d20 Legion Publishing Critical Hits 12 - Stitched in Time.pdf

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Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons®,
Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Greetings traveler and welcome to Critical Hits - a
series of electronic publications from Legion Publishing.
Each Critical Hit is a complete encounter that can be
dropped into any fantasy campaign with very little prepa-
ration needed by the DM. The encounters are little gems
of ideas built around a single situation, person, location,
creature or object that the players stumble across in their
travels. Each Critical Hit provides all the DM needs to use
the encounter. Whether used as a disposable diversion or
the springboard for adventure, Critical Hits give the over-
worked DM a break and the players some memorable
encounters that encourage creative role-playing.
V o l u m e 3 N o 4 - E n c o u n t e r L e v e l 2
Published by
Stitched in Time can take place in more or less any
terrain you see fit, as there are no particular surroundings
necessary to make the encounter playable. Curiosity alone
should be enough to draw the PCs into the encounter. As
with the other Critical Hits, text inside a border should be
read aloud to the players (unless you have modified the
setting, in which case you're on your own!).
First Published 2003
C R E D I T S &
Written by
Rob Clayton Jones
Simon Lucas, Robin Elliott & Matthew Harffy
Cover Illustration by
Matthew Harffy
Interior Illustration & Cartography
Robin Elliott
Almost three hundred years ago, construction was com-
pleted of the most wondrous clock ever known. Crafted by
the hands of a cloud giant named Jeder Skyreach, this 50'
tall grandfather clock was fashioned from the trunk of a
single oak tree, and carved onto its mantle was a huge
eagle. So wonderful was the clock's design that it became
the envy of all who knew of its existence. One such being
was the Elven mage Pereaphron. Aside from the object's
beauty and its sheer scale, the wizard was fascinated by
the clock's supposed time-traveling qualities.
Typesetting and graphic design by Wildstar Digital Arts
Contact - info@wildstardigitalarts.co.uk
Author courtesy of Snake Eyes Studio
Contact - info@snakeeyesstudio.co.uk
Legion Publishing, Critical Hits, the Legion Publishing logo, Legionnaire,
and all related characters and elements are trademarks of Legion
Wildstar Digital Arts and its logo are trademarks of Wildstar Digital Arts.
Snake Eyes Studio and its logo are trademarks of Snake Eyes Studio.
Although a good person at heart, Pereaphron was so
beguiled by the thought of repairing his past indiscretions
that he schemed to steal the clock, assuaging the guilt he
felt at such an act by reasoning to himself that he needed
it but for a short while. Breaking into the giant's castle,
the wizard animated the giant carved eagle and ordered
it to fly back to his lair deep within the Ermin Wood, car-
rying the massive timepiece in its oaken talons.
'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are trademarks of Wizards of
the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used according to
the terms of the d20 System License version 4.0. A copy of this License
can be found at www.wizards.com/d20.
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All material, other than material already considered Open Gaming
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the Open Gaming License v1.0a. This includes but is not limited to
Critical Hits and all significant characters, names, creatures, spells,
events, plots, logos, trade dress, product names, product lines, places,
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Reproduction of non-Open Game Content from this work by any means
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However, just like a weary racing pigeon, the eagle did
not arrive in the wood; Pereaphron had miscalculated the
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 3 No 4 - EL 2
speed of the eagle and, as the clock lost contact with its
new master, the spell faltered and the eagle returned to
its inanimate state. Now it rests where it fell to earth,
close to the PCs, in a slightly damaged state. The party
starts the encounter as they come close to the clock's
resting place.
Every living thing within 20' of the clock is also teleport-
ed along with the PC.
If the PCs are too altruistic to fall for the jeweled
bait or not curious enough to attempt to touch the clock,
then drastic measures are required to force them into the
encounter. Have them drawn in towards it by an irre-
sistible magnetic force pulling them closer, and closer
until one of them touches the clock. A successful Will
saving throw (DC30) negates the force but at least one
character should fail, transporting all living beings within
20' with him, thereby catching even those that saved.
Suddenly you are alerted to a thin, reedy voice, still
hidden from your view but close by.
"Gyaa! The device is wondrous, it must be worth a
king's fortune - let's steal it away!"
A second voice comes, deep and croaky,
"I agree. Why the wood alone must be worth five or six
hundred platinum, and those gems… If we could carry
the thing we would indeed be rich. But how, by Lolth?
It must be forty feet high!"
There is no answer, and all is now silence.
Having teleported the PCs within the clock, they are
unaware of where they are and know only that they have
been transported.
