d20 Legion Publishing Critical Hits 15 - Beast of Blackwall Canyon.pdf

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Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Greetings traveler and welcome to Critical Hits - a
series of electronic publications from Legion Publishing.
Each Critical Hit is a complete encounter that can be
dropped into any fantasy campaign with very little prepa-
ration needed by the DM. The encounters are little gems
of ideas built around a single situation, person, location,
creature or object that the players stumble across in their
travels. Each Critical Hit provides all the DM needs to use
the encounter. Whether used as a disposable diversion or
the springboard for adventure, Critical Hits give the over-
worked DM a break and the players some memorable
encounters that encourage creative role-playing.
The Beast of Blackwall Canyon fits easily into any
overland wilderness trek, providing a short, violent dis-
traction for your players.
V o l u m e 4 N o 3 - E n c o u n t e r L e v e l 9
Published by
First Published 2003
C R E D I T S &
Written by
Simon Lucas
Robin Elliott & Kirsty Crabb
Robin Elliott
Arriving at the foot of a mighty mountain range, the
last stop is a small temple to the Lady Agatha, Guardian
of Travelers. The priests of the Lady Agatha organize car-
avans to travel through the treacherous Blackwall Canyon
- the quickest and safest route through the mountain
range. It is several days' journey through the narrow file
and something sinister lies in it; something that preys on
travelers. Large groups can usually fight off attack, but
before the priests of the Lady Agatha opened their
temple, few survived the journey through Blackwall
Canyon. Can the party defend the caravan and make their
way through the dark passage in the mountains, or will
the mysterious 'Angels' of Blackwall claim yet more souls?
Text inside a border should be read aloud to the players
(unless you have modified the setting, in which case
you're on your own!).
Kirsty Crabb
Typesetting and graphic design by Wildstar Digital Arts
Contact - info@wildstardigitalarts.co.uk
Author courtesy of Snake Eyes Studio
Contact - info@snakeeyesstudio.co.uk
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A week on the trail is a hard journey in this terrain
and climate. As the countryside became more arid,
you had to tighten your belts and start to conserve
both rations and water. After four days of nothing
but the barest minimum required to survive, even
hardened adventurers like yourselves are beginning to
weaken. So the wisp of smoke rising far ahead is a
welcome sight; some kind of civilization at last!
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 4 No 3 - EL 9
In the middle of the day, the temperature hits 95°, so
heat becomes a problem. Characters moving in the midday
heat must make a Fortitude saving throw each hour (DC
15, +1 for each previous check) or sustain 1d4 points of
subdual damage. Characters wearing heavy clothing or
armor of any sort have a -4 penalty to their saves. If ren-
dered unconscious through the accumulation of subdual
damage, the character begins to take normal damage at
the same rate.
In the main hall of the temple, the smell of hot
cooked food tempts your nostrils. It seems an age
since you last ate well. All around the room sit groups
of travelers, a motley crew, all wearing the same
simple gray robes that you have been given. The meal
is served and accompanied with copious quantities of
fortified red wine; a specialty of the monks. After
the meal, the groups break up and start to mingle
around the room. The mood in the dining room
becomes jolly as tales from the road are swapped
over many cups of wine.
A character with Wilderness Lore can make a check
(DC15) to gain +2 on all Fortitude saves against the heat
while moving up to one-half the character's overland
speed, or gain +4 if stationary. The character may grant
the same bonus to one other character for every 1 point
by which the check result exceeds 15.
Ashu: Male Human Ftr3; Medium Humanoid ; HD 3d10+6
(Fighter); hp 30; Init +1; Spd 30; AC 13; Atk +7 base
melee, +4 base ranged; +9 (1d8+4, Longsword,
Masterwork); +5 (1d8, Longbow, Masterwork); AL N; SV
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; STR 18, DEX 12, CON 14,
INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 9.
Weapons: Longsword, Masterwork; Longbow, Masterwork.
Armor: Leather.
Climb+10, Handle Animal+5, Hide+4, Ride+7, Use
Rope+3, Wilderness Lore+1.
Expertise, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Toughness,
Weapon Focus: Longsword.
