a heavy and unwieldy weapon and permits some hand
movement while still giving a great deal of control and
leverage. The blades are invariably double-edged, allowing
for rapid spinning motions, while the hilt may be wood or
metal and left unadorned or wrapped in wire or leather as
with any other sword. Guards tend to be small – closer to
the tsuba on katanas than the bars of longswords – both to
save on weight and because locking blades and close parries
are disadvantageous to the wielder of a two-bladed sword.
Unlike most weapons in the d20 fantasy rules set, the
two-bladed sword has no historical precedent. Instead, it is
one of the key weapons that set the style of the d20 fantasy
RPG games. It is a weapon based entirely on style with no
historical routes, though it does bear a resemblance to vari-
ous staff weapons, particularly the English quarterstaff.
The resemblance is more in technique (hands rarely shift on
the quarterstaff and then mostly on the middle section)
then a resemblance of the actual weapon.
Several methods of sheathing the two-bladed sword
have evolved. Some of the more barbaric cultures eschew
scabbards entirely; they merely keep the sword well oiled to
protect it from the elements and laugh at any warrior fool-
ish enough to cut himself on his own weapon. Other cul-
tures simply put a short-sword sheath on each end, clipping
it on so it doesn’t fall off during travel. Unfortunately these
sheaths are hard to remove quickly in battle. Though few
gnomes take up the two-bladed sword, an enterprising
smith has developed sheaths with mechanical locks that fly
off the blades at the press of a button.
Within these pages we attempt to bring the two-blad-
ed sword to life through expansion the theme presented.
This material is designed to be usable in any medieval fan-
tasy setting that incorporates or is thinking of incorporating
the two-bladed sword.
While traditional two-handed weapons are carried
across the back, with double-weapons this prevents easy
access, as an over-the-shoulder draw is nigh impossible.
Some travellers try to carry it in hand or use it as a staff, but
given the weapon’s great weight, this can be wearying over
Table 1.1: Weapon Statistics by Size Category
Damage Crit
Weight Type
50 gp
2.5 lb. Slashing
100 gp
5 lb.
100 gp
10 lb. Slashing
200 gp
20 lb. Slashing
400 gp
40 lb. Slashing
800 gp
80 lb. Slashing
1600 gp
160 lb. Slashing
E.N. Arsenal - Two-Bladed Sword
distance for even the strongest warrior. No truly efficient
method has been developed as yet, though there has been a
recent trend in carrying it across the shoulders while some
of the wealthier users swear up and down by their squires.
Racial Preferences
The origins of the two-bladed sword are difficult to
trace. Some believe that the dwarves were the first to make
them, citing the dwarves’ propensity for creating unusual
weapons, but others point to the dwarves noted lack of
interest in swordsmanship and remind their opponents
that the dwarves already have a popular double-
weapon: the urgosh. Perhaps the dwarves did invent
the two-bladed sword, but if so they no longer use it.
Others claim the elves invented the two-bladed
sword. While it is true that many elves take up the weapon,
enjoying the rapidly spinning, dance-like nature of the
style, elves rarely excel beyond the basics as it takes a great
deal of strength and stamina to truly master the weapon.
Of the common races, it is usually humans, though often
half-orcs, who become masters of the two-bladed sword.
Amongst the monstrous races, however, drow have many
infamous two-bladed sword masters. While drow physiol-
ogy is not best suited for the two-bladed sword, the compet-
itive nature of the society ensures there are always those
drow willing to push themselves.
Drow Masters
Drow are more powerful than elves according to their racial entry, but few of their additional abilities are direct-
ly useful in melee combat. True, the Intelligence bonus means they can more easily qualify for feats that would other-
wise be beyond their reach (e.g. Combat Expertise and Whirlwind Attack) but otherwise they are no more advantaged
than other races. Imagine, however, a drow fighting academy. It would be ruthless and sadistic, filled with masters
who delight in making their students suffer and students backstabbing each other (literally and figuratively) to earn
their master’s favour and extra training. In such a place, only the strongest would survive. While normally addition-
al class levels would represent this, some of the abilities of surviving students are so basic they would be part of their
inborn abilities and thus represented as racial traits. The following racial abilities only apply to graduates of the Drow
Fighting Academy, but at the GM’s discretion may apply to the top students at the Academy. Needless to say, only
drow are ever admitted to the Academy and they are always members of PC classes; members of NPC classes are sim-
ply too weak to survive the training.