A successful Listen check (DC13) alerts the PCs to a
deep hum that could be heard for a few seconds during the
conversation. The discussion of value should be enough to
pique the PCs' interest and, should the PCs decide to
investigate the source of these noises, in time they locate
the device. The PCs' may recognize the accents of the
unknown characters to belong to a pair of elves. By the
time they reach the clock, however, the 2 elves are
nowhere to be seen. Instead, they are faced with Jeder
Skyreach's masterwork of time keeping.
In an instant your eyes adjust to the dark surround-
ings. In the gloom you can see a huge shape moving
above your heads. A booming crack sounds from high
up, assaulting your ears and reverberating around the
room you are standing in. Shortly after, another crack
comes, then another. The deafening sound continues.
CRACK! All about you is shrouded in darkness. CRACK!
The air is musty and smells of wood and dust.
CRACK! At your feet you can see rings of green smoke
betraying your teleportation. CRACK! The sound con-
tinues at regular intervals!
Before you stands a giant clock. Carved completely
from oak, it is as tall as a small tree. Its face is ornate-
ly numbered, and sitting proudly atop it is a giant
wooden Eagle. The rough dimensions of the clock are
around 50' tall by 15' deep and 15' wide. The span of
the eagles' wings is 10'. The clock face is fashioned
from a single piece of giant pearl, finely ground into a
paper-thin circular lens. Encrusted into the twelfth
numeral and the eagles' claw is a single, green
emerald. Such a masterpiece must be immensely valu-
able but its presence here is very odd.
You should give the players a chance to explore their
surroundings and let them figure out themselves that
they have teleported inside the clock. In addition to the
shift in space, another shift has taken place. The PCs
have now been shrunk to only ¼ of their height (about
1'6" for 6' tall creatures such as humans or elves and only
6" high for a 2' tall creature, such as a halfling).
However, as far as the PCs are concerned, they are the
same size and everything around them has grown. Thus
spell and weapon ranges, spotting distances, movement
speeds, and any other distance-related rules work as if
the clock had grown. This makes things easier to figure,
rather than recalculating the range or effect of a spell,
the distances are given relative to the characters' adjust-
ed size. Everything in the magical clock now assumes
massive proportions and the aim of the encounter is to
make it out of the clock alive.
Casting Detect Magicreveals a dense field surrounding
the timepiece, yet more concentrated behind the face.
Close inspection of the case reveals thousands of tiny
carved birds all flying up and down the clock. The clock
appears to be emitting a soft humming sound, which seems
to be getting slowly louder.
Any PC touching the clock is instantly transported, in
a shower of green sparks, inside the giant timepiece.
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 3 No 4 - EL 2
A note about the clock
Unlike most grandfather clocks, this one is magical
and therefore has an unusual sequence of clock parts. As
the PCs ascend the clock starting at the base, they will
encounter several levels in the following order:
susceptible to surprise attacks, however, and receive a -5
modifier to their Listen skill checks.
The relative height of the clock is now 200' from top
to base, its width 60'. The base in which the PCs are now
trapped is 60' wide (relative to the party). The wooden
walls are impenetrable to their tiny weapons and rela-
tively weak spells. There are no visible exits in the base,
the only way is up! Climbing the walls is practically
impossible (DC 25) unless a successful Spot check is made
(DC17) in which case claw marks made by the giant Rat
(see below) can help, providing a +6 circumstance bonus
when attempting to climb.
1. Pendulum
2. The pendulum neck (bolts)
3. Gears
4. The spring
5. Time travel vortex
6. Weight
7. The clock face
8. Compass
After their eyes become accustomed to the gloom, the
PCs can examine their surroundings. Torches or lanterns
shed light on the task that lies ahead. The base is all but
empty and fairly featureless. An 8' tall paper box sitting
in the corner of the base area is home to a giant rat. This
vermin is currently asleep and, even if the party is silent,
can only be heard within the open-topped box with a suc-
cessful Listen check (DC15). If the PCs are making much
noise, apply an appropriate modifier to the DC.
Any PCs disturbing the box automatically cause the
rat to stir. It tips the box onto its side and bursts out from
the open top.
Suddenly in a shower of dust, the box wavers and
topples violently onto its side! Bursting forth from the
shower of sawdust and wood shavings bounds the
biggest rat you have ever seen! With a piercing shriek
the huge creature bounds forward, its yellowing teeth
bared and malice in its beady black eyes.
The creature attacks as it has nowhere to run and also
the party presents the opportunity for food!