As you approach the small stone building, you notice
the simple construction of the building belies the
pleasing layout. As you gaze upon the long, low main
structure and the several smaller out-buildings, you
feel the weariness lift from you and are soothed by
the way every part of the outpost complements the
others. Several figures in long gray robes move
between the various buildings. As you come nearer,
one figure - an ageing man with a long white beard -
notices your approach, shading his eyes with one hand
he walks toward you with the other outstretched in
Typical Caravan Guard (5): Male Human War1; Medium
Humanoid ; HD 1d8 (Warrior); hp 11; Init -1; Spd 30; AC
11; Atk +3 base melee, +0 base ranged; +3 (1d8+2,
Longsword); AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref -1, Will -1; STR 14,
DEX 9, CON 10, INT 15, WIS 8, CHA 13
Weapons: Longsword.
Armor: Leather.
Bluff+3, Climb+4, Gather Information+2, Handle
Animal+5, Hide+1, Ride+3.
Quick Draw, Toughness.
The priests of the order of the Lady Agatha are peace-
loving and friendly. They make their money transporting
travelers to and from through the difficult places in the
realms. The temple is surrounded by small fields which the
priests work hard to maintain using water generating
spells to keep the land arable. They buy the weakened
animals that most travelers arrive with and fatten them
up ready for sale to the next group that passes through.
With the fee for passage through the Canyon, the money
made on the sale of animals and the silver charms of the
Lady Agatha they try to sell to all who pass, the priests
make a comfortable living. The money is all transported to
the birthplace of the order, but the temple is clean and
Typical Passenger (number varies): Male Human Ari1;
Medium Humanoid ; HD 1d8+3 (Aristocrat); hp 8; Init
+1; Spd 30; AC 11; Atk +0 base melee, +1 base
ranged; AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3; STR 11,
DEX 12, CON 16, INT 17, WIS 8, CHA 17
The characters are led into the main building where
they are offered cells (bare rooms with a rolled mattress
on the floor) and invited to refresh themselves before the
evening meal.
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 4 No 3 - EL 9
Appraise+7, Bluff+7, Diplomacy+7, Gather
Information+7, Knowledge (Politics)+7, Listen+1,
Alertness, Iron Will.
can about those who have volunteered to guard the
convoy on its perilous journey.
Shortly before dawn breaks, the sounds of the caravan
wake you. The clatter of packages being loaded onto
wagons mingles with the sounds of disgruntled animals
being organized into teams and hitched. As you start
to gather your belongings you hear the sounds of the
other travelers beginning to stir.
During the meal a venerable, wise-looking priest circu-
lates, speaking to each traveler or group in turn.
For a donation to the temple, allowing the priests to
continue their good work, a traveler can join the next
caravan. Those particularly able to defend the caravans
are offered free passage in return for their services.
Until the next group is ready to leave, those waiting at
the temple are able to enjoy the free hospitality of the
There are thirty people in the caravan in all (includ-
ing the PCs). Six guards, six priests, the player characters
and sufficient passengers to make the numbers up to
thirty. Keep track of how many people survive each day
as there is a limit to the amount of food and water every-
one can consume.
Priests of the Lady Agatha (6): Male Human Adp2;
Medium Humanoid ; HD 2d6 (Adept); hp 12; Init +2;
Spd 30; AC 12; Atk +3 base melee, +3 base ranged;
+3 (1d6+3, Quarterstaff); AL LG; SV Fort +0, Ref
+2, Will +4; STR 14, DEX 15, CON 11, INT 15, WIS 12,
CHA 14.
Weapons: Quarterstaff.
Climb+3, Diplomacy+3, Handle Animal+5, Knowledge
(arcana)+4, Knowledge (Navigation)+3, Knowledge
(religion)+4, Use Rope+4, Wilderness Lore+6.
Endurance, Toughness.
"I am Myarna, abbot of this temple. We have been
blessed by your presence and we invite you to accom-
pany our next caravan through Blackwall Canyon,
which leaves at sunrise." A ragged round of applause
ripples around the room. Myarna waits until the noise
dies down before continuing, "I know that some of
you have been here at the Temple of Our Lady for
many days; some of you for only a few hours. Those
of you not yet ready to travel are welcome to remain
here until prepared to leave. For those among you
happy to leave with the caravan tomorrow, the fee to
journey with us is 15gp. Any additional donation to
the work of the priests here that you wish to make
will, of course, be gratefully received."
Spells Known (Adp 3/2): 0 - Create Water, Cure Minor
Wounds, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Guidance, Light,
Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic; 1st - Bless,
Burning Hands, Cause Fear, Command, Comprehend
Languages, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Chaos, Detect Evil,
Detect Good, Detect Law, Endure Elements, Obscuring
Mist, Protection from Chaos, Protection from Evil,
Protection from Good, Protection from Law, Sleep
Spells Prepared (Adp 3/2): 0 - Create Water, Cure Minor
Wounds x2; 1st - Bless, Cure Light Wounds
However, if the characters are reluctant to pay, there
is a way to avoid the costs and still benefit from the pro-
tection of the caravan.
