d20 Healing Fireball Publications Curious Items Braziers.pdf

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Curious Items
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Table of Contents
Introduction……………………………………………………………….. 3
In This Book……………………………………………………………….. 3
Braziers for All Your Daily Needs……………………………………….. 4
Use of a Brazier in Game…………………………………………………. 7
Braziers for Society and Show……………………………….................... 8
Braziers of Unique and Rare Quality…………………………………... 11
Wood and Coal…………………………………………………………... 19
Warm Hearts Shop…………………………………………..................... 25
Bonus Item……………………………………………………………….. 30
Authors and Designers
Copyright Information
Curious Items: Braziers Copyright © 2008
Healing Fireball Publications all rights reserved.
Healing Fireball logo is Copyright © 2007
Healing Fireball Publications all rights reserved.
'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are
used according to the terms of the d20 System
License version 6.0. A copy of this License can
be found at www.wizards.com/d20 . Dungeons &
Dragons, and Wizards of the Coast are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the
United States and other countries and are used
with permission.”
Christopher Baldi
Carol Baldi
Carol Baldi
Christopher Baldi
Rick Hershey, Standard Stock Art: Quick Covers
(Vol.1: Leather and Brass) by Empty Room
Studios Publishing
Open Game Content
All the game statistics and tables are open game content. The entire Use of a Brazier in Game section is
open game content.
All Item Descriptions and histories, as well as the flavor text at the beginning of the chapters, the art, the
front and back covers, the introduction, the In this Book section and the character bios are not open game
Jerald stood in the snow staring at the faded wooden sign that simply read “Warm
Hearts.” The building it hung on was a one floor longhouse built on stilts to keep it off
the snow pack, similar to all the other houses in this cold northern town. As Jerald stood
there he was suddenly struck with the thought that this was all a wild goose chase and
that the villagers had sent him all the way out here just to laugh when he returns empty-
handed. But he had come this far, so it was too late and he was tired of spending all
night shivering, so with a feeling that he was being made a fool, he stepped forward and
opened the door. As Jerald stepped in he was hit by a blast of warm air; the inside of this
lodge was as warm as a summer day back home in the south. As his eyes adjusted to the
dimmer light of the longhouse he could see that the room was full of many metal bowls of
all shapes and sizes. Some of these bowls rested on tables while others where perched on
stilts or hung from the ceiling. Many of them glowed dimly with what appeared to Jerald
to be the embers of a fire.
As Jerald looked around in astonishment he didn’t notice a man enter from the door in
the back of the show room until the man stood a few feet from Jerald. When Jerald
noticed the man he jumped, startled and taken with his appearance. The man was tall
and slender, a striking contrast to the short stocky northerners Jerald had met in town.
Also in contrast to the men in town, this man was not dressed in heavy furs and wools but
instead wore sturdy brown sack cloth britches and a patchwork light tunic made of
patches of red, yellow, and orange hues. The man smiled a broad friendly smile,
something Jerald had not seen since he arrived up north. This put Jerald at ease with the
man. When the man notices this he began to talk in slow relaxed tones, “Hello, friend,
and welcome to Warm Hearts, a shop for all your brazier and heat needs.”
Jerald slowly looked around again at the bowls and slowly repeated “Bray-zers.”
Hello, and welcome reader, to Curious
Items: Braziers the first in a series of
In This Book
As mentioned in the above introduction,
this book has three goals. In order to
reach these goals we have concentrated
this book on the expansion of braziers as
magic items.
books produced by Healing Fireball
Publications to expand on what we view
as underutilized magic item types. For
any game master that has ever heard his
players say things like “not another X,”
“Now we can all have one” or “I bet
that’s X,” this book series is for you.
Braziers for All Your Daily Needs
This first chapter is dedicated to
describing various types of mundane
braziers. The purpose of this chapter is
to give game masters and players a
collection of different brazier types that
can be used to add atmosphere to your
game world.
With this book we hope to give players
and game masters three things. The first
goal of this book is to offer game
masters and players a number of magical
and non-magical items to add to
their game and use in their adventures.
Second, we hope that by expanding on
underused types of magic items we can
help add some wonder to your game as
players try to discover why the villain
tried to desperately light the brazier
behind his throne as the players closed in
or as they discover a brazier in a treasure
hoard. Finally, we hope to give you a
fully detailed set piece, in this case the
“Warm Hearts” shop complete with the
shop owner, which you can drop whole
into your fantasy world.
Braziers for Society and Show
This second chapter offers a collection
of alchemically treated braziers that have
special abilities that may be useful to
game masters and players.
Braziers of Unique and Rare Quality
This chapter is dedicated to the magical
braziers and their stories. This is the
core of the product and contains a
plethora of new and unusual magic
braziers for use in your game.
Wood and Coal
This chapter is dedicated to fuels both
mundane and magical to feed your
So, in conclusion, we hope that this
product is useful to your game and
makes your world a livelier place.
Warm Hearts Shop
This chapter describes the Warm Hearts
brazier shop and its peculiar shop
keeper. The information in this chapter
should allow a game master to drop this
shop into a suitable environment in your
game world.
Braziers for All Your Daily Needs
Sensing Jerald’s confusion, the brightly dressed man smiled and said, “How rude of me I
have not introduced myself. My name is Simon Calor. I can see you are not familiar
with my wares so allow me to explain. A brazier is a pan or bowl used to hold embers to
provide heat and a soft light. They come in a myriad of shapes and sizes for all different
uses. Allow me to show you some of my fine product line.”
Jerald, feeling comfortable and warm for the first time in weeks, just nodded in
approval and followed the man as he led him through the shop.
Normal Braziers
All braziers consist of a pan that holds
burning embers. These embers provide
heat for a 20 foot radius around the pan.
The embers also produce a soft light, the
strength of which is dependant on the
fuel used to produce the embers in the
Table/Travel Brazier: With a pan
similar to the traditional brazier, the
main difference between the table/travel
brazier and the traditional brazier is that
the table/travel brazier has legs of only
about 3 inches, or just long enough to
keep the pan from
touching the
ground or table it is
placed on.
Normal braziers are regular equipment
that can be constructed by anyone with
the appropriate smith or metalworking
skill. They are usually available for
purchase in colder areas at general stores
or the appropriate smith’s shop.
Cost: Bronze 5 gp., Silver 15 gp., Gold
31 gp. Weight 5 lb.
Hanging Brazier: Consists of a 15 inch
pan made of bronze, silver or gold and
suspended from chains. These braziers
are designed to be hung from the rafters
and still hang low enough to heat a
Traditional Brazier:
Standing about 2½
feet, or roughly waist
high, the shallow pan
of the traditional
brazier is supported
by three or four legs.
The pan, which is
usually made of a
metal such as bronze, silver or gold, can
be of any shape but is usually round.
The pan of a traditional brazier is about
15 inches in diameter.
Cost: Bronze 7 gp., Silver 19 gp.,
Gold 36 gp. Weight 4 lb.
Cost: Bronze 10 gp., Silver 22 gp.,
Gold 45 gp. Weight 9 lb.
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