d20 RPGHQ Publishing Advanced Prestige Class - Night Hunter.pdf

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Night Hunter
Advanced/Prestige Class
By Ron Felice
There's never a priest around when
you need one and even when they are
they're highly unreliable. If their faith isn't
strong enough you end up overrun by the
vilest of creatures. Then there's the issue of
dealing with the church bureaucracy just to
get the job done. If only there was
someone who was reliable and just as
ruthless as the creatures they battle.
Finally there is. Enter the Night
Hunter. This single-minded individual is
not bogged down with issues of morality.
Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to
make an omelet and the Night Hunter is
willing to do just that. The Night Hunter is
an expert tracker and has an almost sixth
sense when it comes to the creatures of the
night. The other key to the Night Hunter's
success is his versatility with weapons.
Regardless of what the situation is the
Night Hunter has the tool for the job and
knows how to use
something was amiss as soon as he arrived
home. The gate to the estate was thrown
open and the guards lay on the ground,
their throats rent, bodies all but floating in
Adrenaline coursed through his
body dissipating the alcohol that had
clouded his head. Bloody track s headed
toward the estate. Forgetting his horse he
pursued on foot. Further evidence that
something had gone afield presented itself
halfway to the manor. The guard dogs,
Hercules and Achilles, or what was left of
them lay strewn across the path to the
home. Panic and fear caused a roiling in his
gut. Upon reaching the home he
discovered the door ripped fully from its
hinges laying upon the
Profile of The Night Hunter
Although he was noble born Delrani
Charneuse was never content with his
station. He was the son of a baron and
stood to inherit the largest estate in the
land. Something happened, however, that
would change his life forever. He was late
coming home that night, having spent it as
errant noble youths often do, drinking and
carousing. The company of good friends, a
cold ale and a hot wench are far more
appealing than one's own bed. Despite his
intoxicated state it became clear that
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porch. Claw marks, as those of a wolf,
scarred the surface. The butler's head lay
just inside the doorway some three yards
from the body. This was almost more than
the young patrician could bear. However,
he pressed on as thoughts of his family
raced through his mind. His father's robe
tattered and bloodied was his next
discovery. He grabbed the robe and raced
up the stairs that led to his parents'
bedroom. Just outside the door lay his
father, a knife in one hand the shriveled
remains of a once human hand in the
other. His eyes, wide and lifeless, spoke to
the horror he had witnessed. Whatever
had happened here is father certainly did
not go quietly. Delrani pried the knife
from his father's hand and went into the
bedroom. Snarling could be heard coming
from somewhere deep in the darkness. He
grabbed an oil lamp from the hall and
continued. Blood smeared on the
bathroom door was an ominous portent of
what lay ahead. The lamp cast a long
shadow of a creature wolf like, but
impossibly large. Just a trick of the light he
was certain. He approached cautiously and
rounded the bed. The horror was worse
than his imagination ever could conjure. A
large wolf stood over his mother, its front
paws grasping her shoulders taking bites
out of her chest. Without a second
thought he lunged forward plunging the
knife into the creatures back. The creature
howled and dropped the woman, spinning
to face its attacker. Delrani lost his grip on
the knife and it remained lodged in the
creature. Looking past the wolf-thing he
saw his mother laying on the bathroom
floor a crimson pool forming around her.
He glared at the creature, which snarled at
him then lunged. Delrani grabbed a slashing
claw with one hand and the creature's
throat with the other. The creature tried to
wriggle free, but he only squeezed tighter.
He could feel the bone in the things neck
snap, but he continued to apply pressure.
The creature's body went limp and it
wasn't until it had transformed into a
human that Delrani realized that he had
killed the werewolf. He raced to his
mother's side and cradled her head in his
arms. Her eyes flitted open and locked
with his. With her dying breath she uttered
only two words, "Avenge me."
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Feat: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency, Martial Weapon
Proficiency or Archaic Weapons
Proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency,
Advanced Firearms Proficiency
Class Information
Hit Die: 1d10
Action Points: 6 + one-half character
level, rounded down, every time the
character attains a new level in this class .
Class Skills: Climb (Str), Concentration
(Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Hide
(Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge
(geography) (Int), Knowledge (undead)
(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex),
Profession (Wis), Ride*(Dex), Search
(Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim
(Str), and Use Rope (Dex)
*Replace Ride with Drive for d20 Modern
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int
Class Features
The following features pertain to the Night
Hunter advanced class.
Sense Undead/Lycanthrope
At 1st level the Night Hunter gains the
ability to detect the presence of undead
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and lycanthropic creatures. The Night
Hunter can detect merely the presence of
the creature (DC15 – wis mod), the
number of creatures (DC20 – wis mod)
and strength and location of creatures
(DC25 – wis mod). This ability is limited
to a 50 ft range.
Table: The Night Hunter
AC or
Attack Bonus
1 st
Sense Undead/Lycanthrope
2 nd
Uncanny Dodge
3 rd
Improved Track
4 th
Improved Reaction
5 th
Adrenaline Rush
6 th
Improved Iron Will
7 th
Improved Endurance
8 th
Uncanny Critical
9 th
Dominate Undead/Lycanthrope
10 th
Instill Fear
Evasion, darkvision, uncanny dodge
At 2nd level the Night Hunter gains
evasion. If exposed to any effect that
normally allows her to attempt a Reflex
saving throw for half damage, she takes no
damage with a successful saving throw. The
evasion ability can only be used if the
Night Hunter is wearing light armor or no
armor. Because of the amount of time an
Night Hunter spends tracking creatures in
the night she can see in the dark as though
she were permanently under the effect of a
darkvision spell.
Additionally, she gains uncanny dodge
through which, she retains her Dexterity
bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being
caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible
attacker. (She still loses any Dexterity
bonus to AC if immobilized.) If a character
gains uncanny dodge from a second class,
the character automatically gains improved
uncanny dodge.
At 3rd level the Night Hunter becomes
more proficient at tracking, giving her a
+5 on survival checks.
Improved Reaction
At 4thlevel the Night Hunter gains a +2
competence bonus on initiative checks.
This ability stacks.
Adrenaline Rush
At 5th level the Night Hunter can
temporarily increase one of his or her
physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity,
or Constitution). The Night Hunter gets to
increase the selected ability score by
1d6+1 points. The increase lasts for a
number of rounds equal to his or her class
level. At the end of the duration, the
Night Hunter is fatigued for 1d4+1
Improved Iron Will
At 6th level the Night Hunter gains a +4
bonus to all Will Saving throws.
Improved Track
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Improved Endurance
As the Endurance feat except that the
bonus is +6
Uncanny Critical
At 8th level the Night Hunter gains the
ability to pinpoint the weak spot of any
undead or lycanthropic creature. This
results in a critical hit range of 19-20 on
any of these creatures, whether or not they
are normally immune to critical hits.
Dominate Undead/Lycanthrope
At 9th level, the Night Hunter gains the
ability, through sheer force of will, to
control the actions of any undead or
Lycanthropic creature as though a
telepathic link existed, you can
communicate only basic commands, such
as “Come here,” “Go there,” “Fight,” and
“Stand still.”
Instill Fear
At 10th level, the Night Hunter has
become so proficient at terminating the
undead and lycanthropes that none of
lesser strength will oppose her they will run
at double speed away from the Night
Hunter ignoring any thing in their path for
a number of rounds equal to their level. If
the way is blocked they will cower in fear
offering the Night Hunter the opportunity
for a coup de grace. Those the same level
as the Night Hunter may attempt a will
save (DC25) to avoid this effect. Those of
higher level may attempt a will save
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