"If any of you have special gifts to offer that may help
ease the passage of the caravan on this difficult
journey, please make yourselves known to one of the
brothers so we can discuss our requirements and your
suitability for the task. For individuals able and
willing to act as the guardians of this caravan in the
name of Our Lady Agatha, the fee is waived and you
travel with our thanks and Our Lady's blessing."
As the first rays of the sun spread over the landscape
the four covered wagons creak into motion as the
caravan starts out, single file on its trek through the
mountains. Four mounted travelers take up their posi-
tions; two out in front, two more bringing up the rear.
The fighter Ashu has been put in charge of the
defense of the caravan and busies himself finding all he
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 4 No 3 - EL 9
In the center of the caravan, after the first two
wagons, are the pack animals, riding ponies and other
beasts, tethered together to prevent straying.
Following behind the second two covered wagons is a
pair of open-top wagons carrying food and water for
the beasts and travelers for the journey.
Mishap Chart
Nothing Happens
Animal Mayhem
Natural Disaster
Slow Progress
Guard Trouble
The players must take up the positions Ashu has
assigned them in the caravan. If they have mounts, they
are free to ride; otherwise, they are on foot. If the
players have plenty of cash to spare, of course, they can
ride in the covered wagons. If this is the case, it is rec-
ommended that some tragedy befalls the wagon in which
the party is traveling so that they are forced to walk and
thereby take a more active part in the dangers yet to
come in the encounter.
Wagon Mishap
Nothing Happens
Unless you are an evil DM who wants to make life hard
for his players (in which case pick a different result), this
half day is uneventful; the PCs should be grateful.
Guard Trouble
The travelers selected to guard the caravan on the
journey are, for the most part, adventurers. As such they
have big egos which are easily bruised. On the trail with
strangers, noses are easily put out of joint. Maybe one of
the players is taunted for the shabbiness of his weapon.
Perhaps two NPC guards drop the shields and start brawl-
ing over some perceived sleight. Whatever the cause, ten-
sions are raised somewhat. If things aren't smoothed over,
this event happens every half day in addition to whatev-
er you roll on the mishap table. The injured parties blame
all other mishaps on each other.
Women, children, the elderly and those travelers
wealthy enough to pay the fee have seats in the
covered wagons. All the other adventurers march
follow alongside or behind. As the sun begins its climb
across the clear sky, the temple fades into the dis-
tance and the mountains loom threateningly ahead.
The caravan covers 16 miles per day and so it should
take 9 days to get through the canyon. At this speed the
first day's travel brings the caravan to the entrance to
the Canyon. Traveling in these conditions forces all char-
acters not riding in the luxury of the covered wagons to
make checks against the heat as described above. Anyone
succumbing to the heat is placed under the shelter of the
wagons and given small quantities of water until they
cool off. After the first day, the sun is blocked from view
and the party spends the rest of the encounter in the
chilly shade of the Canyon.
Animal Mayhem
The animals in the center of the caravan get spooked
and slip their tethers. The PCs and other guards must
attempt to round up the creatures before any of them
escape. There in excess of 20 beasts and each requires a
successful Handle Animal roll (DC15). An untrained char-
acter can use a Charisma check to handle and push
animals. Five priests also come to help, each with 5 ranks
in Handle Animal. If the guards and priests fail to contain
and calm the animals, the owner of one of the missing
beasts (perhaps a wealthy merchant riding in the comfort
of the covered wagons) takes great offense and holds the
PCs personally responsible. This results in greater tension
and opportunities for amusing role-playing as the mer-
chant inflates the value of the missing animals in hope of
an offer of compensation.
However, heat is not the only difficulty the characters
must face. In normal climates such as that experienced in
the canyon itself, medium-size characters need at least a
gallon of fluids and about a pound of decent food per day
to avoid starvation (small characters need half as much).
In the very hot climate experienced the first day, char-
acters need two or three times as much water to avoid
Each day of the journey is split into two halves: the
morning and the afternoon. For each half day of the
journey, the sections below give a text box to read to the
players. In addition, roll once on the Mishap Chart below
to spice the journey up a little.
Natural Disaster
If this happens before the caravan reaches the
canyon, it is a violent dust storm that kicks up suddenly
which reduces visibility to only a few feet and lasts for
hours. When it dies down again ones of the guards is
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