All the time the PCs are in the clock, the thunderous
sound continues, the ticking of the clock amplified to ter-
rific proportions. The din of the pendulum is so terrible,
any PC not covering their ears in some way automatical-
ly suffers a -2 to all skill checks due to distraction. Elves,
Gnomes, Half-Elves and Halfling PCs get a -4 penalty on
checks due to their more acute hearing. A successful
Concentration check (DC15) prior to a skill check allows a
PC to halve the penalty. A character taking careful pre-
cautions such as stopping up their ears with cloths can
ignore the effects of the ticking. They may also be more
Giant Rat HD 4d8; 18 hp; Initiative -1 (dex,), speed
30ft, AC 14 (-1 size, -1 Dex +6natural), Attacks claws
+6 melee, bite+1 melee, Damage claws 1D8+4
bite1d6+2, Face/reach 5' by 10' by 5', Special Attacks
Improved grab, saves fort+6,ref+0,will +3, Abilities
Str 14, Dex 8, Con 15, Int -, Wis 14, Cha 9, Skills and
feats, hide +5, listen +5, spot +5, CR 2 AL neutral.
If the rat is near death it attempts to escape up the
walls of the clock. With a successful Concentration check
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 3 No 4 - EL 2
Lore check (DC13) to reveal their footprints in the dust.
These footprints peter out beneath the huge swinging
(DC15), the PCs can get a +5 bonus to Spot checks to find
the path taken by the rat up the walls.
By defeating or chasing off the rat, the PCs can
examine the box. Although the nest smells strongly of rat
urine and half eaten food, there are some useful items in
the abandoned box. Within are giant spools of thread and
a giant-sized golden needle (about 6ft long!) it is worth
600gp. This can be used as a long spear (Damage1D8,
Critical x3, 9lb weight, piercing weapon). The thread is
almost inexhaustible, and can be used as a hemp rope
whilst within the clock.
The big shape swinging 25' above the PCs' heads is a
giant pendulum. This is the best option for the PCs to
climb up the clock as it is fashioned from the backbone of
a long-dead creature. The vertebrae allow the PCs to
scale the pendulum much like climbing a ladder.
Like a gargantuan swinging ladder, the pendulum
heaves back and forth. It must be at least 80 feet tall,
vanishing into the inky blackness high overhead. Made
from what must be the polished backbone of a huge
creature, the pendulum thunders out its rhythmic
Hanging on the wall behind the box is a huge parch-
ment. Written in the giant tongue, the message reads as
follows to anyone who can decipher it.
Wherever stands this clock of mine,
Stands a piece of earth and time.
To boldly go back to the past,
Is the eagle's claw at nine to grasp.
To temp fate and break this wonder,
Will shrink and do bad things asunder.
Do not get caught confined in this spot,
For a broken spring will time forever stop.
The PCs must successfully grab the tail vertebra in
order to begin scaling the pendulum. To do this they must
somehow get to within 3' (relative to their height)
beneath the pendulum and then succeed in a standing
Jump skill check (DC15). Remember, the maximum a PC
can jump while standing is 2' plus 1' for every 8 points
above 10 on the check. The use of a jump spell enables a
PC to gain +30 to the skill check.
The clock's mechanism is powered by a magic vortex
that was captured from a miniature world in ages past.
The vortex drives the giant spring of the clock and this
in turn drives the clockwork mechanism (there is no
key required for this device). The mini vortex was
damaged by the fall when Pereaphron's spell failed
and is slowly leaking from its glass container behind
the clock face, causing the shrinking side effects to
occur. The message on the parchment refers to the
carved eagle on the mantle, and warns that should the
clock be malfunctioning (as it is at present), then those
touching it will be shrunk. This unfortunate conse-
quence is a side effect of the leaking magic vortex at
the center of the mechanism.
The party may try standing on each other's shoulders
to reach the swinging vertebrae, requiring a successful
Strength and Balance check at DC15. Alternatively, for
more adventurous PCs, a successful Use Rope check (DC15)
allows the PCs to lasso the tailbone. A successful Climb
check (DC14) then allows any PC to climb the dangling
In order to climb to the top of the pendulum, the PCs
must complete successive Climb skill checks (DC14), trav-
eling one-half the character's speed as a miscellaneous
full-round action. The character can move half that far,
one-fourth of the character's speed, as a miscellaneous
move-equivalent action. Failure at one of these Climb
checks means the character has not advanced at all for
that round, clinging to the grisly swinging pendulum
instead. Remember that characters without adequate ear
protection suffer a penalty to these checks as a result of
the deafening ticking of the clock. Eventually the party
should be able to make their painstaking way to the top
of the spine.
A successful Spot skill check (DC12) reveals two pairs
of charred footprints beneath this label, and a single
faint handprint across the last line of the label's
message. The footprints are those of the other two
"guests" inside the clock - Pereaphron's elven servants,
who the party overheard at the start of the encounter. A
character with the Track feat may attempt a Wilderness
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