Drow Fighting Academy Graduate Traits (Ex):
These traits are in addition to the drow traits, except where noted.
- +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity (stacks with high elf bonus for a total of +4).
- Weapon Proficiency: An academy graduate is automatically proficient with all simple and martial weapons.
- +2 racial bonus to Balance, Hide, Move Silently, Jump, and Tumble.
- Favoured Class: Fighter. This trait replaces the drow’s favoured class.
- Level adjustment +3. This replaces the drow’s level adjustment.
- Challenge Rating: drow fighting academy graduates have a CR equal to their character level +1.
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E.N. Arsenal - Two-Bladed Sword
Weapon Variants
Weapon Variants
The design of the two-bladed sword, while seemingly
simple, can vary just as much as the design of a sword can.
Herein we cover some of the most common designs and
noteworthy variations on the theme. All of these variants
except the Removable Bladed Sword require their own
Exotic Weapon Proficiency to wield effectively.
Cost: 110 gp
Critical: 19-20/x2
Weight: 8 lb.
Type: Slashing
Two-Bladed Flamberge
The flamberge is a greatsword with a wavy blade pro-
duced primarily in Germany and Switzerland during the
middle ages. Smiths believed that the waves on the blade
caused a more vicious wound and unnerved opponents by
the weapon’s intimidating appearance. The truth of the for-
mer point is debatable but the latter is certainly true and
soon a few smiths discovered that by putting waves on
other swords – rapiers, for example – they could cause a jar-
ring sensation in their opponent’s hand that caused him to
drop the weapon. If a character uses a two-bladed flamberge
to make a sunder attack on his opponent’s weapon, after the
attack he may make a disarm attack as a free action with a
–2 penalty. This disarm attempt does not provoke an attack
of opportunity and the opponent may not attempt to disarm
the character in return.
Weapon:Two-Bladed Flamberge
Cost: 200 gp
Critical: 19-20/x2
Weight: 15 lb.
Type: Slashing
Two-Bladed Scimitar
One of the easiest ways to modify the two-bladed
sword is to change the shape of the blade. By curving the
blade and sharpening it as a scimitar, a vicious more precise
cut can be executed that takes advantage of the sword’s
rapid spinning and the changing angle of the wound. While
less precise wounds tend to be less damaging, these vicious
wounds are inflicted more often. Most drow who use two-
bladed weapons use two-bladed scimitars, although this
weapon requires a different Exotic Weapon Proficiency to
wield effectively. A character can use the Weapon Finesse
feat to apply his Dexterity modifier to the two-bladed scim-
itar instead of his Strength modifier.
Two-Bladed Scimitar
150 gp
10 lb.
Adjusting the length of one of the blades is another
easy modification to make. With this variant long, far-
reaching strikes can be rapidly pulled back into position, as
it is possible for the wielder to cross the blade directly in
front of her body without eviscerating herself.
Furthermore, because of its small size and tendency to “hide
behind the hilt,” attacks with the dagger end are often hard-
er to see. Attacks with the dagger end gain a +1 circum-
stance bonus to hit.
Removable Bladed Sword
A gnomish invention, this weapon appears to be a nor-
mal two-bladed sword until a button on the hilt is pressed
and the blade is ejected. This is not a forceful ejection and
is unlikely to do any damage, but thanks to the remaining
blade the sword may be used as a bastard sword. If both
blades are ejected, the hilt may be used as a club. Re-attach-
ing an ejected blade is a full-round action that provokes an
attack of opportunity. Unless the person doing the attach-
ing is wearing a protective chain glove or a gauntlet, he or
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