d20 Pinnacle Entertainment Group Hostile Climes - The Depths of Despair.pdf

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Hostile Climes:
The Depths of
By Matt Forbeck
and Aaron Acevedo
By Matt Forbeck
and Aaron Acevedo
Cover by a’lis
Cover by a’lis
Interior Illustrations by Chad Sergesketter
Interior Illustrations by Chad Sergesketter
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Written and Designed by: Matt Forbeck and Aaron Acevedo
Editing: Shane Lacy Hensley
Layout: Matt Forbeck and Aaron Acevedo
Cover Art: a’lis
Cover Design: Zeke Sparkes (www.eclipsestudios.com)
Interior Art: Chad Sergesketter
Interior Graphic Design: Matt Forbeck and a’lis
Cartography: Aaron Acevedo
Playtesting and Advice: John R. Hopler, David Ross, Joe and Jackie Unger
Special Thanks to: Peter Adkison, Dave Arneson, Mario Lee Bansen III, Monte Cook, Zeb Cook,
Ryan Dancey, Ann and Marty Forbeck, E. Gary Gygax, Michelle, Caden, and Ronan Hensley,
Jonathan Tweet, and Skip Williams.
Hostile Climes series conceived by Shane Lacy Hensley.
Dedicated to: Glenn McCormick, the captain of the Mistress, one of the finest ships in the world.
Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 10908
Blacksburg, VA 24062-0908
Open Game License Information
“d20 System” and the “d20 System” logo are
trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used
according to the terms of the d20 System License version
1.0. A copy of this license can be found at
www.wizards.com. Dungeons & Dragons ® and Wizards of
the Coast ® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast, and are used with permission.
This book is published under the Open Game License
(see page 126).
This product requires the use of the Dungeons &
Dragons ® Player’s Handbook, Third Edition, published by
Wizards of the Coast.
Designation of Product Identity: All material other
than game rules already considered Open Gaming
Content is considered Product Identity as described in
Section I(e) of the Open Game License v. 1.0. This includes
but is not limited to Hostile Climes and all significant
characters, names, creatures, spells, events, plots, logos,
trade dress, product names, product lines, places, items,
art, and text. These are also ©2002 Pinnacle Entertainment
Group. All Rights Reserved, except where otherwise
noted. The use of another company’s trademark should
not be construed as a challenge to that trademark.
Reproduction of non-Open Game Content from this work
by any means, without the express written consent of
Pinnacle Entertainment Group is prohibited.
Visit Pinnacle’s
Weird Website
Proudly Printed in the USA
Hostile Climes, Deadlands, Weird Wars, Weird West,
Pinnacle Entertainment Group, the Pinnacle logo, the
Pinnacle star, and all related characters and elements are
trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Full Moon Enterprises and its logo are trademarks of
Full Moon Enterprises, Inc.: www.fullmoonent.com.
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The Environs .................................................... 25
Food and Water .............................................. 30
Guests ................................................................ 30
The Price of Security ...................................... 32
The Law ............................................................ 33
The Community .............................................. 34
Hostile Climes: ........................... 1
Chapter Four:
Denizens of
the Depths .................................59
Introductions ................................................... 59
Major Characters ............................................ 60
Depths of Despair ................. 1
By Matt Forbeck
and Aaron Acevedo ..................................... 1
Credits ................................................. 2
Contents ..............................................3
Chapter Five:
Down into
the Depths ..................................71
Welcome to Adventure! ................................. 71
No Players Allowed! ...................................... 71
An Overview .................................................. 72
The Setup ......................................................... 73
The Nautilacrum ............................................. 74
Tailoring the Adventure ................................ 76
Beneath the Depths ........................................ 77
The Aftermath ................................................. 90
Chapter One:
Plumbing the Depths of
Despair ..............................................5
Welcome ........................................................... 10
Using this Book ............................................... 11
Chapter Two:
The Tale of
the Depths ..................................13
Using the Depths of Despair ........................ 14
The Triton-Sahuagin War ............................. 14
Down in the Depths ....................................... 16
To Reap the Whirlpool ................................... 17
Chapter Six: Delights of
the Depths .................................93
Playing the Monsters ...................................... 93
Prestige Class ............................................... 99
New Feats ....................................................... 102
New Equipment ............................................ 103
New Weapons ............................................... 104
New Magic Items .......................................... 105
New Creatures .............................................. 110
Combat Underwater .................................... 118
Chapter Three:
The City at the Bottom
of the Sea ................................23
Welcome to the Depths of Despair .............. 23
The Whirlpool .................................................. 23
Weather ............................................................ 25
Index ...................................................124
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